
The full moon of that gathering has waned

أضحى هلالاً بدر ذاك النادي

1. The full moon of that gathering has waned
Into sickness, and who can I be to redeem it?

١. أَضحى هلالاً بدرُ ذَاك النَّادِي
سُقْماً ومن لي أَنْ أَكونَ الفادي

2. Its beauties have become delicate, almost
Concealing from us its obvious brilliance.

٢. ظرُفَتْ محاسِنُه وكادَتْ رِقَّةً
تُخفي علينا من ضَناه البَادِي

3. Its body has weakened after the waist, and no more
Glances, lovers, trysts for it remain.

٣. واعتلَّ منه الجسمُ بعد الخِصْر وال
أَلحاظِ والعُشَّاقِ والميعادِ

4. As if its fever from the intensity of its flame
Cast upon it the heat of livers aflame.

٤. وكأَنَّ حُمَّاه لشدَّة وقْدِها
أَلقَتْ عليه حَرارةَ الأَكْباد

5. When it blazed I named it rightly, and called it
The celestial torch ever lit, ever guiding.

٥. لمَّا توقَّد صحَّ إِذ سمَّيْتُه
ودعوتُه بالكوكبِ الوَقَّاد

6. O you who unite me with my shadows’ shades
And part me from finding my way aright!

٦. يا جامعاً بيني وبينَ ظَلالَتي
ومفرِّقاً بيني وبينَ رشادي

7. When you described me you told of my patience
Or told of my repose in the dark of night.

٧. لما نحلتَ حكيتَ بعضَ خلائِقي
فحكيتَ صبري أَو حكيتَ رُقادي

8. But for those who slandered you I'd have returned,
Though my own passions turned me from you in flight.

٨. لولا الوشاةُ عليك جئتُك عائِداً
لكن عَدتْني عنك لي عوَّادي

9. So you made my heart return, and hearts can sometimes
Fulfill the duties incumbent on bodies slight.

٩. فبعثْتَ قلبي عَائداً ولربَّما
قَضَتِ القلوبُ فرائضَ الأَجسادِ

10. Had it settled, entranced, in that sky for its beauty
The stars would have come to it, and its flights.

١٠. ولو أَنَّه حلَّ السَّماءَ لحسنِه
أَتت النجومُ له مَع العوَّاد