
I heard of something, I wish I had not heard of it

سمعت بأمر ليتني لا سمعته

1. I heard of something, I wish I had not heard of it
For I now have a resident and a lodger because of it

١. سمعت بأَمرٍ ليتني لا سَمعْتُه
فعندِيَ منه مُقعِدٌ ومُقِيمٌ

2. That the wise man has now abandoned drinking wine
And repented, so we said how can the wise man be wise

٢. بأَنَّ الحَكيمَ الآنَ قَدْ تَرَكَ الطِّلاَ
وتابَ فَقُلْنا مَا الحكيمُ حَكيمُ

3. Would the sun abandon its brilliance while it is luminous
Would the beautiful face of the full moon be abandoned

٣. أَتُتركُ شَمْسُ الرَّاحِ وَهْيَ منيرةٌ
ويُتركُ وجْهُ البدر وهْوَ وَسيمُ

4. I did not fear that he would repent due to his sophistication
Just as I don't fear that he would fast

٤. وما كُنْتُ أَخْشَى أَن يتوبَ لظَرْفِه
كمَا لسْتُ أَخشى أَنَّهُ سَيصُومُ

5. And how many hands raised cups to the wise man
That now have a right over him, great indeed

٥. وكَمْ مِنْ يدٍ عند الحكيم لِكَأسِه
غَدَتْ وَلَها حَقٌّ عَلَيْهِ عَظِيمُ

6. They stayed up for him, though they don't usually stay up
And got up for him, though they can barely stand

٦. أَنامَتْ له مَن لا يَنامُ وربَّما
أَقامَتْ له ما لاَ يَكَادُ يَقُومُ

7. That is a blessing whose pleasure decreed
And whoever denies blessing is miserable

٧. وذلكَ إِنْعامٌ قَضى بنعيمهِ
ومَن جَحَد الإِنعامَ فَهْوَ لَئِيمُ

8. And if he says I got sick from drinking it
Then they must love the eyelid even when it's sick

٨. وإِن قالَ إِنِّي قد سَقمتُ بِشُرْبِهَا
فقد يعشَقُونَ الجَفْنَ وهْوَ سَقيم

9. And if he says I'm safe now, he's like
One who said to the bitten man, you're fine

٩. وإِن قالَ إِنِّي قد سَلِمْتُ فإِنَّه
كما قيل قِدْماً للَّدِيغ سَلِيمُ

10. There is gloom over the cup after the wise man
And darkness in the glass after the wise man

١٠. على الكوبِ من بَعْدِ الحكيم كآبةٌ
وفي الجام مِنْ بعدِ الحَكيمِ وُجُومُ

11. After him, the dress of revelry is divorced
And after him the mother of joy is barren

١١. ومن بعدهِ زَوْجُ الخلاعةِ طالِقٌ
ومن بعدِه أُمُّ السرورِ عَقِيمُ

12. And the cups of comfort have returned drunk with wine
While breaths of wine are toxic to us

١٢. وعادت كؤوسُ الرَّاح وهي سِمَائِمٌ
لَديْنا وأَنفاسُ المُدامِ سُمُومُ

13. But Iblis reassured me when I complained to him
By saying this matter will not last

١٣. وطمَّنني إِبليسُ حين عَتِبْتُه
بأَنْ قال هَذا الأَمرُ لَيْسَ يَدُومُ

14. So if you ask me of the wise man, I
Am an expert in the wise man's remedies

١٤. فإِنْ تَسْأَلُوني الحكيم فإِنَّني
خَبيرٌ بأَدْواءِ الحكيمِ عَلِيمُ

15. When the zeal of summer wanes, I
Am the leader in analyzing the wise man's law

١٥. إِذا ما خَبا وهْجُ المَصيِف فإنَّني
بتحليلِ ناموسِ الحكيمِ زَعيمُ

16. On the condition that if he sincerely repented
And feared God's punishment, for He is Merciful

١٦. على أَنَّهُ إِن كان قد تابَ مُخْلِصاً
وخاف عقابَ اللهِ وَهْوَ رَحِيم

17. Then his repentance from ill thoughts of his Lord
Most High is good, otherwise the generous one is generous

١٧. فتوبتُه من سوءِ ظنٍّ بربِّه
تَعالىَ وإِلاَّ فالكريمُ كَرِيمُ