
O third of the two lives in knowledge,

يا ثالث العمرين علماً

1. O third of the two lives in knowledge,
While I am third of the two waists in sickness,

١. يا ثالِثَ العُمَرينِ عِلْماً
أَنا ثالثُ الخصريْنِ سُقْماً

2. Shall I be your servant, then slayed
By passion unjustly and oppressively?

٢. أأَكون عبدَكَ ثم يقـ
ـتُلني الهوَى جَوْراً وظُلْما

3. And remain in your name in passion
And go astray from my burdens in your name?

٣. وأَظلُّ باسْمِك في الهوَى
وأَضِلُ من كَلَفِي بأَسْما

4. You will be my shield, then pierce
Me with glances like arrows.

٤. وتكونُ دِرْعِي ثُم تُنـ
ـفِذُ فيَّ بالأَلحاظِ سَهْما

5. For the beauty of your writing I was
Wounded on the cheeks with a mark.

٥. فلِحُسْنِ خطِّك قد رشقـ
ـت لها على الخدين وسما

6. In the rhythm of your mouth I composed
For her on the mouths a composition.

٦. في نظم ثغرك قد نظمـ
ـتُ لها علَى الثَّغرين نَظْما

7. Indeed I have decided my youth
From the antelope decisively.

٧. والحقُّ أَنِّي قد حَسَمـ
ـتُ صبابَتي عن ظَبى حَسْمَى

8. And I probed the will of love in it
But did not find for love any will.

٨. وسَبرتُ عَزْمَ العِشْقِ فيه
فلم أَجِدْ لِلْعِشْقِ عَزْما

9. And I was done with it consolingly
And I was busy from you with all my bliss.

٩. وفرغتُ منه تَسلِّياً
وشُغلتُ منكَ بِكُلِّ نُعمى

10. And I found the description of your eminence
Sweeter than the pillows of all my pain.

١٠. ووجدتُ وصفَ علاكَ أَحـ
ـلَى من مَراشِف كُلِّ أَلْمَى

11. You are the one who conquered the kings
All with might and resolve.

١١. أَنت الَّذِي قهر المما
لك كلَّها بأساً وحَزْما

12. You are the one who ruled the countries
And guided them with view and wisdom.

١٢. أَنتَ الَّذي سَادَ الملو
كَ وسَاسَها رأْياً وحُكْما

13. You are the one who attained the sky
And attained it with destiny and greatness.

١٣. أَنتَ الَّذِي نال السما
ءَ وحازها قدراً وعِظْما

14. You are the one who destroyed the enemies
With might, despitefully and resolutely.

١٤. أَنت الَّذِي أَفْنى عِدا
ه بِسَطوةٍ رغْماً وعزْماً

15. You are the one who attained all the stars,
Star by star.

١٥. أَنْتَ الَّذِي حازَ النّجو
مَ جميعَها نَجْماً فنجماً

16. You are the one who split the sciences
And delved into them, science by science.

١٦. أَنتَ الَّذِي شقَّ العلو
مَ وخاضَها عِلْماً فَعِلْما

17. You are the one whose tremendous
Glory almost cannot be named.

١٧. أَنتَ الَّذِي قد كادَ عُظْـ
ـمُ جلالِه أَن لا يُسمَّى

18. The world has surrendered to you
And its war has become in your hands peace.

١٨. دانَت لَك الدُّنْيا وأَصـ
ـبَح حربُها بيدَيْكَ سِلْما

19. And everything insignificant and small
Has become near all my greatness.

١٩. وغَدا قريباً كلُّ من
تزَحٍ وصُغْرى كُلِّ عُظْمى

20. And you have become in this time a spirit
Since you have made time a body.

٢٠. وغدوتَ في ذَا الدَّهرِ رو
حاً إِذ جعلتَ الدَّهر جِسْما

21. And you knew what would be
Thought, hitting and understanding.

٢١. وعَلِمْتَ ما سيكون فِكـ
ـراً صائِباً وذَكاً وفَهْماً

22. And you sufficed every worry
So your Lord sufficed you from what worries.

٢٢. وكفيتَ كلَّ مُهمَّةٍ
فكفاك ربُّك ما أَهمَّا

23. And you showed us your miracles
Copiously, and the full moon complete.

٢٣. وأَريْتَنَا منكَ السحا
ئبَ ثرَّةً والبدرَ تِمَّا

24. How many evident, dazzling miracle
Whoever does not see it, he is blind.

٢٤. كم مُعْجِزٍ لكَ باهرٍ
من لا يراهُ فَهْو أَعْمى

25. And you brought us from you victory
Quick, and ample honor.

٢٥. وأَنلْتَنا منك النوا
ل معجَّلا والعِزَّ ضَخْما

26. And the face bright, and sublime embodied,
And the pride enormous.

٢٦. والوجْهَ طَلْقاً والعلا
ءَ مجسَّداً والفخْرَ فَخْماً

27. And enter His paradises
So when you see you will see bliss.

٢٧. وادْخُل إِلى جنَّاتِه
فإِذا رأَيْتَ رأَيْتَ ثَمَّا

28. And look at His enemies you will find them
Slain by it, killing and defeat.

٢٨. وانظر عِداه تجِدْهُمُ
صَرْعى به قَتْلاً وهَزْما

29. The world has eaten them and so
The flesh of the people was tasty to it.

٢٩. أَكلَتْهُم الدُّنيا فطا
بَ لها لحومُ القومِ طَعْمَا

30. And through it they have been digested so
The eaten should not wonder at digestion.

٣٠. وبها قد اهْتَضَمُوا فلا
يَستغْرِبِ المأكولُ هَضْماً

31. Among all His enemies
Is none but the ones whose minds are blind.

٣١. ما في عِداهُ جميعِهم
إِلا مُصابُ العقل مُصْمَى

32. Their purpose has been blinded so
The slap was interpretation of the blind.

٣٢. عمَّوْا مُرادَهمُ فكا
ن الصَّفْعُ تَفْسيرَ المُعمَّى

33. Purify, O finest of creation, the religion of God,
In destiny and name.

٣٣. أَصفيَّ دينِ الله يا
أَسْنَى الوَرى قدْراً وَأَسْمَى

34. O you who show us the saying distinctly
Decisive and the command resolutely.

٣٤. يا من يُرينا القولَ جزْ
لاً مُحكَماً والأَمرَ جَزْما

35. I have come from my passion
To kiss the ground of your feet fervently.

٣٥. قَدمت مِن شوقِي لأَن
أُفْنِي ثَرى قدمَيْكَ لَثْما

36. It would gladden a heart that has suffered
From separation, misery and worry.

٣٦. َسُرُّ قلباً قد تعذَّ
بَ بالفراقِ أَسىً وهَمَّا

37. And I would remove a sorrow that has piled up
In its sides and spread.

٣٧. وأُزيلُ غَمّاً قَدْ تَكَا
ثَفَ في نَواحِيهِ وَعَمَّا

38. And I see your clouds without fog
And the living is not dead.

٣٨. وأَرى سحابَك لا جَها
ماً والمُحيَّا ليس جَهْماً

39. And I see that when property came to you
It was like ample water.

٣٩. وأَرى بجلِّقَ إِذ أَتا
كَ المالُ مثلَ الماءِ جَمَّا

40. My passion for you has not been concealed
And how can musk conceal its fragrance?

٤٠. لم ينكَتِمْ شوقي إِليكَ
وهل يُطيق المسكُ كَتْما

41. I wish I would be more loyal
Than he who makes oaths to you.

٤١. إِني أُؤمِّل أَن أَكو
نَ أَجلَّ مَنْ وَالاَك قَسْما

42. And I see it as beautiful when you
Prepare for me gifts and favors.

٤٢. وأُرى وَسيما حين تصـ
ـنَعُ لي من الإِنْعام وسْما

43. And I have thirsted for the drink
Of your palms, O brimming sea.

٤٣. ولقد عَطِشتُ إِلى ندى
كفيكَ يا بحراً خِضَمّاً

44. And I am your patron, so why
Should your enemy be quenched and I thirsty?

٤٤. وأَنا وليّكُم فَلِمْ
يُروى عدوُّكُم وأَظْمَا