1. Tears likened her, what an evil companion!
Though I may say, ah, what a good aide!
١. قارنَها الدّمعُ فبِئْسَ القَرِينْ
وربما قُلتُ فنِعْم المعين
2. It suffices one who loves degradation
To await help through ignoble water.
٢. وحَسْبُ من يعشَقُ هَوْنا بأَنْ
ينتظرَ العَوْنَ بماءٍ مَهِين
3. My tears conceal within my shirt alive,
Have you learned my shirt contains an ambush?
٣. أَكْمِنُ في كُمِّي دموعي حَياً
فهل عَلِمْتمْ أَنَّ كٌمِّي كَمِين
4. How remote my abode and how near my passion
When intimacy grew distant and the heart hardened!
٤. ما أَبعدَ الدَّارَ وأَدْنَى الْجَوى
لمّا نأَى الإِلْفُ وخَفَّ القَطِينْ
5. Disgrace appeared on her after them
Increasing until it almost failed to show.
٥. بان عليها الذُّلُّ من بَعْدِهم
وزاد حَتَّى كَادَ أَن لا يَبِين
6. If you say, where are those who transgressed?
Its echo says to you: where are those?
٦. فإِن تَقُلْ أَين الذينَ اغْتَدَوا
يَقُل صَدَاها لك أَين الذِينْ
7. That is the disgrace and this the echo -
One is her disdain and the other a sigh.
٧. فَذَلِك الذُّلُّ وهذَا الصَّدى
ذاكَ ضنىً منها وهذا أَنين
8. And how many cheeks and eyes through her
Were clad with tears until they flowed!
٨. وكم خدودٍ وعيونٍ بها
كُسينَ بالأَدمُع حتَى عَرِين
9. And I may ward off the spy because of her
Or render the hunters without need to sing.
٩. ورُبَّما صِدْتُ بها ربرباً
وربَّما أَغْنى عن الصَّائدين
10. The lions guard their den around him,
Say then: is it a church or a lions' den?
١٠. تحميه آسادُ شَرًى حوله
فقُلْ كِناسٌ دارُه أَو عرين
11. A life ordained for me - how much before
Its ordination did I yearn for it!
١١. عيْشٌ تَقضَّى لي وكم كان لي
قَبْلَ تقَضِّيه إِليه حنين
12. So each day that passed - nay each hour -
My right to weep for her for years is due.
١٢. فكلُّ يومٍ مرَّ بل ساعةٍ
يحقُّ لي أَبكي عليها سنين
13. The sum, O most passionate one, is that
She resembled the climbing plant in hue and softness.
١٣. وجُمْلَةُ الأَمْر فيا أَهيفا
قد أَشبه الصَّعْدَة لَوْناً ولين
14. And one who, in his mouth, a mim and a sin,
Afflicted me by one whose lips enchant.
١٤. ومسَّني مسٌّ بمَنْ ثَغْرُهُ
في فَمِه الأَلْعَسِ مِيمٌ وسين
15. I wasted on the red wine of his mouth the fruit of his saliva
And here are the notes in the margins of his two dimples.
١٥. أَفْنَيْتُ بالرَّشْفِ جَنَى ريقِه
وها حَوَاشي شَقَتَيْهِ ضَمِين
16. His glancing revealed the sorcery of my sanity -
How true is he who termed it evident sorcery!
١٦. أَبانَ رُشْدِيَ سِحْرُ أَلحاظه
يا صِدْقَ من سمَّاه سِحْراً مُبين
17. And he disappointed people of their trusts,
So you see no trustee among them toward him.
١٧. وأَعدَمَ الناسَ أَماناتِهم
فما ترى فيهم عليه أَمين
18. And if he is excessive in his firmness toward me,
In him are sorrow and about him suspicion.
١٨. إِنِّي وإِن أَسْرَفَ في صدِّه
به ضنينٌ وعليه ظَنِين
19. I doubt that, were he depicted in musk,
Say not to me: it is water and clay!
١٩. أَشُكُّ لو صُوِّر من مِسْكةٍ
فلا تَقُولُوا لي ماءٌ وطين
20. By God! By God! In His creation -
How evident is the doubt and how clear the certainty!
٢٠. لله يا لله في خلْقِه
ما أَوْضَحَ الشَّكَّ وأَبْدَى اليقين
21. Glory to Him and glory to the one whom
He singled out with evident favor!
٢١. سُبْحَان باريه وسُبْحَانَ مَنْ
خصَّ أَبَا الفضلِ بفَضْلٍ مُبينْ
22. My father and my lineage - its string
Is pearls and those pearls precious.
٢٢. أَبي وحَسْبي نِسبةٌ عِقْدُها
دُرٌّ وذاك الدٌّر درٌّ ثمين
23. His righteousness toward me along with my maturity through him
Has clad me in the two best garments, worldly and religious.
٢٣. فبِرُّه لي مع رُشْدِي به
أَلْبَسَني الخَيْرَينِ دُنيا ودِين
24. It is as if, when he increased in his benevolence,
He taught fathers the righteousness of sons.
٢٤. كأَنه إِذ زاد في برِّه
يُعلِّم الآباءَ بِرَّ البَنِينْ
25. Do not praise me but praise him, for from
His benefaction comes my generosity to the deserving.
٢٥. لا تَمْدَحُوني وامْدَحوه فمِنْ
إِنعامِه جُودِي على المجْتَدين
26. Nay, his bounty is higher because I am but
A taker of thousands and giver of hundreds.
٢٦. بَلْ جُوده أَعْلَى لأَني امروٌ
آخُذُ آلاَفاً وأُعْطِي مِئِينْ
27. Indeed, his enemies and enviers
Saw that favor until they were blinded.
٢٧. إِنَّ أَعادِيه وحُسَّادَه
أَبْصَرْنَ ذاك الفَضْلَ حتى عَمين
28. And it vexed them when he came to sit
High in place, in a firm position.
٢٨. وغاظَهمْ لمَّا غَدا جالِساً
من المعالِي في مكانِ مَكِينْ
29. When delegations come to his door,
Ask not about his wealth - what he attained.
٢٩. إِن يَلْتَقِ الوفدُ على بَابه
فلا تَسَلْ أَموالَه ما لَقين
30. He disdained wealth so that he
Would not honor a man until he disgraced him.
٣٠. أَهانَ أَمْوالاً على أَنَّه
لا يَكْرَمُ الإِنسانُ حتى يُهين
31. It is as if the sea on his left
And exalted in rank that it be his right hand.
٣١. كأَنَّما البحرُ شِمالٌ له
وجلَّ قدراً أَن يكونَ اليمين
32. His describer is hired to describe him
Because he has in his words no deceit.
٣٢. واصِفُه يُؤْجَرُ في وَصْفِه
لأَنه في قَوْلِه لا يَمِين
33. The open-handedness of his palms is always ours
And the rain, if it flows, flows at all times.
٣٣. وجودُ كفيه لنا دائماً
والغَيث إِن جادَ ففي كُلِّ حين
34. A judge decreed that God should not be seen
To have a peer among his creation or a match.
٣٤. قاضٍ قَضَى اللهُ بأَن لا يُرى
قِرْنٌ له في خَلْقِه أَو قَرِين
35. The eye of the sun would love, if it blinked,
To live when his forehead shone radiant.
٣٥. تَوَدُّ عيْنُ الشَّمْسِ لو أَطْرقَتْ
حَيا إِذا أَشرَقَ منه الجبين
36. The full moon too, if it emerged
Revealing his cheerfulness or brightness.
٣٦. ومن لبدر التم لو أنه
إن بان منه بِشْرُه أَو يَبِين
37. God, how my life with him blessed me!
For the life of a man is only tender living.
٣٧. لله ما أَنْعَم عَيْشِي به
لان وحَسْبُ المرءِ عيشٌ يَلين
38. My life is youth, and my love as you know,
And the cup of joy is my familiar aide.
٣٨. عُمْرِي شبابٌ وحبيبي كما
تَدْري وكأْسُ اللَّهوِ عِنْدِي مَعِين
39. And how many hopes I coveted
Relying on you to fulfill them!
٣٩. ورُبَّ آمالٍ تَشَهَّيْتُها
نداك في إِنْجَازها لي ضَمِين
40. O lord I call when I have a need,
And he by being called is worthy to be trustee.
٤٠. يا سيداً أَدعوهُ في حَاجَةٍ
وهْو بأَنْ يُدْعَى جديرٌ قمين
41. I swore I would attain wealth,
And you are worthier to fulfill oaths.
٤١. حَلَفْت أَنِّي سأَنالُ الغِنى
وأَنْتَ أَولى من يَبَرُّ اليَمِينْ
42. So bestow upon the ages and their sons,
And remain, for its days that remain.
٤٢. فَصُلْ على الدَّهْرِ وأَبْنَائِه
وابْقَ على أَيَّامِه ما بقين
43. This is my prayer, and all creation
Says after my prayer: Amen.
٤٣. هذا دعائي وجميعُ الورى
تقولُ من بَعْدِ دُعائِي أَمِين