
A crescent, but his dwellings are the lands of Saudi

هلال ولكن السعود منازله

1. A crescent, but his dwellings are the lands of Saudi
A river, but the seas are his streams

١. هلال ولكن السعود منازلُهْ
ونهرٌ ولكن البحارَ جَدَاوِلُه

2. He started shining so the hopeful were illuminated by his light
For his pure spring they have sources

٢. بدا فاستضَاءَ الآملونَ بضوئِه
لمورِده الصَّافي عليهم مناهِلُه

3. He will return a full moon that will not be feared to set
And he will return a sea which shores are not known

٣. سيرجعُ بدراً ليس يُخْشى أُفولُه
ويرجُع بحراً ليس يُعْرف سَاحِلُه

4. He went beyond and the success of God was his guide
To the house of might which his early days built

٤. تخطَّى وتوفيقُ الإِله دليلُه
إِلى بيتِ عِزٍّ شَيَّدتْه أَوائِلُه

5. And he proved true the words of the describers, for if
They describe him, his attributes prove them right

٥. وصدَّق قولَ الواصفينَ فإِنهم
إِذا وصَفوه صدَّقَتْهم شمائلُه

6. And if the envious conceal some of his merits
And descriptions, their camps grow over them

٦. ولو كَتَم الحسَّادُ بعضَ خِلالِه
وأَوصافَه نمَّت عليها مخائِلهْ

7. That his throne was almost seen amidst the carpet
And that his asker was almost seen in the threshold of the door

٧. فكاد يُرى وسْط النديِّ سريرُه
وكاد يُرى في سُدَّةِ البابِ سَائِلُهُ

8. And that his books are read in the east and west of earth
And his messages and envoys reach it

٨. وتُتْلى بِشَرقِ الأَرضِ والغربِ كُتْبُه
وتَنْفُذُ فيها رُسْلُه ورسائِلُه

9. I only said what the envious agree upon
And for him, the evidence has been proven right

٩. وما قلتُ إِلا ما الحسودُ مُوافِقي
عليه وقد صحَّت لديه دلائلُه

10. So glad tidings O Master of people, of one coming
To the highest summit, his stages folded

١٠. فبشراكَ يا مولَى الأَنامِ بقادمٍ
إِلى قمةِ العلياءِ تُطْوَى مراحِلُه

11. He came generous, kind companion, so the heights
Accompany him and gifts match him

١١. أَتاك كريمَ النفسِ والصَّحب فالعُلا
تُسايِره والمكرماتُ تُعَادِلُه

12. God has decreed that he remains and remains, and he decreed
To say: I say and He does

١٢. قضى اللهُ أَن يبقَى وتبْقَى وقد قَضَى
لقالِيَ إِنِّي قائلٌ وهو فاعلُه

13. And you are a master whose desire is not rejected
And I am a slave whose means are not rejected

١٣. وأَنك مولىً لا يُرَدُّ مُرادُه
وإِنِّيَ عبدٌ لا تُردُ وسائِلُه

14. I called with what was before His book
And I was certain that God undoubtedly said it

١٤. دعوتُ بما قد كان قبلَ كِتَابِه
وأَيقنتُ أَنَّ اللهَ لا شكَّ قائِلُه

15. You will attain from Him all that you want
And my soul will attain from you both what it aspires

١٥. ستَبْلُغُ منه كلَّ شَيءٍ تريدُه
وتبلغُ نفْسي منكُما ما تحاوِلُه

16. I am but a sun-basker and you are its shade
I am but barren land and you are its rain

١٦. فما أَنا إِلا مُشمِسٌ أَنتَ ظِلُّهُ
وما أَنا إِلاَّ مُجْدِب أَنت وابِلُه

17. And existence is but a servant you are its lord
And creation is but a world you are its supreme

١٧. وما الدَّهرُ إِلا خادِمٌ أَنْتَ رَبُّه
وما الخلقُ إِلاَّ عالَمٌ أَنت فاضِلُه