
You claim reason though it is the noblest in you

تدعي العقل وهو أشرف ما فيك

1. You claim reason though it is the noblest in you
Why has it then become confined under your passions?

١. تدّعِي العقْلَ وهْوَ أَشرفُ ما فِيكَ
فلمْ صَارَ دَاخِلاً تَحْتَ حِسِّكْ

2. And so is your imprisonment of life, though it has
Become where you desire nothing but the length of your imprisonment

٢. وكذا حَبْسُك الحياة وقد أَصْ
بَحْت لا تشْتهي سوَى طُول حَبْسِكْ

3. And you hope for survival in your coming days
Yet are not admonished by your passing yesterdays

٣. وتُرجِّي البقاءَ في يَوْمِك الآ
تي ولم تَتَّعِظْ بذاهِب أَمْسِكْ

4. Set free the soul for it is the most cunning of your enemies
Is it not the advisor of your passions?

٤. طَلِّقْ النَّفْسَ فهي أَخْوَنُ عُرْ
سِكْ أَليْسَتْ هي المشيرُ بعُرْسِكْ

5. And make the days of your life a mourning ceremony that we may see
On the day of death, the night of your wedding

٥. واجعل الدهر مأتماً لنرى في ال
قبر يوم الممات ليلة عرسك

6. And if you desire to contend, then be silent
And if you want to reproach, then refrain

٦. وَإِذا رُمْت أَنْ تُمَارىَ فاسْكُتْ
وإِذا شِئْت أَن تُلاحي فأَمْسِكْ

7. And if kindness strays above your land because of you
Remember its humiliation beneath your footsteps

٧. وإِذا اختال فوق أَرْضِكَ مِنْك ال
عِطْفُ فاذكُرْ هَوَانَهُ تَحْتَ رَمْسِكْ

8. Do not be fooled, for you will never truly attain
The satisfaction of the Most Merciful except by angering your soul

٨. لا تغالِطْ فما تنالُ رضَى
الرحمنِ حقّاً إِلاَّ بإِغْضَاب نَفْسِك

9. None has disgraced the world nor owned it
Except he who resists his passions

٩. ما أَهانَ الوَرَى ولا مَلَكَ الدُّنْ
يَا ولا حَازَها سوى المُتنَسِّك