1. Do not shed a tear for Saad's happiness
For her abandonment is bliss
١. لا تُجْرِ دمعاً على سعادِ
فإِنَّ هِجْرانها سَعادَةْ
2. It shows the world a blemish
Earn from them asceticism
٢. تُظهِر للعالمين خالاً
أَكْسِبها منهمُ زَهَادَه
3. She did not realize that every blemish
His hatred for the gentle is a habit
٣. وما دَرَت أَنَّ كلَّ خالٍ
بِغْضَتُه للظَّريف عاده
4. I specifically hate him
When I imagined him a lizard
٤. إِنِّي لأَخْتَصُّه بِبُغْضِي
لمّا تخيلتُه قُرادَه