
Ask me by God about so-and-so,

سلني بالله عن فلان

1. Ask me by God about so-and-so,
For I have found solace away from his infatuation,

١. سَلِّني بالله عن فلانِ
فقد تسلَّيت عَنْ فُلانَهْ

2. And her love has passed for some time,
Because women's love has its time.

٢. وعشقُها راح من زَمانٍ
لأَنَّ عِشْقَ النِّسا زَمَانَه

3. There is in them neither loyalty,
Nor chastity, nor safety,

٣. فليس فيهنَّ لا وفاءٌ
ولا حفاظٌ ولا أَمَانَه

4. From every woman with curved hips,
And each one with flirtatious eyes,

٤. من كلِّ مَهْتومَةِ الثنايا
وكلِّ مَحْلُولَةِ المثَانَه

5. Leaning her lower body from her residence,
If she supported it with a pillar,

٥. مائِلة السُّفْل من مُنَاهَا
لو دَعَمتْه بأُسْطوانه

6. She longs on the day of turmoil and desires,
Even if they pierced her with a thousand adulteries.

٦. تَودُّ يومَ الوَغَى وتَبْغي
لو طعنوها بأَلْفِ زَانَهْ

7. Her beauty is borrowed for ages,
And her grace is kept inside storage,

٧. جمالُها الدَّهرَ مستعارٌ
وحسنُها داخِلُ الخِزَانه

8. And she forgets everything except
Boredom, betrayal, and dishonesty.

٨. وكل شيءٍ تنساهُ إلا
المَلالَ والغَدرَ والخِيانَه

9. And she takes away sanity with coquetry,
And claims it is free of charge,

٩. وتسلبُ العقلَ بالتجنِّي
وتدّعي أَنَّه مَجانَهْ

10. So I sought refuge in a full moon
A gazelle of the sands, with a supple branch.

١٠. فاعْتَضْتُ منها ببدرِ تِمٍّ
بظبي رملٍ بغصنِ بانَهْ

11. It brags at night over the day,
And a rose above buds,

١١. يزهو بليلٍ على نهارٍ
ووردةٍ فَوق أَقْحَوَانه

12. Not only are his lips perfect,
But his whole being is perfection.

١٢. ما ثغرهُ وَحْدَه جُمَانٌ
بل شخصُه كُلُّه جُمَانَه

13. That I was fascinated by him is a concealment,
And my love for him is a religion,

١٣. إِنَّ انتهاكي به استتارٌ
وإِنَّ عِشْقي له دِيَانَهْ

14. He is guaranteed in my heart,
For he is everlasting assurance.

١٤. على فؤادِي به ضمانٌ
فإِنَّه دائمُ الضَّمانَهْ

15. Three things in him bring me good fortune:
Beauty, intellect, and chastity.

١٥. ثلاثةٌ فيه تَيَّمْنَني
الحسنُ والعقلُ والصِّيانَه

16. He shot his arrow but did not miss,
When he, who belongs to the tribe of Kinanah, shot me.

١٦. رَمى فلمْ يُخطِ إِذْ رَماني
سهمٌ رمى من بَني كِنانة