1. Tell me about the elegant-legged, beloved one
Whose heart is cherished and honored
١. أَخبروني عَنْ مُرْهَفِ الْقَدِّ مَطْبُو
عٍ حَبِيبٍ إِلى القُلُوبِ مكرَّمْ
2. Black, white, slow, intelligent
Flying, falling, wretched, blessed
٢. أَسْودٍ أَبْيضٍ بَليدٍ ذَكِيٍّ
طَائِرٍ وَاقعٍ شَقيٍّ مُنَعَّم
3. He is sometimes composite, sometimes simple
Sometimes separate, sometimes compound
٣. وهو طوراً مركَّب وَبَسيطٌ
وهُوَ طوراً مفارقٌ ومُجَسَّم
4. He is of the sea's flotsam, of the land's fauna
With flesh and blood his body's made
٤. وهو ممَّا في البَحْرِ يُلْقَى وَفي البَرِّ
وممَّا في جِسْمِه اللَّحْم والدَّم
5. Kings buy him for thousands of coins
Yet he could be sold for a single dirham
٥. وهو عندَ الملوكِ يُبْتَاع بالآ
لاف تبراً وقد يُبَاع بِدِرهَم
6. No jewelry he wears, but sometimes
A seal on his hand bears his name
٦. وهو لا يَلْبَسُ الحُليَّ ولكِن
ربَّما كان في اليَمينِ مختَّم
7. A child, an elder- strange!
Individual, pair - agreed!
٧. وهو طفل شَيْخُ وهذا عجيبٌ
وهو فردٌ زوجٌ وهذا مسلَّم
8. Noble by nature, branch and root
Forbidden in heart, though it took roost
٨. وهو بالنَّفس طاب أَصلاً وفرْعاً
وهو بالقلب حلَّ فيه المحرّم
9. Change but a letter, the verb's new meaning is clear
Its name, its meaning- instantly known!
٩. وهو فِعْل إِن غيروا منه حرفاً
وهو اسم مَعْنَاه في الحال يُعْلَم
10. He calls out loudly to himself
Though addressed, mute he stays
١٠. وعلى نفسه يُنادِي جهاراً
وإِذا كلَّموه مَا يَتَكلَّم
11. Disciplined at home, he readily flees
Up the wall, no ladder or stairs does he need!
١١. وإِذا عاقَبوه في الدَّارِ قد فرّ
إِلى سَطْحِها على غير سُلَّم
12. Some is lexicon- inverse it, you'll see
That some of it lexicon isn't, easily.
١٢. بعضُه مُعْجَمٌ فإِن عَكَسُوه
عَلِمُوا أَنَّ بعضه غيرُ مُعْجَمَ
13. I have elucidated and explicated it plainly
For those with the intellect to glean
١٣. أَنا أَوضحته وبينته جدّاً
وأَفهمته لِمَن كان يَفْهمَ
14. As though I see them- now they know it well
When recited- God knows best!
١٤. وكأَني بهم وقد عَلِمُوه
وقت أَن يَقْرَءُوه والله أَعْلم