
I have nothing of him but "no"

ليس لي منه سوى لا

1. I have nothing of him but "no"
Whenever I ask more, he grows aloof

١. ليس لِي مِنهُ سِوَى لاَ
كلَّما زدتُ سُؤَالا

2. He has the right to be aloof
By my father, he is a crescent

٢. يَتَعالى ولقد حُقـ
ـق له أَنْ يَتَعالاَ

3. That has made the sun a crescent
A gazelle, we have never seen

٣. بِأَبِي منه هلاَلٌ
صيَّر الشمسَ هِلاَلاً

4. Eyes like his, a gazelle
Dressed the moon in pallor

٤. وغزالٌ ما رأَيْنَا
مثلَ عَينيه غَزالا

5. And clothed the branch in lean
Set up excuse as a snare

٥. أَلْبَس البدرَ شُحوباً
وكسا الغصنَ هُزَالاً

6. Under it the love as prey
With him I have languished and raved

٦. نَصَبَ الفخَّ عِذاراً
تَحتَه الحبَّةُ خَالا

7. With him I have hunted and joined
With glances of delight

٧. فبه أَضنى وأَصْبَى
وبه صَادَ وصَالا

8. And with melting eyelids
The wind sports on my cheek

٨. وبأَعطافٍ نِشاط
وبأَجْفانٍ كَسَالى

9. Right and left
They are the shadow's extent

٩. تعلبُ الريحُ بصدغيـ
ـه يميناً وشمالا

10. They are the shadow's transit
In him, in my misery

١٠. فهما الظلُّ امتداداً
وهما الظَّلُّ انْتِقَالا

11. I enjoy the world's comfort
And if I die frustrated

١١. أَنا فيه بِشَقَائِي
أَنعمُ العالَمِ حالا

12. How long I have lived joined
How often my night has shortened

١٢. ولَئن مِتُّ صُدوداً
فَلَكَمْ عِشْتُ وِصَالاَ

13. In bliss lasting from him
And we embraced hearts

١٣. ولكم قَصَّر لَيْلِي
بنعيمٍ منه طالا

14. Burning them is fire's feeding
And we mingled tears

١٤. وتعانَقْنا قلوباً
وجدها النار اشتعالا

15. Their dripping the soil's flooding
Passion took unlawfully

١٥. وتشاكينا دموعاً
طَلُّها الْوبْلُ انْهمَالا

16. And avoided the lawful
My cheeks' fire cooked it

١٦. أَخذ الرَّاح حَرَاماً
وتحاشَاهاَ حَلاَلاً

17. With gleaming light
O you who restores union

١٧. طبَّختها نارُ خَدّيـ
ـيهِ بنورٍ يَتَلاَلاَ

18. A guide or weary
You are like the sun but your epoch is the noon of decay

١٨. أَيها المسترجعُ الوصـ
ـلَ دَلالاً أَوْ مَلالاً

19. Pass me amidst your folds
As I have become shreds

١٩. أَنت كالشمسِ ولكن
دَهرُك الظُهْرُ زوالا

20. Or bring me with your eyes
As I have become a specter

٢٠. مُرَّ بي بين ثَنايا
كَ فقد صرتُ خِلاَلا

21. Or I have let myself go
And cut the bonds

٢١. أَوْ فأَحضرني بعينيـ
ـكَ فقد عُدْتُ خيالا

22. With greying that has spread
Till it has covered the head with inflammation

٢٢. أَوْ فإِنِّي قد تَسيَّبْـ
ـتُ وقَطَّعْتُ الحبالا

23. So when the cupbearer says “haha”, I say “no no”
An old man acting coy

٢٣. بمشيبٍ عَمَّ حتَّى
عمَّمَ الرأَسَ اشْتِعَالا

24. Is like rubbish wriggling
Greying has let me down but

٢٤. فَمَتى ما قال ساقي الـ
ـراحِ هَاهَا قلتُ لاَ لاَ

25. With Ali I rise
With him I prevail over fate

٢٥. إِنَّ شَيْخاً يَتَصَابى
مثلَ غثٍّ يتحَالَى

26. When fate acts prolonged
With him I pardon fate

٢٦. حطَّني الشَّيْبُ ولكن
بِعليٍّ أَتَعالَى

27. When fate acts curtailed
With him I spend on others

٢٧. وبه أَسْطُو على الدَّهـ
ـر رضي الله عنه إِذا الدهرُ اسْتَطالا

28. When the rain pours continuously
Through him I borrow riches

٢٨. وبه أَعْفُو عن الدَّهْـ
ـر رضي الله عنه إِذا الدَّهْر اسْتَقَالا

29. When riches amass
A king who revived bestowal

٢٩. وبه أَسْخُو إِلى القَطْـ
ـرِ إِذا القطر توالى

30. As he had destroyed armaments
He established Islam but

٣٠. وبه أستلفت المـ
ـل إذا ما المالُ مَالاَ

31. After having dispelled misguidance
And he truly supported God's cause

٣١. مَلِكٌ أَحْيَا نَوالاً
مِثْلَمَا أفْنَى نِصَالا

32. With war and combat
He protected religion from enemies

٣٢. شيَّدَ الإسلامَ لكن
بَعْدَ أَن هدَّ الضَّلالا

33. And sufficed people fighting
He has a thousand domains

٣٣. ولقد قامَ بنصر الـ
ـله حرباً ونِزَالا

34. Where no domain is found
Warfare wearied but

٣٤. فَوقَى الدِّينَ الأَعَادِي
وكفى الخَلْقَ القِتالا

35. It did not fatigue him
Residence ended but

٣٥. وله أَلفُ مجالٍ
حيث لا يَلْقَى مجالا

36. He never intended to move
His war with enemies

٣٦. كلَّتِ الحَرْبُ ولكن
ما شكا منها كَلاَلاَ

37. Was never mere wrangling
But he had victory over them

٣٧. وخَلَتْ داراً ولكن
ما نَوى عنها انْتِقَالا

38. Every prolonged day
They had come as mountains

٣٨. حرْبُه بينَ عِدَاه
لم يَكُنْ قطُّ سِجَالا

39. With him they returned as sands
Through him they became women

٣٩. بل له النَّصْرُ علَيهم
كُلَّ يوم يَتَوَالَى

40. When they had been men
He routed the Indian's load

٤٠. ولقد جاءُوا جِبالاً
وبه عادُوا رِمالا

41. And confined the Byzantine
His is the unsheathing of striking

٤١. وبه صارُوا نِساءً
ولقد كَانُوا رِجَالا

42. And his is the stab of improvising
He possessed fate tyrannically

٤٢. أَنْحلَ الهنديَّ حملا
والرُّدينيَّ اعتِقَالاَ

43. With highest feats not trickery
We saw fate in his

٤٣. وله الضَّربُ ابْتِداراً
وله الطَّعْنُ ارْتِجَالا

44. Grasp wearing the crown of conceit
You made fate your abode

٤٤. مَلَك الدهر اقتساراً
بالعوالِي لا احتيالا

45. And people your dependents
And religion became protected

٤٥. ورأَينا الدهرَ في عِطْ
فَيْهِ بالملْك اختِيَالاَ

46. Through you and riches debased
You gave people justice abundantly

٤٦. قد جعلتَ الدَّهر داراً
لك والخَلْقَ عِيَالا

47. Making fate upright
How often you took a stand

٤٧. وغدا الدِّنُ مَصوناً
بك والمالُ مُذَالا

48. That silenced people's speech
Who rises in your lofty qualities

٤٨. وَوسِعْت الخلقَ عَدْلاً
قوَّم الدَّهْرَ اعْتِدالا

49. Is unlike those who do not rise

٤٩. ولَكَمْ قُمْتَ مقَاماً
أَفْحَمَ الْخَلْقَ مقالا

٥٠. مَنْ تَعَالى في معاليـ
ـكَ كَمَنْ لاَ يَتَعَالى