1. Your good fortune refuted what the astrologer claimed
And belied him regarding what he alleged
١. سُعودُك ردّت ما ادّعاه المُنَجِّم
وقد كذَّبَتْه في الذي كَانَ يَزْعُمُ
2. He gives glad tidings of barren winds, yet as he said
About what he said, with you they are unfruitful
٢. يبشّر بالريح العقيمِ وإِنها
كما قال عمّا قَالَهُ بِكَ تعْقُمُ
3. And he swears the matter is bound to happen
Yet with the matter you have betrayed him when he swears
٣. ويُقْسمُ أَنَّ الأَمْر لابدَّ كائِنٌ
وبالأَمرِ قد أَحنَثْتَه حِينَ يُقْسِمُ
4. Your existence is security for existence from one
Who talks of wind or by whom the stars rule
٤. وجُودُك أَمْنٌ للوجودِ من الذي
عن الريح يَحْكي أَوْ بِه النَجمُ يَحْكُم
5. And it is said the judgments of stars are upon mankind
Yet you rule over their judgments
٥. وقد قِيلَ أَحْكامُ النجومِ على الوَرى
وأَنت على أَحكَامِهَا تَتَحكَّم
6. And it has not ceased to love that it wishes
To call out madly to you or kiss you passionately
٦. وما بَرِحَتْ حبّاً تودّ لو أَنَّها
لناديك تَهْوى أَو لتُرْبِك تلثم
7. You are the one to whom it hints from afar in its skies
So you understand it from a distance
٧. وأَنتَ الَّذي وهْي الَّتي في سمائِها
تُشِيرُ إِليها من بعيدٍ فَتَفْهَم
8. And for your enemy a scorpion stings it
And for your rival a snake lies in wait
٨. ويَلدغ فيها من يعاديك عقْربٌ
ويَفْرِسُ فيها مَنْ يُدانِيك ضَيْغَمُ
9. And it bends its bows for you, those constellations
So it shoots your enemies with them and its meteors are arrows
٩. وتَحْنِي لك القوسَ التي من بروجها
فَترْمِي بها الأَعداءَ والشُهْبُ أَسْهُمُ
10. And if you wished, the sun would be but a gold coin for you
And the moon a silver dirham for you
١٠. ولو شئتَ كانَتْ من هِباتِك إِنما
لَك الشمسُ دينارٌ لك البدرُ دِرْهَمُ
11. And they are joined only to string verses together
You who taught us how to string verses together
١١. وما اجتَمَعَتْ إِلا لنَظْمِ قصيدةٍ
وأَنْتَ الذي علَّمْتَنَا كيفَ تَنْظِم
12. We congratulate you on the blessed month of Rajab
Revered in us is its name and it is glorified
١٢. نُهنِّيك بالشهر المرجَّبِ إِنَّه
يُرجَّب فينا كاسْمِه ويُعَظَّم
13. And with the exoneration after the good tidings
For your body is exoneration after which no illness remains
١٣. وبالبرءِ من بعد البِشارة إِنَّه
لجسمك بُرْءٌ بعدَه ليس يَسْقُم
14. And we testify the month is a blessed month
Upon you and the exoneration is a complete exoneration
١٤. ونشهد أَن الشَّهرَ شَهْرٌ مبارَكٌ
عليك وأَن الْبُرْءَ بُرْءٌ متمَّمُ
15. And you are crowned by it with the new crescent
And you are sealed by it with the Pleiades
١٥. وأَنَّكَ منها بِالهلالِ متوّجٌ
وأَنَّكَ منها بالثريا مُختَّمُ
16. And in both states you rise and climb high
And in both states you remain and are protected
١٦. وأَنك في الحالَيْن تعلُو وترتقي
وأَنَّك في الحَاليْن تَبقَى وتَسْلَم
17. And when in adversity you are feared and revered
And when in ease you give and bestow favors
١٧. وأَنَّك في البأْساءِ تُخْشى وتُتَّقى
وأَنك في السّراءِ تُعطي وتُنْعِمُ
18. So the divine decree does not undo what you decide
Nor does the divine decree undo what you decree
١٨. فما يُبْرمُ المقدارُ ما أَنت ناقضٌ
ولا يَنْقُضُ المقدارُ ما أَنت مُبْرِم
19. The glories of time wear out roaming
And your kingdom after time remains pitched
١٩. تقوَّضُ أَطنابُ الزمان ترحُّلاً
وملكُكَ من بَعْد الزَّمان مُخَيَّم
20. And the scroll of the earth is folded before its folding
And the world crumbles though it is not crumbled
٢٠. ويُطْوى سجِلُّ الأَرضِ من قبلِ طيِّه
وتنهدِمُ الدنيا وما يُتَهدَّمُ
21. So away with the worshippers of stars! Do they not know
That you are strongest among people and most upright
٢١. فبعداً لعبّادِ النُّجوم أَما دَرَوْا
بأَنك أَقوى بالأَنام وأَقْوَمُ
22. And they did not serve the orbits except that they
Move by your command or serve by your order
٢٢. وما خَدَمُوا الأَفلاكَ إِلاَّ لأَنها
بأَمرِك تَجْري أَو لأَمْرِك تَخْدُمُ
23. The kings of earth wanted your good fortune and coveted
Learning it, though good fortune cannot be learned
٢٣. أَراد ملوكُ الأَرض سَعْدَك واشْتَهوا
تعلُّمَه والسعْد لا يُتعلَّم
24. You possessed the realms of kings, and you only
Stayed up while the realms of kings you lulled to sleep
٢٤. ملكتَ أَقاليمَ المُلوكِ وإِنَّما
سَهِرتَ وأَملاكَ الأَقاليم نَوَّم
25. The realms sincerely submitted to them, but they only
Submitted to your army what they submitted
٢٥. تسلَّمها الأَملاك حقّاً وإِنَّما
لجيشك منها أَسْلَموا ما تسلَّموا
26. You rose upon them at dawn from the thickets
Surrounded by a night of intense darkness
٢٦. طلعتَ عليهم بالصَّباحِ من الظُّبى
يُحيط بِه لَيْلٌ من النَقْعِ مُظْلِم
27. So the dawn of the warners was miserable, because it is
A dawn in which the blades of the keen tongues shine
٢٧. فساءَ صَبَاحُ المنْذّرِين لأَنه
صباحٌ به زُرْقُ الأَسنةِ أَنجمُ
28. And an army in which the lions of battle are enraged
Or if you wish, the eagles of death are resolute
٢٨. وجيشٌ به أُسْد الكريهة غُضَّبٌ
وإِن شئتَ عِقبانُ المنيةِ حُوَّم
29. They shrink from war spoils in the fray
For they have no spoils but the horsemen as booty
٢٩. يَعفُّون عن كسبِ المغانِم في الوْغَى
فليس لهم إِلاَّ الفوارسُ مَغْنَمُ
30. When they fight they are silently valiant
Though their mounts in the hills prattle on
٣٠. إِذا قاتلوا كانوا سكوتاً شجاعةً
ولكن ظُبَاهُم في الطَّلى تتكلَّم
31. With their courage they attained life, and sometimes
Boldness delays the lifespans of men
٣١. بإِقدامِهم نالوا الحياةَ ورُبَّمَا
يُؤخِّرُ آجالَ الرِّجَالِ التَّقَدُّمُ
32. You are the one who refined them, so they became refined
You are the one who made them understand, so they understood
٣٢. وأَنت الذي هذَّبْتهم فتهذَّبوا
وأَنت الذي فَهَّمتَهمْ فتَفهموا
33. And on the day of battle they surged forth through you
And through you their enemies recoiled on the day of battle
٣٣. وإِنَّهم يومَ الوغى بك أَقْدَمُوا
وأَعداؤُهم يَوْمَ الوغى بك أَحْجَموا
34. You struck a heedless and ignorant people with them
So none sleeps but your blood awakens him
٣٤. ضربت بهم قَوماً نياماً جهالةً
فلا نائمٌ إِلاَّ وأَيْقَظَهُ الدَّم
35. You have raided the lands of unbelief, so your steed wanders
Snorting when it comes to them
٣٥. أَلِفت دِيارَ الكفرِ غزواً فقد غَدا
جوادُك إِذ يأْتي إِليها يُحَمْحَمُ
36. Whenever a rebel disobeys you, with its hoof
What is between his eyes is a fit place to brand
٣٦. إِذا ما عصى عاصٍ عليك فإِنما
بحافرِه ما بين عينيه مَوسِم
37. The heroes are led to you before meeting them
For they are blinded by the rays of your army
٣٧. تُقادُ لك الأَبْطالُ قبل لقائِهم
لأَنَّهمُ من نَقْع جَيْشِك قد عَمُوا
38. And their fortresses do not protect the unbelievers from you
And nothing but you protects after God
٣٨. وما يعصمُ الكفارَ عنك حصونُهم
ولا شيءَ بعد الله غيرُك يَعْصِم
39. You launched raids until even its vegetation
And grass turned red from the red blood
٣٩. شَنَنْتَ بها الغاراتِ حتى نباتِها
وأَعْشَابَها مِنْ حُمرَةِ الدَّمِ عَنْدمُ
40. So how many a Friday congregation was held
With it, its worshippers bloody all over
٤٠. فكم قد أُقيمتْ جُمْعَةٌ ناصريَّةٌ
بها ومصلِّيها الخميسُ العَرَمْرمُ
41. And how many a pledge of allegiance was made, though it was a mosque
And how many an unbeliever became a Muslim in it
٤١. وكم بِيعةٍ قد أَصبحت وهْي جامعٌ
وكم كافرٍ أَضحى بها وهْو مُسْلم
42. Every place in which you are is blessed
And in every day in which you are is a feast and season
٤٢. وكلُّ مكان أَنت فيه مباركٌ
وفي كلِّ يومٍ فيه عِيدٌ ومَوْسِمُ
43. The regions differ regarding you, so one
Cries for your absence or smiles for your nearness
٤٣. تغايرتِ الأَقطارُ فيك فواحدٌ
لبعدِك يبكي أَو لقُربكَ يَبْسِمُ
44. Without doubt the homelands are like their inhabitants
In time, as it is said, suffering or comfortable
٤٤. ولا شك في أَن الديارَ كأَهلِها
كما قيل تَشْقى في الزمانِ وتَنْعَمُ
45. The Nile competes with you through different people zealously
And Lebanon envies you, O Shredded Mountain
٤٥. ينافسُ فيك النيلَ باناس غيرةً
ويحسُد لبناناً عليك المُقَطَّم
46. Egypt did not cease being more deserving of Joseph
Than Syria, but fortunes are partitioned
٤٦. ولا بَرِحَتْ مصرٌ أَحقَّ بيوسُفِ
من الشامِ لكنَّ الحظوظَ تُقسَّم
47. Sometimes an ugly one is not loved, and his opposite
Is kissed on the eye, cheek, and mouth
٤٧. وربَّ مليحٍ لا يُحَب وضِدُّه
يُقبَّلُ منه العيْن والخدُّ والفَمُ
48. He is the grandfather, so take him if you want him with perfect faith
And do not seek reasons, for the matter is ambiguous
٤٨. هو الجَدُّ خذه إِن أَردت مسلِّما
ولا تطلبِ التعليلَ فالأَمرُ مُبْهَمُ
49. With Egypt, how I pine and yearn for youth
We both occupied with loved ones enamored
٤٩. بمصرٍ كما بي من جَوىً وصبابة
كلانا مُعَنًّى بالأَحبَّة مُغْرَمُ
50. A veiled beloved envied my heart
And a robed beloved judged me to be killed
٥٠. أَغارَ على قلبي حبيبٌ مقنَّعٌ
وحُكِّم في قَتْلي حبيبٌ معمَّم
51. None kills me but grace and tenderness
And none plunders me but a bracelet and anklet
٥١. وما قاتِلي إِلاَّ عِذارٌ وَوَجْنَةٌ
وما سالبي إِلاَّ سِوارٌ ومِعْصَمُ
52. I stay up for a cheek whose Lord does not stay up for me
And I pity a waist whose Lord does not pity
٥٢. أَرِقُّ لخَدٍّ ربُّه لا يَرقُّ لِي
وأَرحَمُ خِصْراً ربُّه ليس يَرحَمُ
53. So O supporter of the faith by whose sword
And its drawer the athirst are solaced
٥٣. فيا ناصرَ الدين الذِي بِحُسَامِه
ونائِلِه الفياضِ يسْلُو المتيَّم
54. To praise you I postponed the lineage of nobility
And with them the lineage of nobility comes first
٥٤. لمدحك أَخَّرتُ النسيبَ تهيُّباً
وعندُهمُ أَنَّ النَّسيبَ يُقدَّم