1. You reap the fruits of his affection, yet still crave more,
Or have you not known the rebellion of one pampered?
١. تجنى لواحظُه وتسْتعْدِي
أَو ما علمتَ تمرُّد المُرْدِ
2. It is injustice to the mouth that praised him
That you should treat him harshly after tasting his sweetness.
٢. ظَلْمٌ لريقِ فمٍ شهدت له
أَن المُجَاجَةَ منه كالشَّهْدِ
3. By my father, since I was burdened with passion for him,
I have sold my desires and renounced even renunciation.
٣. بأَبي مليحٌ مُذْ كلِفتُ بِهِ
بعْتُ الهوى وزَهِدت في الزُّهدِ
4. I complain of the torment of his beauty while alone,
As if I would meet him with an army.
٤. شاكِي سلاحِ الحُسْنِ منفردٌ
وكأَنَّه يلقاك في جُندِ
5. The rose and its garden though they seemed ready
To betray the secrets of roses.
٥. الوردُ وجنتُه وقد شَرُفَتْ
عن أَنْ تخوُن خيانَة الوَرْدِ
6. The necklace and its smile though you cannot see
Among its beads the precious gems of necklaces.
٦. والعِقد مَبْسِمُه ولستَ تَرَى
في السِّلْكِ منه زُمُرُّدَ العِقْد
7. I describe the beloved though I do not see him,
Just so is described the eternal Garden.
٧. أَصفُ الحبيبَ ولستُ أُبْصره
وكذاك تُوصف جنَّةُ الخُلْدِ
8. O fate, you have straitened me through my moon,
Taking him and leaving me alone.
٨. ضايقْتني يا دهرُ في قَمَرِي
فأَخذتَهُ وتركْتَني وَحْدِي
9. I bade him farewell and embraced him, saying,
“May this be the last farewell!”
٩. عَهْدي وعانقني وقلتُ له
لا كان هذا آخرَ العهْد
10. My tears flow down his hand,
And his tears flow down my cheek.
١٠. ومدامِعِي تَجْرِي على يدِهِ
ودموعُه تجري على خدِّي
11. Evident is my transgression of proper bounds,
And if I return, I have abandoned eternity.
١١. بَيْنٌ خرجتُ عليه من جَلَدِي
ولئن رجعْتُ خرجْتُ عن خَلدِي
12. I stood at his dwellings,
Did you see his likeness imprinted on my cheek?
١٢. ولقد وقْفتُ على منازِلِه
أَرأَيتَ عارِضَهُ على الخدِّ
13. I approached it confidently,
Yet returned in shame at being spurned.
١٣. ولقد أَتيتُ لها على ثِقةٍ
ولقد رجعتُ بخجْلَةِ الرَّد
14. Its people concealed their separation, so it began
To display its love, as I display mine.
١٤. أَخفى التفرُّقَ أَهْلها فغَدَتْ
تُبْدِي الغرامَ بهم كما أُبْدِي
15. You walked away secretly, and my heart followed
To see your tents in the distance.
١٥. سِرْتُم وسارَ القلبُ يتبعُكُمْ
ليرَى خيامكُمُ على بُعْدِ
16. You dismissed it, no longer feeling shame.
Neither my heart remains with you, nor yours with me.
١٦. وطردْتُموه ولم يَعُد خَجلاً
لا القلبُ عِندكُمُ ولا عِنْدِي
17. This, my discourse after you, so you see
My people, how your discourse is after me.
١٧. هذا حديثي بعدكُم فَتَرَى
يا قومُ كيفَ حديثُكم بَعْدِي
18. O you who deny my sickness, by his dignity!
Or have you not heard the testimony of sweetness?
١٨. يا جاحِدي سَقَمِي بعزَّتِه
أَو ما سَمِعْتَ شهادة الشَّهْدِ
19. You know my passion, yet you deny it,
Seeking to cast me out without praise.
١٩. تَدْرِي غرامِي ثُم تُنكِرُهُ
وتريدُ تُخْرِجُني بلا حمْدِ
20. Passion spread and my infatuation grew
White are my temples and cold my mantle.
٢٠. شاع الغرامُ وشابَ من كلَفي
رأْسي وأَنهجَ في الهَوَى بُرْدِي
21. However my infatuation decrees my state,
It has exposed me since the cradle.
٢١. وكما يَشَا كَلَفي تفضَّل بي
ولقد تعرَّض لي من المَهْدِ
22. The source of my passion for you is not error,
But my stubborn heart intentional in its persistence.
٢٢. مبدا غَرَامِي فيك عن خطا
ولَجَاجُ قلبي فيك عن عَمَد