
My soul departed in the name of Allah

راحت وحق الله روحي

1. My soul departed in the name of Allah
Between the beautiful and the handsome one

١. راحَتْ وحقِّ الله رُوحي
بينَ المليحةِ والمليحِ

2. And He restored it with His generosity
Like rain, no, like the Messiah

٢. وأَعادَها من جُودِه
كالغَيْثِ لاَ بَلْ كَالمَسيح

3. Who brings the dead to life, so do not ask
After the dead about the wounded one

٣. يُحيي القتيلَ فلاَ تَسَلْ
بَعْدَ القَتِيلِ عَنِ الجَرَيح

4. The distinguished one called
Among people with the correct attribution

٤. الفاضِلُ المدعُوُّ بيـ
ـنَ الخلْقِ بالنَّعتِ الصَّحيح

5. Two excellences, one that is not
Reproachable and another for the violator

٥. فضلانِ فضْلٌ لا يُبا
حُ وآخَرٌ للمستبيحِ

6. The ship of his generosity
Saves though it is the flood of Noah

٦. تُنْجِي سفينةُ جُودِه
مَعْ أَنَّه طوفانُ نُوح

7. And it continues to flow to mankind
With every wind from his comfort

٧. وتَظَلُّ تَجْري لِلوَرى
مِنْ راحتَيه بِكُلِّ ريح

8. It comes from the distant land
To him with ample hope

٨. تأْتي مِنَ البَلد البعيـ
ـدِ إِلَيْه بالأَملِ الفَسيح

9. And it leaves from him followed
By wealth, not a bag of praise

٩. وتَروحُ منه مُتْبَعا
بالمالِ لا كِيسِ المديح

10. He commanded his hands, so it said
To them "Slow down, do not reveal"

١٠. أَوْصَى أَيَادِيه فقا
لَ لها رُويدَكِ لاَ تَبُوحي

11. It is as if he said to generosity "Do not overflow"
His virtues have become manifest

١١. فكأَنَّه قد قال قو
لوا لِلَّطيمَة لا تَفُوحي

12. As his sincerity in advising has become clear
And it rose, so his praise has become

١٢. جلَّت مَكَارمُه كَمَا
قد جَلَّ عن نُصْحِ النَّصيح

13. Drowning in leaving praise
O master, your hands were generous to me

١٣. وعَلاَ فَصَار مديحُه الـ
ـإِغراقَ في تَرْك المديح

14. In the scarce time
And I attained in a time when

١٤. يا سيداً جَادَتْ يَدا
ه عَليَّ في الزَّمنِ الشَّحيح

15. Getting from the ugly is seen
And I saw it laughing

١٥. وأَنالَ في زمنٍ يُرى
فيه النَّوالُ مِنَ القَبيحِ

16. After frowning for an age
And I saw a determination from it

١٦. ورأَيتُ منهُ الدَّهرَ أَضْـ
ـحَى ضَاحِكاً بَعْد الكُلوج

17. Stronger than the ambitious glance
You freed me and owned my slavery

١٧. ورأَيتُ مِنه صَوْلَةً
أَقوى مِن الطِّرف الطَّمُوح

18. When you returned my soul to me
And my envious enemy died

١٨. أَعْتَقْتَني وملكتَ رِقِّـ
ـي إِذ رَدَدْت إِليَّ رُوحي

19. Whom you did not honor with a grave
He became like the despised wolf yet he was

١٩. وأَمَتَّ حاسِديَ الَّذي
لم تُكرِموه بالضَّرِيح

20. Like the fierce, attacking lion
And you clothed me with a robe that shook

٢٠. قَد صارَ كالذِّئْب الذَّليـ
ـلِ وكَان كالأَسَد المُشيحِ

21. My shoulders like tin
A robe over robes that came to me

٢١. وكسوتَني خِلعاً هزز
تُ بِهِنَّ عِطْفِي كالصَّفيح

22. Like conquests over conquests
Were it not for you, none would know my poetry

٢٢. خِلعٌ على خلع أَتَتْـ
ـني كالفُتوح عَلى الفُتوحِ

23. Nor would my eulogy be read
And your good opinion when you were sincere

٢٣. لولاكَ لم يُعلم بأَشـ
ـعارِي ولَمْ يُقرَأ مَديحي

24. Came with frank generosity
So live forever, for you are eternal

٢٤. وجميلُ رأْيك حين صر
ح جَاءَ بالجودِ الصَّريح

25. And act upon my sound words
They said "So who inspired you with this?"

٢٥. فاخْلُد فإِنَّك خالدٌ
واعمَلْ على قولِي الصَّحِيح

26. I said "It was inspired to me"

٢٦. قالُوا فمَنْ أَوْحى إِليـ
ـهِ بِذَا فَقلتُ إِليّ أُوحى