1. I wander away from you with a heart free of passion for you
Why should I wander when you have made me an example?
١. أَسيرُ عنكَ بقلبٍ عن هواكَ سلا
لِمْ لا أَسيرُ وقد صَيَّرْتَني مثلا
2. If you come near, then my heart turns away from you
And if you are lively, then my love for you grows dull
٢. فإِن دنوتَ فقلبي عنك مُنْتزِحٌ
وإِن نشطتَ فحبي فيكَ قد كَسَلا
3. Indeed habit has humbled love’s honor
And brought out the heart from it, just as it entered
٣. إِنَّ السُّلُوَّ أَذلَّ الحبُّ عِزَّتَه
وأَخرجَ القلبَ منه مثلَ ما دخلا
4. Grant that I was infatuated with his injustice foolishly
But was it from me that his injustice became accustomed?
٤. هب أَنَّنِي كنتُ أَهوى جورَه سفهاً
منِّي أَمَا كان يهوى جَوْرُه الملَلاَ
5. And his cheek and the waw above it and his dimple
Kindness does not favor his substitution
٥. وهبه والصُّدغُ واوٌ فوقَ وجنته
لا يحسنُ العطفُ أَنَّى يَحسنُ البَدلا
6. Alas, alas! This sleep has passed
So ask, does my heart say "yes" to you if you ask?
٦. هيهات هيهات هذا المنام جرى
فسَلْ يَقُلْ لك قلبي إِن سأَلتَ بَلَى
7. Her slenderness and the stature of that branch did not bend
I woke, and the narcissus of that gaze did not wilt
٧. أَسْلو وقامةُ ذاكَ الغصنِ ما ذَوِيتْ
أَصحُو ونَرجِسُ ذاك الطَّرْفِ ما ذَبُلا
8. I walked away, but a glance held me back
I walk away, and his glances unleash messengers
٨. قد كنتُ سِرتُ ولكن ردَّني رَشَأٌ
أَسْرَى وأَرسلَ من أَلْحَاظِهِ رُسُلا
9. Embers on his cheeks, my heart inflamed by him
And that ember does not cease inflamed
٩. جَمْرٌ بخدَّيه قَلْبي منه مُشْتَعِلٌ
وليس ينفكُّ ذاك الجَمرُ مُشتعِلا
10. He is not shy of burning his cheek
One who does not need to redden it feels no shyness
١٠. وليس يخجلُ من إِحراقِ وَجنَتهِ
من ليس يحْتاجُ في توريدِها الخَجلا
11. Blamer, you wanted to detach me from loving him
Nature is not detached until the mountain is moved
١١. يا لائماً رام نَقْلِي عن محبَّته
لن يُنْقَلَ الطَّبْعُ حتى يَنْقُل الجبَلا
12. I have not forgotten when he approached me attractively
Bewitching with kohl, preoccupied with a kiss
١٢. لم أَنْسَ إِذ رَامني بالحسْنِ مُشْتَمِلاً
بالسحرِ مكتحلاً بالَّلثْمِ مُشْتَغِلاً
13. He glanced at me with his eyes, so I said "enough"
Until when he lowered his eyelids, I said "stop!"
١٣. رنَا إِليّ بعينيه فقلتُ طَلاَ
حتى إِذا كَسَر الأَجفانَ قلتُ طِلاَ
14. I saw in the wind his image stolen
And in the bees' harvest, his meaning taken
١٤. رأَيت في الرَّاح نشراً منه مُسْترَقاً
وفي جَنَى النَّحلِ مَعنىً منه منتَحَلاً
15. I spent the night seeing while the Pleiades circle
The son of Jalla built joy between us
١٥. وبتُّ أُبْصر والصهباءُ دائرةً
بنتَ السرور جَلاها بيننا ابنُ جلا
16. While another spent the night preoccupied with the cup's lip
My lips preoccupied themselves with the cupbearer's
١٦. وباتَ غيري بلثم الكأْس مُشْتغِلاً
وبات لثمي بساقِي الكأسِ مُشْتَغِلا
17. Thus my praise is occupied with the light of faith
While others are occupied praising people
١٧. كَذاكَ مَدْحِي بِنُور الدِّين محْتَفِلٌ
وبات غيري بمدحِ الناس محتفِلا
18. When our Master's name is mentioned, make way
For talk of gazelle and leave foolishness and love
١٨. إِذا جرى ذكرُ مولانا فخلِّ له
ذِكْرَ الغزال وخلِّ اللَّهوَ والغَزلا
19. If you praise, praise none but a king
Who grants kingdoms, days, and states
١٩. وإِن مدحتَ فلا تمدح سوى ملكٍ
يُعطي الممالكَ والأَيامَ والدولاَ
20. Be not astonished if he grants sovereignty
He granted not sovereignty but empowered the weak
٢٠. لا تعجبنَّ إِذا أَعطى الملوكَ فما
أَعطى الملوكَ ولكن خوَّل الخَولا
21. A king whose crown is diadems, his pavilions never folded
For him the banners on the day of battle are garments
٢١. مَلكٌ له البَيْض تِيجَانٌ وما بَرحَت
له السوابغُ في يَومِ الْوَغَى حُلَلا
22. He never unsheathed the sword, but he destroyed the heroes
He did not wield the spear, but he invalidated the valiant
٢٢. ما جرَّد النصلَ لكن جرَّد الأَجَلاَ
ما أَعمل الرْمحَ لكنَّ أَبْطَلَ البَطَلاَ
23. Every enemy is betrayed by his drawn sword
As if each palm had waterfalls for the foe
٢٣. يخُون كلَّ عدوّ فيه مُنْصُلُهُ
كأَنَّ في كُلِّ كفٍّ للعِدى شَلَلاً
24. When the warriors of war ignited its fire
And the dawn saw their swords aflame like torches
٢٤. إِذا بنُو الحربِ شبُّوا نارها
وغَدَتْ بيضُ الصفائح من نيرانِها شُعَلا
25. And death lingered among the people
And killing roamed among the people
٢٥. وأَصبح الموتُ بين القومِ مُحتضِراً
وأَصبح القتلُ بينَ القومِ مرتجِلا
26. Blows leave no Indian standing straight
And stabs allow no Abyssinian balanced
٢٦. والضَّربُ لا يترُكُ الهنديَّ مستوياً
والطعنُ لا يَدَعُ الخطِّيّ مُعتدِلا
27. There you find him either frowning, annoyed
At archers, or laughing, carefree
٢٧. هُناكَ تلقاهُ إِمَّا عَابِساً حَرِجاً
على الكُماةِ وإِما ضاحِكاً جَذِلاً
28. If you doubt my account of his courage
Seek aid from the swords about him, and ask the weapons
٢٨. إِنِ اتَّهَمْتَ حديثي عن شَجاعتِه
فاستنجد البيضَ عنه واسْأَل الأَسَلا
29. Like a lion when he attacked, and the moon when it rose
And rain when it poured, and a star when it climbed
٢٩. كالَّليثِ حين غَدا والبدرِ حين بدا
والغيثِ حين هَمى والنَّجْم حين عَلا
30. Had he resolved on his attack
And you came seeking from him a glance, he would not glance
٣٠. لو أَنَّه كان في تصميمِ حَمْلتِه
وجئتَ تطلبُ منه طَرْفَه نَزَلا
31. Or if he still advanced in his state
And you sought from him his kingdom, he would withdraw
٣١. أَو كان لا زال في إِقْبالِ دَوْلَتِه
وجئتَ تطلبُ منه مُلْكَه اعْتَزَلا
32. He is the greatest of kings in generosity whenever depleted
And the most noble in munificence whenever he inclines
٣٢. أَسْنَى الملوكِ عَطايا كُلَّما نفِدَت
وأَشرفُ الخَلْق جوداً كلَّما عَدَلا
33. He gives generously in a way unmatched
Lest it be said, God forbid, he jested
٣٣. يُعطي وقد جاد جُوداً لا يُجادُ به
حتى يُقالَ وحاشاه لقد هَزَلاَ
34. He told the beautiful to grant and aim
And his actions were more beautiful than his words
٣٤. قال الجميلَ لعافِيه وقَاصِدِه
فكان أَحسنَ مما قال ما فَعَلا
35. After seeing him, other kings are insignificant to my eyes
One who has seen the sea does not magnify a pond
٣٥. قَلَّ الملوكُ بعيْني بَعْد رُؤْيتِه
ومن رأَى البحرَ لا يستكثرُ الوشَلا
36. Their kingdom did not please me nor did I admire it
An inhabitant of a palace does not admire ruins
٣٦. ولم يَرُقْني ولاسْتحسنْتُ مُلكَهُم
وساكنُ القصرِ لا يستحسِنُ الطَللا
37. And how they asked for my company with great effort
Yet I said "No!" when they asked "Do you consent?"
٣٧. هذا وكم خطبُوا قُرْبِي بُجْهدِهمُ
فقلت لا حين قالوا بالنَّوالِ أَلاَ
38. It suffices me that Ali is a companion, it suffices me that Ali is guidance
It suffices me that Ali is generous, it suffices me that Ali is sublime
٣٨. حسبي عليٌّ ندىً حسبي عليٌّ هُدىً
حسبي عليُ جَدا حسبي عليٌّ عُلاً
39. It suffices me that Abu Hasan in every calamity
Exhausts strategies or implements plans
٣٩. حسبي أَبو حسنٍ في كل نائبةٍ
يستفرغُ الحَوْلَ أَو يستنفِذُ الحِيَلاَ
40. I praise my latter days in serving him
And do not praise my early days
٤٠. حمدت آخرَ أَيامي بخدمتِه
ولست أَحمدُ من أَيّاميَ الأُولاَ
41. Mentioning him, my state with him became great
My worth through him became lofty in his eyes
٤١. ذكرِي به سَارَ حالِي عنده عَظُمَتْ
قدري بِه جلَّ مِقدارِي لديهِ عَلاَ