1. My beloved's hair has become grey, so it is allowed for me
Rather, it has become certain that I must become devoted
١. قد شاب شارُب من أُحبّ فجَاز لِي
بل قد تَعيَّن أَن أَكون مُتَيَّما
2. It continues to be ravished by people's glances
And now it has fled from grey hair to protect itself
٢. ما زالَ مُنْتَهباً لأَلحاظِ الوَرَى
والآن فرَّ من المَشيبِ إِلى حِمَى
3. They thought its beauty had faded, so they all
Except me, who has become blind and mute
٣. ظنوا ملاحَتَه ذَوتْ فجميعُهم
إِلاَّ أَنا قد عَادَ أَعْمى أَبْكَمَا
4. Whoever was infatuated with the night of her coyness
Would he turn away when the stars shine?
٤. من كان مُفْتَناً بليلِ عِذاره
أَيصدّ عنه حينَ أَطْلَعَ أَنْجُمَا
5. It did not become grey from old age, but his greyness
Is from the water of rose and the musk of the beloved's saliva
٥. ما شاب عن كِبَرٍ ولكن شَيْبهُ
من ماءِ ورد الريقِ مَع مِسْكِ اللَّمَى
6. My greyness is not like the greyness of those who torment me
That is from ease, while this is from anguish
٦. لا يستوي شَيْبي وشيبُ مُعَذِّبي
هَذاكَ من ريٍّ وهَذَا مِنْ ظما