1. With my own self in whom I lost my composure
Just as I maintained my grip in it
١. بِنَفْسِيَ من فارقتُ فِيه تَمَاسُكِي
كَما أَنَّني وَاصَلْتُ فيه تَمسُّكِي
2. And the one whose company is my morning, my guide
Just as his abandonment is my night, my overtaker
٢. وَمَنْ وَصْلُهُ الصُّبْحُ الذي هو مُرشِدِي
كما هَجْرُهُ الليلُ الذي هُوَ مُدْرِكِي
3. And the one for whose beautiful face
I have not stopped yearning
٣. ومَنْ لَمْ أَزَلْ أَشتاقُ من حُسْنِ وَجْهِه
إِلى مَطْلَبٍ من دُونِهِ أَلْفُ مُهْلِكِ
4. For any other desire leading to perdition
And from every binding rope or comforting
٤. ومِنْ كل مُسْلٍ أَو مُسَكِّنِ لَوْعَةٍ
بِهِ لي إِليه مُذْكِرِي أَوْ مُحرّكِي
5. With it for me to him is my remembrance or my motivator
And I over what I tasted from the pain of passion
٥. وإِنِّي عَلَى ما ذُقْتُ من أَلَم الهَوَى
وقاسَيْتُ مِنْه كُلَ مُبْكٍ وَمُضْحِكِ
6. And endured from it every weeping and laughing
It suits me to be shy except with my beloved
٦. لِيَحْسُنُ إِلاَّ في حبيبي تصوُّنِي
ويَقْبُحُ إِلاَّ في حَبِيبي تهتُّكِي
7. And it suits me to be loose except with my beloved
And my biggest problem is that I am not sated
٧. وأَعظمُ دائِي أَنَّني لستُ أَشْتَفِي
وأَيْسَرُ صَبْرِي أَنَّني لسْتُ أَشْتكِي
8. And my easiest patience is that I am not complaining
I doubted a connection I became certain of its opposite
٨. تشكَّكتُ في وَصْلٍ تيقنت ضِدَّهُ
فأَصْبَحَ أَحْلَى من يَقِيني تَشَكُكِي
9. So my doubt became sweeter than my certainty
So I was unjustly condemned to the hell of his rejection
٩. فأُخْلِدْتُ ظُلْماً في جهَنَّمِ صَدِّهِ
وما كنتُ يوماً في هَوَاهُ بِمُشْرِكِ