
Morality died in our time, so let your loyalty weep long

صح من دهرنا وفاة الحياء

1. Morality died in our time, so let your loyalty weep long
And build with the patience you made a home of weeping loyalty

١. صحَّ من دهرِنا وفاةُ الحَياءِ
فليَطُلْ منكما بُكَاءُ الوَفاءِ

2. We made tears pouring and halting despicable
And assumed they were like vapor

٢. ولْيَبن ما عقدتُماه من الصبـ
ـرِ بأَن تَحْلُلا وِكَاءَ البُكَاءِ

3. And grant sleep to every one crying out
"Who will lend the worries away, even for a fee?"

٣. وأَهِيَنا الدُّمُوعَ سَكْباً وعَطْلاً
وهَبا أَنهن مِثْلُ الهَباءِ

4. My eyes are not yours, experiencing any burden
Of my troubles, no.

٤. وامْنحا النَّوْمَ كلَّ صبٍّ ينادي
من يُعيرُ الكَرَى ولَوْ بالكِرَاءِ

5. Time cast me with sorrows that silenced
the tongues of all orators about it

٥. ليست العينُ منكما لي بِعَيْنٍ
أَو تعاني حَمْلاً لبَعْضِ عنَائي

6. And afflicted me with what I was consoled by
For my steadfastness to it and beauty of my consolation

٦. قد رماني الزَّمانُ منه بخطبٍ
أُفْحِمَتْ عنه أَلْسُنُ الخُطَباءِ

7. It made the singing appear to my hearing as wailing
And wailing appear to me like singing

٧. ودهاني بما أُعزَّى فيه
عن ثباتِي له وحُسْنِ عَزائي

8. It showed me my elegant condition has clearly declined
In my eyes of its radiance

٨. صار منه يرى الغِنَاءَ نُواحاً
مسْمَعِي والنواحَ مِثْلَ الغِنَاءِ

9. And destined for me by the length of my life my sobbing
Since it destined the loss of my hopes for me

٩. وأَرَانِي حَالِي الأَنِيقةَ قد قلَّ
بعينيَّ ما بها من بهاءِ

10. The steeds of worries settled in my heart
Having no shame for staying overlong

١٠. وقضى لي بطولِ عُمْري نَحيبي
مذ قَضى نَحْبَه لديَّ رجائي

11. Then they refused to leave my abode
And my courtyard, save after my demise

١١. وأَناخت ركائبُ الهمِّ في قَلْـ
ـبي ولم تَحْتَشِمْ لطول الثَّواءِ

12. They came upon a spring pouring from the eye
And a fire kindling in the entrails

١٢. ثم آلت أَلاَّ تُفارِقَ رَبْعِي
وفِنائي إِلا عقِيبَ فَنائِي

13. Thousands, if they left it, its eyelid
Would water the ground with bloody rain

١٣. صادَفَتْ منهلاً يَصُبُّ من العين
وناراً تُشبُّ في الأَحْشَاءِ

14. And if it complains of the absence of joy
Then what might it say of blessings!

١٤. وأَلُوفاً لو فارقتْه لأَرْوَى
جفْنُه الأَرضَ من سماءِ الدِّماءِ

15. What excuse is there for our time, when it stained me
With an affliction that pained my thoughts

١٥. وإِذا كان يشتكي فُرْقَةَ البَلْ
وى فماذا يقولُ في النَّعْمَاءِ

16. And showed me tribulation that befell me from it
That if it slipped away, would remove my tribulation

١٦. أَيُّ عذرٍ لدهرنا إِذْ دَهَاني
بِمُصَابٍ أَلَمَّ فِيهِ دَهَائِي

17. She who was my existence and my existence her
And she from whose affections were my affections

١٧. وأَرانِي البلاءَ قد حلَّ منه
بالَّتي لو تَزَلْ تُزِيلُ بلائي

18. I had become certain, since she was a source for me
That I was prolific in excelling talents

١٨. والتي بعضُ جُودِها لِي وُجُودِي
والتي من حِبائِها حَوْبَائِي

19. One is excused by people when she is a mother to him
If he transgresses against fathers

١٩. قَدْ تَيقَّنْتُ مُذُ غَدَتْ لِيَ أَصلاً
أَنَّني مُثْمِرٌ فُنَونَ العلاءِ

20. They see right that children are attributed
Not to men, but to women

٢٠. يعذُر الناس من تكونُ له أُمّاً
إِذا ما ازْدَهَى على الآباءِ

21. She who presented for her good deeds
Requiring the planting of hope's seeds

٢١. ويَرَوْنَ الصوابَ أَن تنسب الأَو
لادُ لا للرجال بلْ للنِّساءِ

22. She wearied the scribe of the right hand, so how much
He neglected to record, exhausted of strength

٢٢. هي من قدّمت لهَا حسناتٍ
تقتضي غَرْسَها رجاءَ الحِباءِ

23. Spending a lifetime acquiring rewards
For an outcome, not seeking glory's spread

٢٣. أَتعبتْ كاتِبَ اليمينِ فكم أَغْـ
ـفَل إِثْبَاتَها من الإِعْيَاءِ

24. She saw the buyer of excellence as cheap
Even if it were at the greatest prices

٢٤. تُنْفِقُ العُمْر في اكتسابِ ثوابٍ
لمآبٍ لا لاقْتِنَاءِ ثناءِ

25. She left behind conversations that would suffice one
From publishing volumes of song

٢٥. وترى مُشْتَري العلاءِ رخيصاً
ولَو أَنَّ العُلا بأَغلى الغلاءِ

26. With piety and intelligence in decency
And generosity along with munificence

٢٦. ولقد خلَّفت أَحاديثَ تُغْني الـ
ـأَنْفَ عن نَشْرِ رَوضةٍ غنَّاءِ

27. How often I wished nearing of death for a time
Yearning for concealment and hiding

٢٧. خَفَرٌ مع ديانةٍ وذكاءٌ
في زاكةٍ وعفةٌ مَعْ سخاءِ

28. She wanted the veil of earth - would that I knew
Who called the earth to such richness!

٢٨. كم تمنت قُرْبَ المنيةِ دَهْراً
رغبة في الخباءِ والإِختباءِ

29. My knowledge of the excellence it held
Concluded for me spreading the excuse of destiny

٢٩. وأَرادت حجبَ الثَّرى ليتَ شِعْرِي
مَنْ دَعَا للثَّرى بهذَا الثَّرَاءِ

30. Except I cannot dismiss the emotion
Nor resign from my confusion

٣٠. إِن عِلمِي بِمَا حوَتهُ من المجْـ
ـدِ قَضَى لِي بِبَسْطِ عُذْرِ القَضاءِ

31. If composure refused the heart
It declined excellence upon my refusal

٣١. غيرَ أَنِّي لا أَستقِل من الوَجْـ
ـدِ ولاَ أَسْتَقِيلُ مِنْ بُرَحائي

32. When the steeds of my tears slowed
My moan urged them on, importunate

٣٢. وإِذا أَعْرَضَ التصبُّرُ للقلـ
ـب أَبَى منَّةً عليَّ إِبَائِي

33. Would that they had with death restored my life
When I did not restore it with any of my remainder

٣٣. وإِذا أَبْطأَتْ ركائُب دمْعِي
فأَنيني في حَثِّها كالْحُداءِ

34. I had hoped to spend my wealth upon her
Yet my tears for her became like redemption

٣٤. ليتَها بالوَفاةِ أَعْدَتْ حَيَاتِي
حينَ لمْ أُعْدِها بِنزْرَ بَقَائِي

35. O she within my heart! My soul yearns
For you, O long sorrow and trouble of mine

٣٥. كنتُ أَرجُو إِنفَاقَ مالِي عليْها
فغَدتْ أَدْمُعِي لها كالفِدَاءِ

36. Would that I knew if you know, my daughter
Among all people is scant of quenching

٣٦. لهْف نفسي عليكِ يا مَا بقلبي
منكِ يا طُولَ حسْرَتِي وعَنائِي

37. Moaning and crying constantly, diseased and grieved
And a sick sense of justice, evil tidings

٣٧. ليتَ شِعْرِي هل تعلمينَ بأَنَّ ابـ
ـنَكِ بينَ الورَى قليلُ الرُّوَاءِ

38. A heart not quieted from it by frowning or smiling
Distracted by grave concerns, devoid of joy

٣٨. ذو نحيبٍ قاضٍ وحُزْنٍ غَريمٍ
وسَقَام عَدْلٍ وبِشْر مُرَائِي

39. Ever pouring bloody tears remembering a pure
Grace though I summoned the Pleiades in my elegy

٣٩. وفؤادٍ ما بيْن هَاءٍ وميم
لم يَكُفَّا عنهُ بمِيمٍ وهَاءِ

40. So among the dead he is truly counted
And metaphorically reckoned among the living

٤٠. شغلت قلبَه همومٌ عظامٌ
وخَلاَ سرُّه من السَّرَّاءِ

41. Patience swore an oath to the heart
That there is no meeting until the meeting

٤١. ليس ينفكُّ ساكباً عبرةً حمـ
ـراءَ في ذكرِ مِنَّةٍ بيْضاءِ

42. So I believed that what had rusted in the breast
What of it remained from burnishing

٤٢. فهْوَ في الميِّتين يُحْسَبَ حَقّاً
وَمَجازاً يُعَدُّ في الأَحْيَاءَ

43. I was tormented between ample despair
And narrow hope of hopes

٤٣. حلفَ الصبْرُ للفؤادِ يميناً
أَنَّهُ لاَ لِقاءَ حتَّى اللِّقاءِ

44. My evenings are my mornings
And my mornings are my darkened evenings

٤٤. فَتَحَقَّتْتُ أَنَّ مَا أَصْدَأَ الصـ
ـد من القلبِ مالَهُ مِن جِلاءِ

45. My friend for his abandonment is as my enemy
And my enemy has become of my friends

٤٥. وتعذَّبتُ بينَ يأْسٍ فَسِيحٍ
ورَجَاءٍ مُضَيقِ الأَرْجَاءِ

46. All who are devoid of bliss know
The inevitable meeting with misery

٤٦. فمسائِي من السُّهَادِ صَباحي
وصبَاحي من السَّوَادِ مَسَائِي

47. I was in a garden and expelled from it
As the Giver reclaimed His gift

٤٧. وصدِيقي لِعذْلهِ كعَدُوِّي
وَعَدُوِّي قد صار مِن أَصدقائي

48. Do you see me having obeyed Satan
In the eating with Adam and Eve?

٤٨. كلُّ مَنْ فارق النَّعيم عليمٌ
أَن لاَبُدّ مِنْ لِقَاءِ الشَّقاءِ

49. Nothing but silence and unwilling patience
In matters that exhausted the minds of sages

٤٩. كنتُ في جنةٍ فأُخرجتُ منها
واستعادَ العطاءَ ربُّ العَطاءِ

50. My anger at fate is ignorance
It is like me, struck by calamities

٥٠. أَتُرَاني أَطعتُ إِبليسَ في الأَكْ
لَةِ معَ آدمٍ ومعْ حواءِ

51. Time has afflicted it since her loss
With little splendor or illumination

٥١. ليسَ إِلاَّ السكوتُ والصبْرُ كُرْهاً
في أُمورٍ أَعْيَتْ علَى العُقَلاءِ

52. You are to me more majestic than any composition
Even if I gathered the Pleiades in my elegy

٥٢. إِنَّ غَيْظِي عَلَى الزمانِ لَجَهْلٌ
هُوَ مثلِي يُصابُ بالأَزْرَاءِ

53. In my conscience is what my poetry cannot expose
No, even if I were the most eloquent poet

٥٣. قد دَهَاهُ من فقدِها ما غَدا منه
قليلَ البهَا قليلَ الضِّياءِ

54. What excuse for leaving myself when my eyes
Oh how ugly my harshness and aloofness!

٥٤. أَنتِ عِنْدِي أَجَلُّ مِنْ كُلِّ تأَبيـ
ـنٍ ولو صُغْتُ بالثُّريَّا رثائي

55. If I call your grave in yearning
Then by my right do not disappoint my call

٥٥. في ضَمِيري ما ليسَ يُبْرِزُ شِعْري
لا ولو كنتُ أَشْعَر الشُّعَراءِ

56. Does the grave realize what it contains
And hides of that brilliance and radiance?

٥٦. أَيّ عُذْرٍ في تركِ نفسي وقدْ عَيَّـ
ـتْ أَيَا قُبْح قَسْوَتِي وجَفَائِي

57. For so long the dazzling light appeared from it
And I saw only frowning in my frowns

٥٧. وإِذا ما دعوتُ قبرَكِ شوقاً
فبحقِّي أَلاَّ تُخيبي نِدَائي

58. So keep safe O tomb the full moon
For whom you became as if the sky

٥٨. هل دَرَى القبرُ ما حُواهُ وما أَخـ
ـفاهُ من ذلِكَ السَّنى والسَّنَاءِ

59. And be gentle with her, for you bestow
A complete blessing to the Most High

٥٩. فلكمْ شَفَّ باهرُ النورِ منْهُ
فرأَيتُ الإِغضاءَ في إِغْضَائِي

60. To me, for what you held of purity
You match a mosque in Quba

٦٠. فاحتفظْ أَيُّهَا الضريحُ ببدر
صرتَ من أَجْلهِ كمثلِ السَّمَاءِ

61. For you are my pilgrimage, estrangement
And for she in you are my praise, eulogy and prayers

٦١. وترفَّقْ بهِ فإِنكَ تُسْدِي
مِنَّةً جَمَّةً إِلَى الْعَلْياءِ

62. And greetings from me, for Him is hostility with hostility
Yet from Him is seen the killing of the arrogant

٦٢. أَنتَ عنْدِي لما حويتَ من الطُّهْـ
ـرِ يُحَاكيكَ مسجدٌ بِقُبَاءِ

63. Remember me on the Day of Resurrection, O mother
Lest I be counted among the wretched

٦٣. لَكَ حَجِّي وهِجْرتي ولمنْ فيـ
ـكَ ثنائي ومدْحَتي ودُعائِي

64. Intercede for me, for my Garden is beneath your feet
Without doubt or controversy

٦٤. وسلامٌ مني لَهُ النَّدُّ نِدٌّ
وتُرى مِنهُ كبوةٌ لِلْكبَاءِ

65. Soon, undoubtedly, will come to you about me
With my arrival to you the delegation of delight

٦٥. أُذْكُريني يومَ القيامة يا أُمّ
لِئلاَّ أُعَدَّ في الأَشْقِياءِ

66. May Allah hasten my comfort from my life
It is in time my greatest affliction

٦٦. واشفعِي لي فجنَّتي تحتَ أَقدا
مِكِ من غيرِ شُبْهةٍ وامْتِرَاءِ

67. If life is like malady
Then death is as remedy

٦٧. فقريباً لاَ شكَّ يأْتيك عَنِّي
بقدُومِي عليكِ وفدُ الهَنَاءِ

٦٨. عجّل الله راحتي مِنْ حَيَاتِي
إِنَّها في الزَّمانِ أَعظمُ دَائِي

٦٩. وإِذا ما الحياةُ كانَتْ كمثل الدا
ءِ كانَ المماتُ مثلَ الدَّوَاءِ