
I wept but it was of no use, I grieved but to no avail,

بكيت فما أجدى حزنت فما أغنى

1. I wept but it was of no use, I grieved but to no avail,
And I have no choice but to exert my tears and grief.

١. بكيْتُ فما أَجْدى حَزِنْتُ فما أَغْنَى
ولابدَّ لي أَنْ أُجْهِدَ الدَّمع والحُزنَا

2. How ugly it is that tears do not suffice,
And uglier still that the heart does not perish.

٢. قَبِيحٌ قبِيحٌ أَنْ أَرَى الدَّمْع لاَ يَفي
وأَقبحُ مِنْهُ أَنْ أَرَى القَلْبَ لاَ يَفْنىَ

3. The supreme jewel is gone - what manliness is there
If we hoard inferior finery after it?

٣. مضى الجَوْهَرُ الأَعْلَى وأَيُّ مُروءَة
إِذا ما ادَّخرْنا بعدَه العَرَضَ الأَدْنَى

4. I lost a friend and after his loss grew desolate,
Alone, as cares came to me in pairs.

٤. ثكِلتْ خليلاً صِرْتُ من بَعْدِ ثُكْله
فُرَادَى وجاءَ الهمُّ من بَعدِه مَثْنَى

5. My heart once found its dwelling a source of joy,
That dwelling lies in ruins, that source of joy a waste.

٥. وقد كَانَ مَثْوىَ القَلبِ مَغْنى سرورِه
فقد خَرِبَ المثْوىَ وقد أَقْفَر المَغْنَى