1. The slenderness of the branch is anger at your bending it,
And the sum of estrangement is part of your plucking it.
١. نحافَةُ الغصنِ غيظٌ من تَثَنِّيكا
وجملةُ الهجْرِ جُزْءٌ من تَجَنِّيكا
2. I have not ceased, and the wonders of love do not fade away,
To die in you, and live from the harvest in you.
٢. ما زلتُ والحبُّ لا تفنَى عجائِبهُ
أَموتُ فيكَ وأَحْيا من جَنَى فِيكا
3. So whoever leaves you takes his share of guidance,
But who can make you leave?
٣. فمن يَخَلُّك يأْخُذْ حظَّ مُهْجته
من الرَّشاد ولكِنْ مَن يُخَلِّيكا
4. And I, when lovers are weary of passion,
Have an estrangement that seeks you, or disdain that brings me near you.
٤. ولي إِذا هجر العشَّاق من مَلَل
هَجرٌ يراجيكَ أَو صدٌّ يُدانيكا
5. And my heart wanted solace, so I said:
Where is that which would console you, O my heart, from it?
٥. ورامَ قلبيَ أَنْ يسلو فقلتُ له
أَينَ الَّذِي عنه يا قلبي يُسلِّيكا
6. And your harm from the sickness of passion is not
Save his pleasure. Oh longing for the one who harms you!
٦. وليس آسيك من دَاءِ الغرام به
إِلاَّ رِضَاه ويا شوقاً لآسيكا
7. How many reproachers in you I have kissed their smiles
When your name flowed in them as they named you.
٧. كم عاذلٍ فيك قد قبَّلتُ مَبسِمه
لمَّا جرى اسْمُك فيه إِذ يُسمِّيكا
8. My tears flowed though they said crying is joy,
So I envy none but the eye that cries for you.
٨. غاضت دُموعي وقد قيل الْبُكا فَرحٌ
فلستُ أًحْسد إِلاَّ عينَ باكيكا
9. I hide while you are famous,
So grief and beauty hide me and display you.
٩. إِني لأَخْفَى وتبدو أَنْت مشتهراً
فالحزْن والحسنُ يُخْفيني ويُبدِيكا
10. The stars said to you in truth:
How foolish is the moon when it tries to depict you!
١٠. قالت لك الشُّهب قولاً وهْي صادِقَةٌ
ما أَحمقَ البدرَ لمَّا رام يحكيكا
11. O moon, if you complain of harm from darkness
Of going astray, then my full moon guides you.
١١. يا بدرُ إِن كنتَ تشكو في الظَّلام أَذىً
من الضَّلالِ فبدْرِي فيه يَهْدِيكا
12. And if you want the meanings of beauty affirmed
Then write - the face of the heart's beloved dictates them to you.
١٢. وإِن أَردْت معانِي الحسن مُثْبتَةً
فاكتُب فوجْهُ حبيبِ القلبِ يُمليكا
13. Come, so hear the discourses of passion for him
For his wishes are only in my wishes for you.
١٣. إِيهاً فأَمْلِ أَحاديث الغَرامِ له
فما أَمانيه إِلاَّ في أَمَالِيكَا
14. I ask God's forgiveness! I have forgotten all
Except promises to you lost in my forgetfulness of you.
١٤. أَستغفرُ الله إِنَّي قد نسيتُ سوى
مواعد لكَ ضَاعَتْ في تَناسِيكَا
15. The veil of the night of union covered us
Until I smiled and the veil was torn.
١٥. وسترُ ليلةِ وصلٍ بات يستُرنا
حتَّى ابتسمتُ فعاد السِّترُ مَهْتُوكا
16. Silent for lightning, O flashing of his smile,
The night of perfection threw lightning, complaining of you.
١٦. سكَاك لِلْبرق يا إِيماضَ مَبْسمه
ليلُ التَّمام فأَلْقَى البرقَ يَشكُوكَا
17. The days of your company, from their cheerfulness,
Were stars to beholders in your nights.
١٧. أَيامُ وصْلِك كانَتْ مِنْ ملاحَتها
للنَّاظِرين نجوماً في لَيالِيكا
18. O you who moved from the house and memories bring you closer!
If you moved away, memories will bring you near.
١٨. يا نازحَ الدَّارِ والذكْرَى تُقَرّبه
لئن نَزَحْتَ فإِنَّ الذكْرَ يُدْنِيكَا
19. Bring your heart near to my heart in an embrace -
Perhaps the softness of that heart will pass over to you.
١٩. قرِّب فؤَادَك من قلبي مُعَانَقَةً
لعلَّ رِقَّةَ ذاكَ القلبِ تُعديكا
20. You have possessed my heart, so tell me how to divert it,
And you have enthralled my soul, so tell me how to ransom it.
٢٠. ملكتَ قلبي فقُلْ لي كَيْفَ أَصْرِفه
وحزتَ نَفْسي فقُلْ لي كيْفَ أَفْدِيكا
21. Leave off owning me and freeing me - I am a man
Who for the virtuous Ali bin Abi Talib has become enslaved.
٢١. دعْ عَنْكَ مِلْكِي وعِتْقِي إِنَّني رجُلٌ
للفاضلِ بنِ عليٍّ صرتُ مملوكَا
22. Time has possessed my heart, so I said:
O time, it brings me low and brings you low.
٢٢. تملَّكَ الدّهرَ معْ قلبِي فقلتُ له
يأَيُّها الدَّهْر يَهنيني ويَهنِيكا
23. One who utters virtue does not display it boastfully,
And the virtuous does not conceal his words stealthily.
٢٣. القائلُ الفضلِ لا يُبديه منبهراً
والفاضلُ القولِ لا يُخفيه منْهوكا
24. I seek refuge for your glory from neglect without cause
Which rules that my appearance makes your rising light hidden.
٢٤. أُعيذُ مجدَك من تَرْكٍ لا سببٍ
يَقْضِي ظهوريَ أَن تَخْفَى لآلِيكا
25. Do not come to him, and stay, O you who seek him, you will find
His bounty comes to you and the world comes to you.
٢٥. لا تأْتِه وأَقِمْ يا مُعْتَفِيه تَجِدْ
جَدْواه تأْتِيكَ والدُّنْيا تُواتِيكا
26. If you are straitened, then it will expand it,
Or if you were dead, then by grace he will give you life.
٢٦. إِن كنتَ ضيِّق حالٍ فَهْو يُوْسِعُها
أَو كُنْتَ ميْتاً فبِالإِنْعامِ يُحْييكا
27. Time said to those who come with nothing but their hands:
What would make you rich but one who can enrich you?
٢٧. قالَ الزَّمانُ لِمنْ يأْتِي سِوى يدِه
ما كانَ أَغْناك عَمَّن ليْس يُغْنِيكا
28. He restored kingdoms to freemen, and how much
Of his making returned as freemen, owned kingdoms.
٢٨. رَدَّ الممالِكَ أَحْراراً وكم رجَعت
صنائعٌ منه أَحْراراً مَمَالِيكا
29. Those virtues, certainty did not leave in the soul
Any doubt, nor in the heart any skepticism of them.
٢٩. تلكَ المكارمُ لم يُبقِ اليقينُ بها
في النَّفْس ظَنّاً ولا في القلبِ تَشْكِيكَا
30. When I exult in them, the envious one says:
I ask God's forgiveness but for my exultation in you!
٣٠. إِذا تغاليتُ فيها قال حاسِدُه
أَستغفرُ الله إِلاَّ مِنْ تَغَاليكا
31. O you who has mastered giving to excess -
I see you will give the highest meanings.
٣١. يا من تَفَنَنَّ في إِعطائِه سرفاً
إِنِّي أَرَاك سَتُعطي مِنْ مَعالِيكا
32. We find sublime meanings in you shining,
And we derive meanings from your meanings.
٣٢. نلْقَى مَعاني المعالِي فيكَ باهرةً
ونستمدُّ المعانِي مِنْ مَعَانِيكا
33. Generosity does not sprout but in your soil, just as
Poverty is not harvested but in your fields.
٣٣. لا ينْبُتُ الجودُ إِلاَّ في ذُراك كما
لا يُحصَد الفَقْرُ إِلاَّ في مَغَانيكا
34. He who envies your stature out of his meanness
Wants your downfall - but how, when, for what in you?
٣٤. يرومُ شأَوَك من أَضْنيتَه حسداً
أَنَّى وكيْف وما فيه الَّذِي فيكا
35. When I saw the efforts beyond you were futile,
I excused those who were incapable of your efforts.
٣٥. لمّا رأَيتُ المساعِي فيك مُعجِزَةً
عَذرْتُ مَنْ فيه عجزٌ عن مَساعِيكا
36. I have come to you, O cloudburst of the land, thirstily,
As it went away in my condition, your returning to me.
٣٦. إِنِّي أَتَيْتُك يا غيثَ الْوَرى ظمئاً
في الحالِ لمّا أَغبَّتْه عَوادِيكا
37. You give your enemies until I have nearly, from anger,
Said: give me, and give me some of your enemies!
٣٧. تُعطي أَعادِيك حتَّى كدتُ من حَنقٍ
أَقولُ هبْ لي وهبْني مِنْ أَعَادِيكا
38. I seek refuge for your glory from my neglect without cause -
And how can the like of me be neglected by you?
٣٨. أُعيذُ مَجدك من تركِي بلاَ سببٍ
وكيفَ يُصبحُ مثلي منكَ مَتْروكا
39. And for me you are a master of whom I say:
You are enough for me, and it's enough that I am your loyal one.
٣٩. وإِنَّما منك لي مولىً أَقولُ له
حَسْبي وحسْبُك أَنِّي مِنْ مَواليكا
40. So my survival is only from your granting,
And my life only from your hands.
٤٠. فما بَقائيَ إِلاَّ مِنْك مُكْتَسبٌ
وَلا حَياتِيَ إِلاَّ مِنْ أَيَادِيكا
41. And I have praised because I am praiseworthy through you,
And I have hoped because I spend the night hoping for you.
٤١. وقد مَدَحتُ لأَنِّي فيكَ ممتَدحٌ
وقد رجوت لأَنِّي بتُّ أَرْجُوكا
42. So may God laugh at whoever opposes you joyfully
With righteousness, and disgrace the status of those who oppose you.
٤٢. فأَضْحَك اللهُ مَنْ والاكَ مبْتهِجَا
بالبِرِّ وأَخْزَى شَأْن شَانِيكا