
May God's peace be upon you before my greetings,

عليك سلام الله قبل سلامي

1. May God's peace be upon you before my greetings,
And may God reward you before my words.

١. عليكَ سلامُ اللهِ قَبْلَ سَلامي
وجازاك عنيِّ اللهُ قَبْلَ كلامي

2. You have taken care of my affairs and been concerned with my story,
And favored me with kindness beyond my hopes.

٢. تكَفَّلْتَ أَمْرِي واعْتَنيتَ بِقِصَّتِي
ونَوَّلْتَني بالفضلِ فَوقَ مَرامِي

3. You have guided me after the blocking of my paths,
And quenched my thirst after my prolonged days.

٣. وأَرْشَدْتَني بَعْدَ انْسِدَادِ مَذَاهِبي
وأَرْويتَني من بَعْدِ طُولِ أُوَامِي

4. You have clothed me with the honor that humbled
My enemies, till I held their reins.

٤. وأَلبَسْتَني العزَّ الذي ذَلَّ بعدهُ
زمانِيَ حتى قُدتُه بِزِمَامِي

5. Many a foe of mine became like a master to me,
So humiliated that he was like my slave.

٥. ورُبَّ عَدُوٍّ كان لي مِثلَ سيِّدٍ
فقد صارَ لي من ذِلَّةٍ كغُلامي

6. Of your blessings there remains only their perfection,
The best favor is one perfected and completed.

٦. ولم يَبْقَ في نُعْمَاك إِلاَّ تَمامُها
وأَحسنُ نُعْمَى زُيِّنت بتَمامِ