
I know not for which conquest I should congratulate you

لست أدري بأي فتح تهنا

1. I know not for which conquest I should congratulate you
O you who has brought Islam victory after victory

١. لستُ أَدري بأَيِّ فتحٍ تُهنَّا
يا مُنيلَ الإِسلام ما قد تمنَّى

2. Each conquest says "I am more deserving of praise"
Yet the most recent is the most deserving of all

٢. كلُّ فتح يقول إِنِّيَ أَولى
وهْوَ أَولى لأَنَّه كان أَهْنا

3. Should I congratulate you on taking Damascus
Or on taking Yemen into your dominion?

٣. أَنُهنِّيك إِذ تملكتَ شاماً
أَم نهنّيك إِذ تملكت عَدْنا

4. You have taken the gardens palace after palace
As you captured fortresses in Damascus one by one

٤. قد ملكتَ الجِنان قصراً فقَصْرا
إِذ فتحتَ الشآمَ حِصناً فحِصْنا

5. Indeed the religion of Islam has blessed all people
And you are the one who has blessed this religion

٥. إِنّ دِينَ الإِسلام مَنَّ على الخلـ
ـق وأَنتَ الذي على الدِّين منَّا

6. You revived it when it was dead
Then you freed it when it was captive

٦. أَنت أَحيَيْتَه وقد كان مَيْتاً
ثم أَعتقتَه وقد كان قِنَّا

7. Thanks be to God for what you have done in the Levant
And what He has praised you for in the company of angels

٧. شكر الله ما صنعتَ على العر
ش وفي عَرْصَةِ الملائِك أَثْنَى

8. You have praise above the heavens that is proclaimed
And a station above all tongues that is built

٨. لك مدحٌ فوق السموات يُنشا
ومحلٌّ فوق الأَسِنَّة يُبنى

9. Gabriel's home became too small for Gabriel
So he came to you longing and humbled

٩. شاق جبريلَ بيتُه بيت جبريـ
ـلَ فوافى إِليه شوقاً وحَنّا

10. You remove those living there while the Home's Lord
Is most deserving of dwelling in His home

١٠. تُخْرِجُ السَّاكنين منه ورَبُّ
البيتِ في بَيْتِه أَحقُّ بسُكْنَى

11. People witnessed that they saw Gabriel
Repel enemies, regiment after regiment

١١. شَهِدَ النَّاسُ أَنهم شاهدوا جب
ريلَ ردّ الأَقرانَ قِرْناً فَقِرنا

12. How many blows you struck that went unseen
How many stabs that went unfelt

١٢. فَلكَمْ ضَرْبةٍ ولم تَر ضَرْباً
ولكم طعنةٍ ولم ترَ طَعْنا

13. A king whose soldiers are God's angels
Came to you one by one and two by two

١٣. مَلِكٌ جُندُه ملائكةُ اللَّـ
ـه فُرادى جاءَت إِليه ومَثْنى

14. Victory was slow to come to Damascus
But when you rose, you did not hesitate

١٤. كم تأَنَّى النصرُ العزيز عن الشا
م ولما نهضتَ لم يتأَنَّ

15. You were determined when you loved God's cause
And the lover is always determined

١٥. قد تعنَّيتَ حين أَحببتَ وجهَ
الله بالحرب والمحبُّ مَعنَّى

16. By my life, whoever attains a great conquest
And is determined, is truly determined

١٦. ولَعَمْرِي من حاز فتحاً جليلا
وتعنَّى فإِنَّه ما تعنَّى

17. You arose in the dark of adversity like the moon
Rising gently in the dark of night

١٧. قمتَ في ظُلمةِ الكريهة كالبد
ر سَناً والبدرُ يطلعُ وَهْنَا

18. Never in battle did you stand but as Joseph
You were beautiful in courage

١٨. لم تقفْ قطُّ في المعارِك إِلاَّ
كنت يا يوسفُ كيوسفَ حُسْنا

19. Victory followed you from your sheath as if
Anger rewrote its name and became a branch

١٩. تجْتَني النَّصْر من ظُباكَ كأَنَّ الـ
ـغَضْبَ قد صحَّفوه أَو صَار غُصنا

20. The enemies came at you and God repelled
All the hopes they pinned on you and on us all

٢٠. قصدَتْ نحوك الأَعادي فردَّ
الله ما أَمَّلُوه عنك وعنَّا

21. They carried themselves like mountains but
Your horses' onslaught made them like docile lambs

٢١. حملوا كالجبال عِظْماً ولكن
جعلَتْها حَمْلاَتُ خيلك عِهْنَا

22. They assembled their tricks and came like pillars
So who could stand against a charging stallion?

٢٢. جمعوا كيدَهم وجاءُوك أَركا
ناً فمن قدَّ فارساً هدَّ رُكنا

23. You did not meet their armies, but met them
As lands and cities instead

٢٣. لم تُلاقِ الجيوشَ منهم ولك
نَّكَ لاقيتَهُم بلاداً ومُدْنا

24. All who don armor and crown as their garb
Claiming riches from the people, yet with conquest

٢٤. كُلُّ من يَجْعَل الحديدَ له ثَوْ
باً وتَاجاً وطَيْلسَاناً ورُدْنا

25. You were the richest and most content
Their weapons failed them, neither spear bent

٢٥. يدَّعون الغنى من الناس لكن
أَنْتَ بالنَّصر كنتَ أَغْنَى وأَقْنى

26. Nor lance broke
Their steeds disappointed, though they deserved

٢٦. خانهم ذلك السلاحُ فلا الرُّمـ
ـح تَثَنَّى ولا المهنَّدُ طنَّا

27. No disappointment, they were beyond rebuke
The enemy clamor fell mute when your boldness

٢٧. وتولَّت تلك الخيولُ فكم يُثْـ
ـنَى عليها بأَنَّها ليس تُثنى

28. Returned their valor into insanity
The bravest among them made spears into

٢٨. واسْتَحالَت شَقاشِقُ الكُفْرِ صمْتاً
حينَ عادتْ تِلْكَ الشَّجاعةُ جُنْنَا

29. A refuge or an escape, a coat of mail
Not out of weakness or inability did they flee

٢٩. أَشجعُ القوم فيهمُ جاعلُ الدِّرْ
عِ هُروباً أَو الفرارِ مجَنَّا

30. If they could not bear fleeing, wrath and time
You snared them in a snare of entrapment

٣٠. لم يُطِيقُوا الهُروبَ ضَعْفاً وعَجْزاً
هل يُطيقوا الهروبَ عَقْرى وزَمْنى

31. That gathered lion and fawn alike
Their blood flowed in rivers above which

٣١. وتصيَّدتَهم بحلقةِ صيدٍ
تجمعُ الليثَ والغزالِ الأَغَنَّا

32. Our ships flowed like streams
A feast was made of them in which

٣٢. وجَرَتْ مِنْهُم الدِّماءُ بِحارا
فجَرَتْ فوْقَها الجزائُر سُفنا

33. Al-Musharrif danced and sang
Their worshipped one remains a prisoner with you

٣٣. صُنِّعت منهم وليمة وحش
رقَصَ المَشرَفِيُّ فيها وغنَّى

34. Disgraced, so make the fire his cage
They crucified their Lord but it did not avail them

٣٤. ظلَّ معبودُهم لديك أَسيراً
مُسْتَضَاماً فاجعل له النارَ سِجْنا

35. Who after his crucifixion gained any advantage?
Loss seized every king who thought his kingdom

٣٥. صلبوا ربّهم فلم يُغن عنهم
من رَأَى بعد صلبه قَطُّ أَغْنَى

36. Would last, though only God's kingdom remains
The Great King among them is a captive

٣٦. وحوى الأَسْرُ كُلَّ مَلْك يظن الدّ
هرَ يَفْنى وملكُه ليس يفنى

37. Whimpering in darkness, whimpering
He mistakes sleep for wakefulness, and imagines

٣٧. والمليكُ العظيم فيهمْ أَسيرٌ
يتَثنَّى في أَدهمٍ يتثنَّى

38. A person to be a mountain, and sees the sun as smoke
How he longed for the meeting, until he saw you

٣٨. يَحْسِبُ النَّومَ يقْظَةً ويظن الشَّخص
طوداً ويُبصرُ الشَّمْس دَجْنا

39. And wished he had never wished at all
He supposed, while your certainty in God

٣٩. كم تمنَّى اللقاءَ حتى رآهُ
فتمنَّى لو أَنَّه ما تَمنَّى

40. Was truer, and his supposition utterly wrong
In mercy, his shackles and chains softened

٤٠. ظَن ظنَّاً وكُنْتَ أَصْدقَ في
الله يَقيناً وكان أَكذَبَ ظَنَّا

41. Whenever he moaned and groaned
And the accursed Ibn Arnat became

٤١. رقَّ من رحمةٍ له القيدُ والغُلّ
عليه فكلّما أَنَّ أَنَّا

42. Disgraced, though today he wished for good fortune
You did wake him, fulfilling a vow

٤٢. واللَّعين الإِبْرَنْس أَصبح مذبو
حاً تمنَّى لم يَعْدِم اليومَ يُمنا

43. You had made, so you were rewarded for your goodness
The brides of cities were unveiled as spoils

٤٣. أَنت ذكِّيْتَه فوفَّيتَ نذراً
كنت قدَّمته فجوزيتَ حُسْنا

44. And fruits of wealth were plucked from them
Damascus is not alone in celebrating you

٤٤. وتهادَتْ عرائِسُ المدْنِ تُجْلَى
وثِمَارُ الأَمْوالِ مِنْهُنَّ تُجْنى

45. Every region and every place congratulates you
You have conquered the lands, east and west

٤٥. لا تُخصُّ الشآمُ فيك التَّهاني
كلُّ صُقع وكُلُّ قُطْرٍ مهنَّى

46. And encompassed the horizons, plain and rugged
You are alone at the pinnacle

٤٦. قد ملكْت البلادَ شرقاً وغرْباً
وحويت الآفاق سهلاً وحَزْنا

47. And peerless in highest place
Description has fallen short describing your heights

٤٧. وتفرّدتَ بالذي هو أَسمى
وتوحَّدت بالذَّي هو أَسْنَى

48. What can be said? What meaning conveyed?
We heard God say "Obey Him" - we heard

٤٨. واغْتدى الوصفَ في عُلاك حسيراً
أَيُّ لفظٍ يُقال أَو أَيُّ مَعْنى

49. Our Lord and obeyed

٤٩. وسَمعْنا الإِلَه قال أَطيعُو
هُ سَمِعْنا لربنا وأَطَعْنَا