1. The season of love has returned in this feast,
So my attire is imbued with new passion.
١. عادَني مِنْ هَوى الأَحِبَّةِ عيدُ
فلِبَاسي فيه غَرامٌ جَديد
2. I've sacrificed my eyelids after feeling
My heart convinced my patience is far.
٢. ونحرتُ الجفونَ مِن بَعدِ أَنْ أَش
عرْتُ قَلْبي بأَنَّ صَبْري بَعيدُ
3. Burden returned after white hair as a child,
And so is the full moon after white hair.
٣. كلَفٌ عَادَ بعد شيبٍ وَليداً
وكذا البدْرُ بَعْد شيبٍ وَلِيدُ
4. My passion for the full moon is like the full moon, but
The full moon wanes while passion grows.
٤. فغرامِي بالبدرِ كالبدرِ لَكِنْ
ينقُصُ البدْرُ والغَرامُ يَزِيدُ
5. Do not underestimate intense love,
For the might of passion is severe.
٥. لا تُهوِّن مِنَ الغَرامِ شَديداُ
إِنَّ بأْسَ الغَرَامِ بَأْسٌ شَدِيد
6. The throbbing of a heart, sorrows pounding a heart,
Are like iron pounding iron.
٦. خَفْقُ قلبٍ قَرْعُ الهُمومِ لِقَلْبي
مثلَ مَا يَقْرعُ الحديدَ الحديدُ
7. The slaying of me by a deadly glance,
I wish it were iron striking me.
٧. طَالَ قَتْلِي بسيفِ لَحظٍ كَحيلٍ
لَيْتَ لو أَنَّه إِليَّ حَدِيدُ
8. I see nothing but a glance, one side a tryst
And the other side a threat.
٨. ما أَرَى غَيرَ نَظْرَةٍ طَرْفَاها
طرْفٌ مُوعِدٌ وطَرْفٌ وعيدُ
9. O you who broke resolve - unaware
That eyelids thereby are broken!
٩. أَيُّها الكاسِرُ الغمودَ وما يعـ
ـلَم أَنَّ الأجْفَانَ مِنْهُ الْغُمود
10. You are reward of a martyr in beauty,
So be my reward for by your looks I'm martyred.
١٠. أَنتَ أَجْرُ الشَّهِيدِ حُسْناً فكُنْ
أَجْرِي فإِنِّي بِنَاظِرَيْكَ شَهِيدُ
11. We were amazed though your eyelid's bow is bent,
Whenever an arrow came from it, straight and true.
١١. قد عَجِبْنَا وقوسُ جَفْنِك مكسو
رٌ إِذَا جَاءَ مِنْه سَهْمٌ سَدِيدُ
12. By my father, who refused my desire,
To me is like time, wanting what I don't want.
١٢. بِأَبِي مَنْ أَبَى مُرادِي كمثل الدَّ
هر عِنْدِي يُريدُ مَا لاَ أُرِيدُ
13. It warded off kindness and blocked a glance,
This one wards while the other lies in wait.
١٣. صدَّ عِطْفاً وصَادَ طَرْفاً فما ينـ
ـفَكُّ هَذا يَصُدُّ أَوْ ذا يصيدُ
14. How am I condemned to hell by such faith
When my only sin is loving Him truly?
١٤. كيفَ خُلِّدتُ في جَهنَّم ذا الصدِّ
وَذَنْبِي في عِشْقِه التَّوْحِيدُ
15. They blamed and rebuked me about him,
And said, "Will you return?" I said "I shall return."
١٥. قَطَّعُونِي عليه لَوماً وتعنيـ
ـفاً وقالُوا تَعودُ قلت أَعُود
16. One whose longing is diminished - while mine
For your rejection is lasting, not transitory.
١٦. مَنْ يكنْ شوقُه زُروداً فَشَوقِي
زَرَدٌ فِي عِذارِه لا زُرُودُ
17. The copy of beauty above his cheeks
Is lovelier than its darkening by kohl.
١٧. نُسخَةُ الْحُسنِ فَوْقَ خدَّيْه أَبْهى
منظراً مِنْ تَبِييضِها التَّسْويدُ
18. In the world many are like him, but
My love is confused while their love is clear.
١٨. في الوَرى مثلُهُ كَثيرٌ ولكِنْ
كَلَفِي أَبْلَهٌ وعِشْقي بَلِيدُ
19. I tended cheeks while they were gardens,
And saw gardens while they were cheeks.
١٩. قد رعيتُ الخدودَ وهْي رياضٌ
ورأَيتُ الرِّياضَ وهْي خُدودُ
20. I embraced cheeks while they were branches,
And smelled branches while they were forearms.
٢٠. واعتنقْتُ الخدودَ وهْي غُصونٌ
وهَصَرْتُ الغُصُونَ وهْي قُدودُ
21. I saw the heart flutter from what
Brings joy to union when separation weeps.
٢١. ورأَيتُ الفُؤَادَ يَطْربُ مِمَّا
يُضحِكُ الوَصْلَ حينَ يَبْكِي الصُّدود
22. By my life - and my life is like my love:
In it white nights and black nights.
٢٢. ولَعَمْري فإِنَّ عُمري كَفَوْدِي
فيه بيضٌ من اللَّيالِي وسُودُ
23. So remember the covenant of the beloved - decline,
While my praise of the Merciful One - ascent.
٢٣. فادِّكَارِي عهدَ الحبيبِ هُبوطٌ
ومَديحي عبدَ الرَّحيمِ صُعودُ
24. From his rest I have a paradise for dwelling,
And for him my praise is eternity.
٢٤. لي مِنْ رَاحتَيْه جَنَّةُ مَأْوَى
ولَه بالثَّناءِ مِنِّي خُلُودُ
25. I'm a slave whose duty is praising the Master;
My purpose succeeded, and so the ode.
٢٥. أَنا عبدٌ وخِدْمتي مَدْحُ مولىً
نَجَحَ القَصْدُ عِنْدَه والقَصِيدُ
26. He's a judge, or rather prince, for through him
Glories stand like soldiers before him.
٢٦. هُو قَاضٍ لاَ بَلْ أَمِيرٌ بأَنْ
أَضْحَتْ لَدَيهِ مِن الْمَعَالِي جُنُودُ
27. The jurist of bounty grants gifts to mankind,
While the clouds repeat and repeat their rain.
٢٧. وفَقِيهُ النَّوالِ يُلْقِي عَطَايَا
ه عَلَى الْخَلْقِ والغَمامُ الْمُعِيدُ
28. How they compared the softness of his hand to bitter wind -
Though winds are still, and harsh to the touch!
٢٨. كَيْفَ قَاسُوا نَدى يَديْهِ بِمَرّ الرّ
يح جَرْياً ولِلرِّيَاحِ رُكُودُ
29. Or they thought his generosity fault and flaw,
So blame and flaw were lost.
٢٩. أَوْ سَعوا جُودَه مَلاماً
وتَفْنيداً فَضَاعَ الملامُ والتَّفْنِيدُ
30. They called for his removal - but everything
Called for, called and recalled, is returned.
٣٠. ردَّدُوا عَزْلَهم فَردَّ عَلَيْهم
كُلُّ شيءٍ مردَّدٌ مَرْدُود
31. Brothers whose thread was never severed -
He, might, piety and munificence.
٣١. إِخوةٌ قطُّ لَمْ يَذوقوا فِراقاً
هُو وَالْبَأْسُ والتُّقى والجُودُ
32. When he gives freely, slaves become masters;
When he prays, masters become slaves.
٣٢. فإِذَا جَادَ فالعبيدُ مَوالٍ
وإِذا صَال فالموَالي عَبيدُ
33. When he appears, heads bow down;
When he speaks, hearts prostrate.
٣٣. وإِذا لاَح فالرُّءُوسُ رُكوعٌ
وإِذَا قَالَ فَالْقُلوبُ سُجُود
34. Awe filling hearts - so hearts of time
From him are frightened like rumbling thunder.
٣٤. هيبةٌ تملأُ القلوبَ فَقَلبُ الـ
ـدَّهرِ مِنه مُروَّعٌ رِعْدِيدُ
35. He could discipline time if it got drunk;
Limits would be placed upon it.
٣٥. ويميناً لَوْ عَرْبد الدَّهْر سُكْراً
لأُقيمَتْ مِنْهَا عَلَيْه الحُدُودُ
36. He sought glory staying up late for it;
While creation from it slumbered.
٣٦. قصدَ المجدَ سَاعِياً سَاهِراً فيه
وأَسْرَى والخلْقُ عَنْهُ رُقُودُ
37. If he claimed ownership of glory,
Witnesses would verify his claim.
٣٧. وإِذا ما ادَّعَى حِيازَةَ مَجْدٍ
فالبَرَايَا بِما يَقُولُ شُهودُ
38. The perfect bore witness to his superiority -
Even newborns almost testified to this!
٣٨. شهِدَ الكامِلون بالفضلِ للفا
ضِل أَوْ كَادَ يَشْهَدُ الْمَوْلُودُ
39. O you who vie with him - you have striven hard,
Long has the hopeful been disappointed.
٣٩. يا مُجَارِيه قَدْ جَهِدْتَ فَأَقْصِر
طَالَمَا خَابَ طَالِبٌ مَجْهودُ
40. Time promised to be generous to mankind -
But none can match his generosity!
٤٠. وعد الدَّهرُ أَن يجودَ على الـ
ـخَلْقِ وَلَكِنْ بمثْله لاَ يَجُودُ
41. Righteousness and trust - it is said of them:
Al-Ma'mun returned, times of Ar-Rashid revived!
٤١. رَشَدٌ مَعْ أَمَانةٍ قالَ مِنْها الـ
ـنَّاسُ عَادَ المأَمُونُ عَاشَ الرَّشِيدُ
42. Erasure of envy and hatred comes through
Forgiveness and pardon - oft from the envious!
٤٢. ومبيدُ الحقودِ عَفْواً وصَفْحاً
رُبَّما شَانَت الكِرَامَ الحُقودُ
43. O excellent one who gained merit - over which
Counting and limiting have no sway!
٤٣. أَيها الفاضِلُ الَّذِي حَازَ فَضْلاً
عزَّ فِيه التَّعديدُ والتَّحدِيدُ
44. How much to how much shall I complain of envy,
While my time upon you is envious?
٤٤. كَمْ إِلى كَمْ أَشْكُو إِليكَ حَسوداً
وزَمَانِي عَليْكَ فَهْو الحَسُود
45. My ship in my fickle fortune is wrecked,
While my competitor by its success is led.
٤٥. إِنَّ رُكْبِي بِنَابِ دَهْرِيَ مَهْدُو
دٌ وشِلوي بِظُفْره مَقْدُودُ
46. In it I have no good, and no good in it -
Continual sickness and consuming anxiety.
٤٦. لم يَزَلْ فيه لِي وَلاَ خَيْرَ فيه
سَقَمٌ طَارِفٌ وَهَمٌّ تَلِيد
47. I grew destitute when you ignored me,
Though it's said that I'm prosperous.
٤٧. صرتُ لمَّا أَعرضْتَ عنِّي مَعدو
ماً وإِن قِيل إِنَّنِي مَوْجُود
48. You were cold toward me in your hoard,
While in your wealth I was turned away.
٤٨. صَدِيَت في ذُرَاكَ مِنِّي نَفْسٌ
وذَوَى فِي ثَراكَ مِنِّيَ عُودُ
49. Another took over grants - no praiseworthy one,
And you came to me, Generous and Gracious!
٤٩. وتولَّى الإِقطاعَ غيرَ حَميد
وأَتانِي وهْو العَزِيزُ الْحَمِيدُ
50. What I seek is a trifling thing -
The ascetic asks little from the ascetic.
٥٠. والذي أَبْتَغِيه شَيءٌ زَهِيدٌ
إِنَّما يَطْلُبُ الزَّهِيدَ الزَّهيدُ
51. Many attained bliss yet had no protector,
Nor there any helper to fend off pain.
٥١. كمْ أُنَاسٍ نالوا النَّعيمَ فَلا منّ
عليهِمْ فيه ولاَ تَنْكِيدُ
52. More deserving of woe are they, but how
Can one who is fortunate writhe in misery?
٥٢. وهُمْ بالشَّقَاءِ أَوْلَى وَلكِنْ
كيفَ يَشْقَى مَنْ جَدُّه مَسعُود
53. How I wished to be base, not noble,
For the base are aided, aided!
٥٣. كم تمنيت أَن أَكونَ لَئِيماً
لا كريماً فلِلِّئَامِ جُدُودُ
54. My breast tightened and my patience failed
When time was straitened for me and space constricted.
٥٤. ضاق صْدري وَضَاعَ صَبْريَ لَمَّا
حرج الدّهرُ بي وضَاقَ الوْجُودُ
55. By my life! Were your hands to bring me fortune,
Good fortune itself would greet me.
٥٥. ولَعَمْرِي لو طَالَعَتْنِي بإِسعا
دٍ أَيادِيك طَالَعَتْني السُّعُودُ
56. So graciously, I am needy;
Turn to me, I am captive.
٥٦. فامْتِناناً عليَّ إِنِّي فَقِيرٌ
والْتِفَاتاً إِليَّ إِنِّي فَقِيدُ
57. And may your renewed feast be joyous,
For it's a feast and you for feasts are best.
٥٧. وتهنَّ العيدَ الجديدَ سَعيداً
فهْو عيدٌ وأَنْتَ لِلْعِيد عِيدُ
58. When you bring joy to time by meeting me,
I become, as is said, fortunate.
٥٨. وإِذَا أَسعَد الزَّمانَ بلقيا
كَ فإِنِّي كَما يُقالُ السَّعِيد