
They said, your lover endured patiently,

قالوا محبك يا حبيب صبر

1. They said, your lover endured patiently,
The one saying this knew not what he spoke,

١. قالوا مُحِبَّك يا حبيبُ صَبَرْ
ما عِنْدَ قائِلِ ذا الكلامِ خبَرْ

2. When he meant to say passion, his tongue tripped
And uttered 'patience' instead in its place.

٢. لما أَراد بأَن يقولَ صبَا
عثَر اللَّسانُ بِهِ فقالَ صَبَرْ

3. And yes, I poured passion forth when he was true,
And yes, I was patient when he betrayed.

٣. ونَعَمْ صَبَوْتُ إِليه حين وَفَى
ونعمْ صبرتُ عليه حِينَ غَدَرْ

4. The critic of passion came to admonish,
But love insisted though he forbade.

٤. ولقد أَتى للصَّبِّ عاذِلُهُ
فنهَى ولكنَّ الغَرَام أَمَرْ

5. Pass by, O critic, and let all others be,
For I and you are but vigils and wakefulness.

٥. مُرْ يا عذولُ وَمَنْ سِوَايَ بِذَا
فأَنَا وأَنْتَ كناظِرٍ وسَهَرْ

6. Read not the critic his homily,
For you have read the verses of difference.

٦. لا تقْرأَنْ لعذول سَوْرَتِهِ
فلقد قرأَتَ من الخلافِ سُوَرْ

7. Your tears, they say, left no vision untouched,
Did you ever hear a lover had sight?

٧. ويقولُ دَمْعُكَ لم يَدَعْ بصراً
أَسَمِعْتَ قَطُّ لعاشِقِ بِبَصَرْ

8. By my parents, when they say he was captivated,
It means his gazelle took him captive.

٨. بأَبي وأُمِّي من أَسَرَّ إِذا
قالوا غزاهُ غزالُه فأَسَرْ

9. The moon of my heart found joy in playing,
How true said the beautiful one, 'the moon.'

٩. قمرَ الفؤادَ وجدَّ في لَعِبٍ
يا صِدْقَ من قال المليحُ قَمَرْ

10. You exhausted my body, O beautiful one,
While the body is but flax and you the moon.

١٠. أَبليتَ جِسْمِي يا مليحُ ضنىً
فالجِسْمُ كِتَّانٌ وأَنتَ قَمَرْ

11. When I cried you laughed in rapture,
And composed verses from what the lover scattered.

١١. لما بكيتُ ضحكْتَ من طَرَبٍ
فنظمتَ ما كان المُحِبُّ نَثَرْ

12. O you who poured forth my tears but forbade them,
Enough for me and you - you took, so leave off.

١٢. يَا سَافِكاً دَمْعِي وناهِيَه
حَسْبي وحسبُكَ قد أَخذْتَ فَذَرْ

13. Evil you are, O beauty of the beloved,
For my blood is spilt like pouring tears.

١٣. قُبِّحْتَ يا حُسْنَ الحبيب فَقَد
أَضْحَى دَمي مثل الدُّمُوعِ هَدَرْ

14. You cast me from his loss in purpose,
And stoned me from his heart with rocks.

١٤. فرميْتَنِي من تيهِهِ بِنَوىً
ورجمْتَني من قلبِه بَحَجَرْ

15. I embraced him at dawn and vanished in passion,
As if to him my embrace was but sorcery.

١٥. عانقتُه سَحَراً وغبتُ هَوىً
فكأَنَّهُ لِيَ بالعِنَاقِ سَحَرْ

16. And I kissed beneath his eyes in my fervor -
His eyes - or did I make a mark therein?

١٦. ولثمتُ تَحْتَ العَيْنِ من شَغَفِي
بالعين أَو صَيَّرْتُ فيه أَثَر

17. And my tears flowed above his cheeks -
As if a stream from the Garden I made appear.

١٧. ومَدَامِعِي من فوقِ وجْنَتِهِ
أَو مَا سَمِعْتَ بجنةٍ ونَهَر

18. I interceded for the gazelles when they came,
Seeking a Houri as gift from his eyes.

١٨. وشَفَعْتُ للغِزْلان إِذ حَضَرَتْ
واستَوْهَبَتْ من ناظريه حَوَرْ

19. The full moon paled seeing him so fair,
While the lover but gazed in delight.

١٩. ولَقَدْ بَدا لِلْبَدْرِ مُعْتَرِضاً
فالبدرُ أَغْضَى والمحبُّ نَظَرْ

20. The red sun shied in shame of his cheek,
Claiming that was but his guard's blushing.

٢٠. والشَّمْسُ حمرةُ خدِّها خَجَلاً
منْهُ وتَزْعُمُ أَنَّ ذَاكَ خَفَرْ

21. She veiled herself in the west when he appeared,
And wrapped herself in clouds when he traveled.

٢١. وتستَّرت بالغَرْبِ حينَ بَدَا
وتَنَقَّبَتْ بالغَيْمِ حينَ سَفَرْ

22. Alas for the branch whose blossom is ever
Morn and night and bud and hair.

٢٢. واهاً لغصنٍ زَهْرُه أَبداً
صبحٌ وليل وغرّةٌ وشَعَرْ

23. Morn and night that lingered between them -
O the witty one is like sorcery indeed!

٢٣. صُبْحٌ وليلٌ ظلَّ بينهما
يا للملاحةِ طُرَّة كَسَحَرْ

24. Hair like the night of union with the beloved -
Beautiful, but lacking a palace.

٢٤. شَعْرٌ كليلةِ وصْلِ صاحبه
حُسْناً ولكن ليْسَ فيه قِصَرْ

25. The comb complains of the length of his tresses,
And also complains of his journey far.

٢٥. والمُشْطُ يَشْكُو فيه طولَ سُرىً
وكذاكَ يشكو منه بُعْدَ سَفَرْ

26. O wonder for the night that was brought to be
For creation in you, and for knotting of pearls.

٢٦. يا آيةً لِلَّيلِ ما مُحِيَتْ
للخَلْقِ فيكِ وللعُقُودِ سَمَرْ

27. By Allah, an evening like springtime that passed,
And spring is but a garden, and beauty, flowers.

٢٧. للهِ عصْرٌ كالرّبيعِ مَضَى
والرَّبْعُ رَوْضٌ والمِلاَحُ زَهَرْ

28. Time is near with no malice within it,
And living pleasant with no bitterness.

٢٨. والدّهرُ قُرْبٌ ليس فيه نَوىً
والعيشُ صَفْوٌ ليس فيه كَدَرْ

29. Days when the necklace of joy is threaded,
So the day is a string and cups but pearls.

٢٩. أَيامَ عِقدُ اللَّهْوِ منتظمٌ
فاليومُ سلكٌ والكئوس دُرَرْ

30. The book of your generosity in union - not an instance
Of the poetry of separation in it appears.

٣٠. وكتابُ جُودِكَ بالوصال وما
فيه لديوان الصُّدُودِ نَظَرْ

31. I recalled him while the wine cup was in my hand,
So I drank to your union with that memory.

٣١. وذكرتُه والكأْسُ فوقَ يَدِي
فشَرِبْتُ للذكرى بوصلك شر