
A garden above which a maiden peers,

وجنة فوقها عذار أطلا

1. A garden above which a maiden peers,
A meadow over which beauty casts its shade.

١. وجْنَةٌ فوقَها عِذارٌ أَطلاَّ
روضةٌ مدَّ فوقها الحسنُ ظلاَّ

2. A garden like the garden of eternity in charm,
But in it loved ones offer their prayers.

٢. وجْنَةٌ مِثلُ جنَّةِ الخلد في الحسـ
ـن ولكن بها الأَحبةُ تَصْلَى

3. No wonder beauty does us wrong,
For even the sheathed sword may kill.

٣. لا عجيبَ بأَن يُسيءَ بنا الحسـ
ـنُ فقد يَقْتُل الحسامُ المحلَّى

4. And I - what fills my every thought
Is he who has not filled my thoughts at all.

٤. وبنفسي من لي به كلُّ شُغْلٍ
مع أَنِّي لم أَقْض لي منه شُغْلا

5. My father - none is harsher or more gentle,
Sweeter or more bitter.

٥. بأَبي ما أَشدَّ بأساً وما أَلـ
ـين عِطْفاً وما أَمَرَّ وَأَحْلَى

6. His features need no praise;
His hands require no jewels.

٦. فَبِحُسْنِ البُدورِ ليس يُضَاهَى
وبفكِّ اليَديْن ليس يُخَلَّى

7. That fawn - I see shame
Crimsoning his cheek like meadow blooms.

٧. وقِحُ الحسنِ غير أَني أَرى الور
دَ في وجْهه من الرَّوض خَجْلا

8. Kohl in his eyes overflowed till
They made their lining all of kohl.

٨. كَحَلٌ في جُفونِه فاضَ حتَّى
جَعَلوُا حَشْوَها المكاحِلَ كُحْلا

9. My tears were scattered at his sight,
For God combined all beauty in him.

٩. شَمْل دَمْعِي به تَشَتَّت لمَّا
جمعَ الله فيه للحُسْنِ شَمْلا

10. If I complain he says I vex him; if I'm silent he says I'm cold.
He said: “You bear a grudge for my love”; I said: “God forbid! Never!”

١٠. إِن تكلمتُ شاكياً قال قَد أَضـ
ـجَرني أَو سكتُّ قال تسلَّى

11. O gazelle of the plain and the nightfall,
No gazelle between the arrows and prayer niche!

١١. قال لي قد حملتَ كَلاًّ بعشقي
فاسْلُ عَنِّي فقلتُ حاشا وكَلاَّ

12. Do not tyrannize me, be not unjust.
Fear tyranny and be just.

١٢. يا غَزالاً بين الحَشا والحشَايا
لا غزالاً بين النَّقَا والمُصَلَّى

13. I fear that if he knows my love he'll think me fair game;
The authorized is prone to excess.

١٣. لا تَجُرْ ظالماً عَليَّ ولا تعـ
ـدِلْ عن العدل واخش جوراً وعدلا

14. The minister who gives asylum to the frightened man in the wasteland
when panic has stampeded his reason,

١٤. أَنا أَخشى عليك أَن بعلم الصا
حبُ قَتْلي فيستبيحُك قَتْلا

15. The dear one whom fortune has strengthened
when he was weakest, too exalted to be called most noble,

١٥. الوزيرُ الذي يُجيرُ من الدَّهـ
ـرِ إِذَا جارَ في البَرِيَّة جَهْلا

16. Too lofty to be called the Greatest, as it were.
He assumed the governance of men, and favors

١٦. والعزِيزُ الَّذِي إِذا عزَّه المِقـ
ـدارُ وهو الأَغَرُّ صارَ الأَذلا

17. Turned to us when he assumed it.
He took charge of the world but never sampled

١٧. عزَّ أَن يدعى الأَعزَّ كما قد
جلَّ قدراً عن أَن يُسمَّى الأَجلاَّ

18. A dismissal ever from his exalted office.
He was granted wisdom with his authority

١٨. قد تولَّى أَمرَ الأَنامِ وقد أَقـ
ـبل فينا الإِقبالُ لمَّا تولى

19. Even in his youth - what more need be said
When he is grown mature!

١٩. وتولَّى الدنيا فلا ذاق منها
أَبداً عن ولاية العزِّ عَزْلا

20. He followed a method of government and an exemplary, excellent approach.
Days obeyed him in fear; had he sought breach

٢٠. أُوتي الحُكم حِكْمةً وهو في المهـ
ـدِ فماذَا تقولُ إِذ صارَ كَهْلا

21. He'd have turned remoteness into nearness.
East and west paid him homage,

٢١. أَمَّ نهجا من السِّيَاسَة قَصْداً
وطَرِيقاً من السِّيادَةِ مُثلَى

22. And countries came to him submissive or compliant.
The meteors seemed about to descend to him -

٢٢. طاوعَتْه الأَيَّامُ خوفاً فَلو حا
ول نقضاً لحوَّل البَعْدَ قَبْلا

23. Hence it was said: the meteors have minds.
With loss and gain he took life and gave it;

٢٣. خدمته الملوكُ شرقاً وغرباً
وأَتته البلادُ حزْناً وسَهْلا

24. His content and anger brought health or misery.
Thus we saw him dispense chastisement and forgiveness,

٢٤. همَّت الشهبُ بالنزولِ إِليه
فلذا قيل إِنّ للشُّهبِ عَقْلا

25. Raise up and cast down.
And by his knowledge we saw him make separation

٢٥. بالرَّدى والنَّدى أَماتَ وأَحيا
ورضاهُ والسخطِ عَافَى وأَبْلَى

26. In judgment, and clean-cut distinction in speech.
Like a right hand extended with bounty

٢٦. فرأَينا منه المُعِلَّ المعافي
ورأَينَا منه المُعِزَّ المُذِلاَّ

27. Whose hand the clouds envy out of impotence.
A generous man who, in fulfilling his word, made promises

٢٧. وأَرَانَا بعلمِه الحكْمَ منه
فيْصلاً في القضاءِ والقولَ فَصْلا

28. into corpses and gifts into blood-prices.
No fault in him but that he poured out rainclouds

٢٨. كك يدٍ مستطيلةِ منه بالجُو
دِ لديها يدُ الغَمَامةِ شَلاَّ

29. And cast down treasures on the covetous.
The son of him who is his foe in nature

٢٩. كرمٌ صيَّر المواعيد بالإِنـ
ـجاز صرْعى وبالمواهِب قَتلى

30. Is thus an orphan, and the mother of one who hates him childless.
O friend, who has relied on God as minister,

٣٠. عيب ما فيه أَنَّه نحلَ السُّحـ
ـبَ وأَلقى على الضَراغم ذُلاَّ

31. And leaned on power as invincible blade,
You've won men's hearts, heart after heart,

٣١. فلذا ابْنُ الذي يُعادِيه في الخلـ
ـقِ يَتيمٌ وأُمُّ شَانِيه ثَكْلى

32. Since you were generous to men, favor on favor.
You became singular in the highest distinction,

٣٢. أَيُّها الصاحب الذي اعتز
بالله وزيراً واهتزَّ بالبأْس نصْلا

33. And peerless in the most elevated place.
To you belong the arrows of fulfilled vows,

٣٣. قد ملكْتَ القلوبَ قلباً فَقَلْباً
إِذ وَسِعْتَ الأَنَام فضلاً ففضلا

34. And you brandish the blade of sublime ambitions.
Leave a cloud that spurts, a hill that flows,

٣٤. وتفرَّدت بالذي هو أَسمى
وتوحَّدت بالذي هو أَعلى

35. A pool that glitters, and a moon that wanes.
You are open-handed, kindly companion, passionate protector,

٣٥. ولك السَّهم في الوفاءِ الموفَّى
ولك القِدْحُ في المعَالي المُعلَّى

36. Lofty-minded - and your glory is sublime.
When you are resolute your exploits are amazing,

٣٦. دع غماماً هَمَى ودُرّاً تلالا
وهِزَبْراً عَدا وبَدْراً تَجَلَّى

37. And when others are resolute it is mere pretence.
There the feast day that is yours -

٣٧. أَنت أَسْخَى كفّاً وأَحسن أَلفا
ظاً وأَحمى حِمىً وأَعلى مَحَلاَّ

38. It has come in your august precinct.
Witness that what you have raised to God,

٣٨. فإِذا جُدْتَ كان طَلُّك وَبْلا
بالأَيادي وَوَبْلُ غَيرِكَ طَلاًّ

39. Uttered by angels' tongues, is recited!
One who has not your probity

٣٩. وهناك العيدُ الذي لك قد أَمَّ
وفي رَبْعك المعظَّمِ حَلاَّ

40. Could not obtain it though he fasted a thousand years and prayed.
Your gifts have overwhelmed me; in my eyes

٤٠. شَاهِدٌ أَنَّ ما رفعتَ إِلى الله
على أَلْسُنِ الملائكِ يُتْلَى

41. Each day offers me bright-faced brides.
I am fit to gain high rank

٤١. لن ينالَ البِرَّ الَّذِي نِلْت مَخْلو
قٌ ولو صامَ أَلفَ عام وصلَّى

42. When your words make me worthy.
Then live forever, safe and sound, and wear

٤٢. وهَنَتْني منكَ الأَيادِي فعندي
كلَّ يومٍ منها عرائسُ تُجلَى

43. Ever-renewed robes of honor from my eulogies that do not wear out.
All poetry said of you apart from mine

٤٣. صرتُ أَهلاً لأَنْ أَنالَ الثُّريا
حين صيَّرْتَني بقولِكَ أَهْلا

44. Is more fit to be recited as rhymed prose and then burnt up.

٤٤. فَابقَ واسْلَم في الدَّهر والْبَسْ ثِياباً
جُدداً من مدائحي ليس تَبْلى