1. He whose thoughts have been confounded by doubt
Finds no solace in eyes or traces
١. مَنْ للريب هَفَتْ بِهِ الفِكَرُ
لاَ العَيْنُ تُؤْنِسهُ وَلاَ الأَثَرُ
2. His eyelids do not meet in vigil
As if his lashes were needles
٢. لا تُلْتَقى أَجفانُه سَهَراً
فكأَنَّما أَهدابُهُ إِبَرُ
3. From the length of my companionship with her
I cry with crying and stay up with vigil
٣. من طول ما يرمي بصحبتها
يبكي البكاء ويسهر السهر
4. Oh the length of my night that has no morning
They have charmed away darkness, yet it has no charm
٤. يا طُولِ لَيْلي لاَ صَبَاحَ لَهُ
سَحَرُوا الظَّلامَ فَمَا لَهُ سَحَرُ
5. The specter of my longnight has appeared to me
From my dwelling, dazzling because of its length
٥. ولقد تجلَّى عَنْ مَنَازِلِه
طَيفٌ لِطُولِ سُرَاه مُنْبَهِرُ
6. It comes to me to unload its brooding
So my tears make it a river
٦. يأْتي إِليَّ لِنَقْع غُلَّته
فَيَردُّه مِنَ مَدْمَعِي نَهَرُ
7. And I tasked my heart to build a bridge for its crossing
But that bridge has crumbled
٧. وعَهِدْتُ قَلْبي جِسْرَ مَعْبَرهِ
لكنَّ ذَاكَ الجِسْرَ مُنْكَسِرُ
8. I slept but in disquiet and frenzy
I imagined its specter was the moon
٨. قد نِمْتُ لكن في كَرَى ولَهِي
خُيِّلْتُ أَنَّ خياله القَمَرُ
9. Oh Time that has no tenderness
Do you not know that I am but human?
٩. يا دَهْرُ يَا مَنْ لا حُنُوَّ لَهُ
أَوَ مَا عَلِمتَ بِأَنَّني بَشَرُ
10. If you could speak you would say gently
For all that is in you stems from gentleness
١٠. لو كُنْتَ تَنْطِقُ قُلْتَ لُمْ بَطَراً
فَجَمِيعُ مَا بِكَ أَصْلُه البَطَرُ
11. You come to Damascus complaining of bitterness
Do you not know that it is bitter?
١١. تأْتي حَمَاةَ وتَشْتكي كَدَراً
أَوَ مَا عَلِمْتَ بِأَنَّها كَدَرُ
12. You remain with no family or child
No homeland or place in it
١٢. وبَقِيتَ لاَ أَهلٌ ولاَ ولَدٌ
فِيها ولا وَطَنٌ ولا وَطَرُ
13. Be gentle O time, for I am a man
Whose patience misfortune does not change
١٣. صه يا زمانُ فإِنَّني رَجُلٌ
لَيْسَتْ تُغَيِّرُ صَبْرَهُ الغِيرَ
14. The water of my cheer fills my extent
Yet my heart within it is fire kindled
١٤. ماءُ البَشَاشَةِ مِلْءُ صَفحتِه
والقَلْبُ فيه النَّار تَسْتَعر
15. And perhaps his tears rain down
While his aim is to drown the nymphs
١٥. ولربَّما هَطَلَتْ مَدَامِعُه
ومُرادُه أَن يَغْرَق الْحَوَرُ
16. And his cheek is the field of his darting glances
Maids oft smitten by his tears
١٦. والخدُّ مَيْدَانٌ صَوَالِجهُ
هُدْبٌ لَهَا مِنْ دَمْعِه أُكَرُ
17. They said a spring bears no fruit
But for me tears are fruit
١٧. والنَّبْع قالوا مَالَهُ ثَمَرٌ
أَمَّا أَنا فالدَّمْعُ لي ثمَرُ
18. And I will mount its rugged peak
Tempting and perilous are the twists of its path
١٨. ولأَرْكَبَنَّ الصَّعْبَ غُرَّتُه
غَرَر وخَطْرَةُ عِطْفِه خَطَر
19. Either, or - and that is one -
In it my soul's wish awaits
١٩. إِمَّا وإِمَّا وَهْيَ وَاحِدَةٌ
فِيهَا مُرَادُ النَّفْس يَنْتَظِرُ
20. Breeze of the south I see you fluttering
Has travel cured my body like myself?
٢٠. ريحَ الجَنُوبِ أَراك مُدْنَفَةً
هَلْ شَفَّ جسْمَكِ مِثْليَ السَّفَرُ
21. And I see you fragrant and scented
Is there news of our loved ones in you?
٢١. وأَراك طيِّبةً مُعَطَّرةً
هَلْ فيكِ مِنْ أَحْبَابِنَا خَبَرُ
22. Those loved ones, their presence is a meadow
Green are their prattle and verdant their loveliness
٢٢. تلك الأَحبَّةُ رَوْضُ ودِّهِمُ
خَضِل وغمرُ صَفَائِهم خَضِرُ
23. News of their beauty has surpassed
Had we not, we'd say these are walls
٢٣. قد أَعْجَزَتْ أَخْبَارُ سُودُدِهم
لولا لَقُلْنَا إِنَّها سُوَرُ
24. I left them and they swayed in sorrow
Until we thought they were drunk
٢٤. فارقْتُهم فَتَمَايَلُوا أَسَفاً
حَتَّى ظننَّا أَنَّهم سَكِرُوا
25. As if they had drunken their tears
As if their sighs were their song
٢٥. فكأَنَّهم لدِمُوُعِهم شَرِبُوا
وكأَنَّهم بِأَنِينِهِمْ نَعرُوا
26. How many whose gaze was downcast
When my person left their sight
٢٦. كَمْ فِيهمُ مَنْ غَضَّ نَاظِرَه
لمَّا خَلاَ مِنْ شَخْصِيَ الْبَصَرُ
27. Wrongly assumes their eyelid
Without me would not have sight
٢٧. وَيَظُنُّ ظنّاً أَنَّ مُقْلَتَهُ
لَوْلاَي لَمْ يُخْلَقْ لهَا نَظَرُ
28. Oh woe for an eye that after their parting
Saw but more tears and morals
٢٨. يَا وَيْحَ طَرْفٍ بَعْدَ فُرْقَتِهم
مرَّت بِهِ العَبْرَاتُ والعِبَرُ
29. True spoke the one whose eloquence said
No tear flowed but destiny flowed
٢٩. صَدَقَ الَّذِي قَالتْ بَلاَغَتُه
لَمْ يَجْرِ دَمْعٌ بَلْ جَرَى قَدَرُ
30. How I feared their separation
Yet if fate decrees then there is no caution
٣٠. كَمْ كَنْتُ أَحْذَرُ مِن فِرَاقِهمُ
وإِذَا وَهيَ قَدَرٌ فَلاَ حَذَرُ
31. My craving for a life of plenty
Where the sins of fate are forgiven
٣١. لَهْفِي عَلَى عَيْشٍ بِنِعْمَتِه
كَانَتْ ذُنُوبُ الدَّهرِ تُغْتَفَرُ
32. And dwellings bustling with joy
Adorned with budding blooms
٣٢. وَمَنَازِلٍ بِاللَّهو آهِلَةٍ
تُزْهَى بِهَا الآصَالُ والبُكَرُ
33. And a minaret clad beautifully
Where dreams and news daily loom
٣٣. ومنارةٍ من حُسْن حُلَّتِها
يُنْشى الحبُورُ ويُنْشَر الخَبَرُ
34. And loved ones whose hair is hyacinth
Whose prattle by night is wine's tune
٣٤. وأَحبَّةٍ سُمْرٍ شُعُورُهُمُ
لَيْلٌ فَصَوت حُليِّهم سَمَرُ
35. Poetry like the night they reunited
Beautiful but not without its dearth
٣٥. شعر كَلَيْلَةِ وَصْلِ صَاحِبه
حُسْناً ولَكِن مَا بِه قِصَرُ
36. Those branches, their hair is leaves
Garlands adorned and buds of flowers
٣٦. تلك الغُصُونُ شُعُورُهَا وَرَقٌ
متكلِّلٌ وعقودُهَا زَهَرُ
37. Under the canopies like moons
Mattresses on which beauties repose
٣٧. تحت النهُودِ كأَنَّها بِدَرٌ
سُرُرٌ تُفَرَّغُ فِيهم صُرَر
38. Ah for a mouth could I obtain it
Likewise mouths show victory bodied
٣٨. آهاً لِثَغْرٍ لوْ ظَفِرْتُ بِه
وكذا الثُّغُورُ يُرَى بِهَا الظَّفَر
39. For my eyelids rent by their loss
Are sparks and embers of my tears seared
٣٩. مِنْ شَادِن طَرْفي لِفُرقَتِه
زَنْدٌ وجَمْرُ مَدامعي شَرَرُ
40. Alluring is the bashfulness of his face
Charming the gaze of his eyes leered
٤٠. متبرِّجٌ في وَجْهِهِ الخَفَرُ
متَحيِّرٌ في طَرْفِه الحَوَرُ
41. Confounded in the twist of his curl
Were his lash's host not armed
٤١. لو لم يكن في الجَفْنِ عَسْكَرُه
مَا قِيلَ إِن الجَفْنَ يَنْكَسِرُ
42. It would not be said the eyelid can break
They clasped his throat, those necklaces
٤٢. حفَّتْ بَوَادِره قَلائِدُه
ويلاه ذا خَصَر وذا خَصِرُ
43. Woe to him of such waist and such hips
I cannot number whom I embraced his frame
٤٣. لم أُحصِ كم عانَقْتُ قامَتَهُ
فتكسَّرتْ مِنْ ضمِّه الدُّرَرُ
44. So that my embrace made pearls shatter
You were patient til the day we parted
٤٤. أَصَبَرْتَ حتى يَوْمَ فُرْقَتِه
يَا قَلْبُ والتَّحقيق يا حَجَرُ
45. My heart, and true hearts are stones
While sparks and embers of my tears
٤٥. ومُقَرْطَن طَرْفي لِفُرقَتِه
زَنْدٌ وحُمْرُ مَدَامِعِي شَرَرُ