
O my teary eyes, be no more my brethren

أيا دمع عيني لا تكن بعد إخواني

1. O my teary eyes, be no more my brethren
Now that they have left me, neither weak nor rueful

١. أيا دمعَ عَيْني لا تكُنْ بَعْدَ إِخْوَاني
وقَدْ نَزَحُوا لاَ بالضَّعيفِ ولا الواني

2. How good was my pact, if my eyelids expose it
Wetting my cheeks not my heart with fires

٢. أَبنْ حُسْنَ عَهْدي إِن عهدي تُبِينه
جُفُوني بماءٍ لا فؤَادِي بِنيرانِ

3. My heart's excuse is not like yours evident
You are free while the heart is the troubled one

٣. وعذرُ فؤادِي لا كعُذْرِك واضحٌ
فأَنت طليقٌ والفؤادُ هو العَانِي

4. Far from you to not fulfill O my tears
Loyal and walking, how much you fulfilled to the betrayers

٤. وحاشاك من أَن لا تفي يا مَدَامَعي
لوافٍ وقِدْمَاً كم وَفيْتِ لخَوَّان

5. And O eye, if you see in people other than them
You are not, O its human, ever a human to me

٥. ويا عينُ إِن أَبصرتِ في الناس غيرَهم
فما أَنْتَ يا إِنسانُها قَطُّ إِنْسَاني

6. And why do my eyes see people after them
While I lost from me my eyes and helpers

٦. وما بالُ عيني تبصرُ الناسَ بَعْدَهم
وقد عَدِمَتْ مِنِّي عُيُوني وأَعْوَاني

7. Time has folded from me my comrades, loved ones
My family, neighbors, lions and gazelles

٧. طوى الدَّهرُ عنِّي مَعْشَرِي وأَحبَّتي
وأَهَلْي وجيراني وأُسْدي وغُزْلاَني

8. And whoever used to call obeying God obeying me
Just as disobeying him was disobeying me

٨. ومن كان يُسْمي طَاعَة اللهِ طَاعتي
كما عِنْدَهُ عصيانُه كَان عِصْيَاني

9. Of the early foremost ones, to those
Who suit me and follow goodness

٩. من السَّابقين الأَولين إِلى الذي
يلائمُني والتَّابعِين بإِحْسَانِ

10. And how much thousands and thousands used to make me laugh
My time with them, but today makes me cry

١٠. وكم إِلفِ إِلفِ كَان أَضْحَكَ نَاجِذِي
زماني به لكنَّه اليومَ أَبْكَاني

11. And how much my time pleased me with it, then saddened me
And blessed me a time with it, then distressed me

١١. وكَمْ سرَّني دَهْرِي بِه ثُمَّ ساءَني
ونَعَّمني دهراً به ثم أَشْقَاني

12. Nobles who drank the cup of death and decay
Oh, if only the one who quenched their thirst had quenched mine

١٢. كرامٌ سُقُوا كَأسَ المنيةِ والرَّدى
فيا ليت من أَسْقَاهم كَانَ أَسْقَاني

13. And the hand of decay did not judge them, so it failed
Oh, if only the one who wasted them had wasted me

١٣. وما حَكمَتْ فيهم فشُلَّتْ يدُ البلى
فيا ليت من أَبلاهمُ أَبلاني

14. Graves belong to them like stars I am guided
With them to the fire of my heart and passions

١٤. قبورٌ لُهمْ مثلُ الكواكب تَهْتدِي
بها لفؤادي نارُ قلبي وأَشْجَاني

15. Despite that I am some of the graves within them
So the dwellers of those graves are my people

١٥. على أَنَّني بَعْضُ المقابِر فيهمُ
فسكَّانُ هاتيكَ المقابِر سُكَّاني

16. Their branches withered in the soil while still lush
Oh soil, you did not do justice to the lushness of the branches

١٦. ذَوتْ في الثَّرى أَغصانُهم وَهْي غَضَّةٌ
فيا تُرْبُ ما أَنصفْتَ نُضْرَة أَغْصَان

17. And the redness of my cheek from crying over them
So my cheek, not the cheek of the beloved, is the sender

١٧. وحمرةُ خدِّي بالدُّموع عَلَيْهمُ
فخدِّيَ لا خدُّ الحبيبِ هو القَاني

18. I passed a stranger among them, not accustomed
To other than them, oh my strangeness among homelands

١٨. عَبَرْتُ غريباً بينهم غيرَ آلفٍ
لغيرهمُ يا غُرْبَتي بَين أَوطَاني

19. And I returned poor after them, not finding
The like of them, oh my solitude after companions

١٩. وعُدْتُ فقيراً بعدهم غيرَ واجدٍ
لِمثْلِهمُ يا خُلَّتي بعد خلاَّني

20. And the world may rebuild others, and perhaps
It did, but clouds on my eyelids

٢٠. وقد تُنْشِئُ الدنيا سواهُم وربَّما
وقد أَنشأَتْ لكن سَحَائبَ أَجفاني

21. And among them a brother of mine who was my spirit and comfort
Just as he was my soul and basil

٢١. وفيهم أَخٌ لي كان رُوحِي وراحتي
كما أَنه قد كان رَوْحِي وَرَيحَاني

22. Despite me I buried in him a treasured self
Of mighty status, high standing

٢٢. برغميَ أَوْدَعْتُ الثَّرى منه مُهْجَةً
معظَّمَةَ المقدارِ عاليةَ الشان

23. My brother, but I cracked the soil for him
And laid him between my patience and tranquility

٢٣. شقيقي ولكنِّي شَقَقْتُ له الثَّرى
ووسَّدتُه ما بين صَبْري وسُلْوَاني

24. Despite me when I stayed and he left
And despite him, how he went and left me

٢٤. على الرَّغم منِّي إِذ أَقمتُ وقَدْ مضَى
وبالرغمِ منه كيفَ رَاحَ وخَلاَّني

25. I lived harmoniously when he died and I did not die
And I went in clothes while he went in shrouds

٢٥. تلاءَمت فيه حين ماتَ ولم أَمُتْ
ورُحْت بأَثوابٍ وراحَ بأَكْفَانِ

26. Oh woe to my heart, how can it house my ribs
And woe to my self, how can it settle my body

٢٦. ويا ويحَ قَلبي كيف يأْوِي لأَضْلعي
وأَفٍّ لنَفْسِي كيف تَسْكُنُ جثماني

27. And how much I attempted killing myself because of you, but faith deterred me
And it made me patient from killing myself, my faith

٢٧. وكم رمتُ قَتْلَ النَّفس فيكم فَصدَّني
وصبَّرني عن قتلِ نفسِيَ إِيماني

28. And I fear that I go to Malik (angel)
So his heart would grieve for me at Rizwan (paradise gate)

٢٨. وخوفي أَنْ أَمْضِي إِلى عند مالك
فيَغْتَمَّ منه قَلْبُه عند رِضْوَان

29. Through him my excess became evident
And since he left me, the lack has become evident to my state

٢٩. به ظَهَرَتْ في الحالِ منِّي زيادتي
ومذ بان عَنِّي بان للحَالِ نُقْصَاني

30. And how much I used to frown at him and he would love me
And I would anger him but he would be pleased with me

٣٠. وكم كنْتُ أَجفُوهُ وكان يُحبني
وأُغضبُه لكنَّه يَترضَّاني

31. Far from me to forget him as long as the wind blows
And I consider him in his grave not forgetting me

٣١. وهيهات أَن أَنساهُ ما هبَّت الصَّبا
وأَحْسَبُه في قبره ليْسَ يَنْساني

32. And how much I visited his grave, so I saw him
With the eye of my conscience standing welcoming me

٣٢. وكَمْ زرتُ منه قبرَه فرأَيتُه
بعَيْنِ ضميرِي قَائِماً يَتَلقَّاني

33. He almost, when I come to him, hugs me
And holds me back at departure with his forearms

٣٣. يَكَادُ إِذا ما جئتُه أَن يضمَّني
ويُمْسِكُنِي عِنْد الرَّواح بأَرْداني

34. So my eye is an eye after a people who are gone from me
And my night after the loved ones is gloomy

٣٤. فعيني عينٌ بعد قومٍ عدمتُهم
ولَيْليَ مِنْ بَعْدِ الأَحبَّةِ ليْلانِ

35. I hate my life after them, and if I had
The money of Qarun and kingdom of Solomon

٣٥. مقتُّ حياتي بعدهم ولو أَنَّ لي
بها مالَ قارون ومُلْك سُليْمَان

36. And I must ride the back of determination
That brings close the distant and sends away the near

٣٦. ولا بدَّ لي أَن أَمتطي ظهرَ عزمةٍ
مقرِّبةِ النَّائي مُبَعِّدةِ الدَّاني

37. And I flow like the direction of fate wherever
It flows with a river of aromatic, blossom-filled whiteness

٣٧. وأَفْلُو كما شاء السُّرى لممَ الفلا
بأَدهم ريَّانٍ من الزُّهْرِ ملآنِ

38. In it an aurora from the day of union has departed
Upon it a night of separation has been draped

٣٨. به غرَّةٌ من يوم وصل قد انْفرَى
عليها إِهابٌ قُدَّ من ليل هِجْران

39. You see an individual of color whose color, when it flows
Comes to you from strange flowing with colors

٣٩. ترى فرْد لونٍ لونَه فإِذا جَرى
أَتاكَ مِنَ الجَرْي الغريبِ بأَلوان

40. It stops like my hand, obedient if I stop it
And rebels if I let it go like rebellion

٤٠. يكُفُّ ككفِّي طائعاً إِن كفَفْتُه
ويطغى إِذا أَرسلتُه مِثلَ طُغْيَان

41. If I want galloping, I am on the back of a bird
And if I want walking, I am on the back of a horse

٤١. إِذا شئْتُ رَكْضاً كنْتُ في ظهر طائرٍ
وإِن شئتُ مشياً كنت في ظَهْرِ سِرْحَان

42. Nothing drips from its leaks
Despite that it came with the gallop bearing a flood

٤٢. وما يتندَّى قَطُّ من رُحَضَائِه
على أَنَّه بالرَّكض جاءَ بطوفان

43. And I rise above highlands like them
As cups rise above it with cups

٤٣. وأَعلو على الأَطوادِ منه بمثْلِها
كما يلتقي الصَّوانُ منه بصَوَّانِ

44. It straightens the winding roads and crushes them
So it gallops in the highest of its expanse with a field

٤٤. يسوِّي شنَاخِيبَ الذُّرى ويُدكُّها
فيركُضُ في أَعْلَى رُبَاهَا بميْدان

45. And its ear hears what we say to it
With a saying - be it secret or public utterance

٤٥. وتسمع أُذْنَا قَلْبِه ما نَقُولُه
بذِي قَوْلٍ سرٍّ كان أَو قَولِ إِعْلاَن

46. Perhaps through its saying I gain fortune, it
Went fleeing in publicity from me, loosened

٤٦. عَسَى قولُه أَنْ أَلْحَقَ الحظَّ إِنَّه
مضى هَارِباً في الجهرِ عنِّي وعنَّاني

47. And I am fortune's fortune if it was reasonable
Fortune erred that misses me

٤٧. وإِنِّي حظُ الحظِّ لو كَانَ عاقِلاً
لقد أَخطأَ الحظُّ الَّذي يَتَخَطَّاني

48. Oh shame of fortune which became an aurora
With vile people it dressed and honored

٤٨. ويا عَوْرَةَ الحظِّ الذي صَارَ غُرَّةً
بقومٍ خِسَاسٍ قد كَسَاهُمْ وعرَّاني

49. The flukes of people - when it dressed them
In the clothes of men above the limbs of women!

٤٩. وعَارَ فُحُولَ الخَلْقِ لما كساهمُ
ثيابَ رجالٍ فَوْقَ أَعْضَاءِ نِسْوان

50. They have what they wanted of slender spirits
As we did not want of mighty bodies

٥٠. لهم ما أَرادوا من نحافَةِ أَنفسٍ
كما لا أَرَدْنا من ضَخَامَةِ أَبْدَانِ

51. And I am weighted while they are elevated
Due to their lightness when I sank from heaviness

٥١. وزِنْتُ وهُمْ فانظر إِلينا وقد عَلَوْا
لخفَّتهمْ لمَّا انْحَطَطْتُ لرُجْحَاني

52. And I do not have a heart envious of their blessings
But of their ascension a heart changing

٥٢. وَمَا لي على نُعْماهُمُ قَلْبٌ حاسدٍ
ولكن عَلَى علياهمُ قَلْبُ غَيْرَانِ

53. And I know which matter because of it
My time treats me with beauty then maltreats me

٥٣. وإِنِّي لأَدري أَيَّ أَمر لأَجْلِه
عَداني زماني بالجميل وعَادَاني

54. Because I have protected honor and pillaged riches
And I am the master whose jealousy riles at my hospitality

٥٤. لأَنِّي مصونُ العِرْضِ منتَهبُ الغِنى
وأَنِّي مَوْلَى حُسَّدِي عِنْدَ ضِيفَاني

55. And I am content with praise, I do not hoard riches
So I aspire to the eternal and scorn the fleeting

٥٥. وإِنِّي لأَقْني الحمدَ لا أَقْتَني الثَّرى
فأَرغبُ في الباقي وأَزهَدُ في الْفَاني

56. And I am, according to the words of critics, which slow walker
And I am, towards giving vainly, which hastening one

٥٦. وإِنِّي على قول الخَنَا أَيُّ مبطِىءِ
وإِنِّي إِلى بذلِ اللُّهى أَيُّ عجلان

57. And I am, if I met an opponent dialoguing
Falsehood flees from him while my proof shines

٥٧. وإِني إِذا قابلتُ خَصْماً مُمَاحْكَا
كَبَا باطلٌ منه وأَشرقَ بُرْهَاني

58. And if I stood as an orator among my people
Nothing but Wael are around Sahban

٥٨. وإِن قُمتُ في قومِي خطيباً فَما هُمُ
وإِيَّايَ إِلاَّ وائلٌ حول سَحْبَان

59. And I stab with the opinion that is practical
And not every spears-thrower is a stabber

٥٩. وأَطعَنُ بالرأْي الذي هو عَامِلٌ
وما كلُّ نقَّالِ الرِّماحِ بطعَّان

60. And every book of mine pours a battalion
And defeats it before the pouring of the title

٦٠. وكل كتابٍ لي يَفُضُّ كتيبةً
ويهزِمُها من قبل فضٍّ لعُنْوَان

61. And through me the star is guided which is used for guidance
And from wonder - how did I guide while confused?

٦١. وبي يهتدي النَّجم الذي يُهْتَدى بِه
ومِنْ عَجَبٍ كَيْفَ اهتَديْتُ بَحَيران

62. And do not be surprised by my penetration, for I
With the sultan of my knowledge, penetrated with my sultan

٦٢. ولا يُتَعَجَّبْ من نَفاذِي فإِنَّني
بسلطان عِلمي قد نفَذْتُ بسُلْطَاني

63. Virtues angered time from them, so it almost
Befell me just as it has passed over me

٦٣. فضائلُ غِيظ الدَّهْرُ منها فكَادَني
كما أَنَّه قد مرّ منها فأَرْدَانِي

64. So do not think time turned away from me and its people
I have none with them but stupidity and nonsense

٦٤. فلا تحسبَنَّ الدّهرَ عني وأَهلَه
فما لي منهُم غَيرُ بَهْتٍ وبُهْتَان

65. And tell the twenty year old girl about you and see
With your eyes the wavering of the forty year old to the pillars

٦٥. وقل لابنةِ العشرينَ عنكِ وأَبْصِري
بعينَيك هدَّ الأَربعينَ لأَركاني

66. And I was not obeying passion in the matter of youth
Let alone now, for my youth has ridden off

٦٦. وما كنتُ في أَمْر الصِّبَا طائعَ الهوى
ولا سيما والآنَ قد ريعَ رَيْعَاني

67. Oh you, pourer of the wine who provokes me
With frozen water dissolved in it some cane

٦٧. ويا ساقيَ الرّاح الذي يَسْتفزُّني
بجامد ماءٍ فيه ذائب عقْيَان

68. To you - my cup is not my cup, nor is passion
My passion, nor is my intoxication today my intoxication

٦٨. إِليكَ فما كأْسِي بكأْسِي ولا الهَوى
هوايَ ولا نُدمانيَ اليوم نُدْمَاني

69. And you and the cup you carried
Are my distraction, but my devil forgot

٦٩. وإِنك والكأْسَ التي حَمَّلْتَها
لشُغِلي ولكِنْ قد تنسَّك شيطاني