
My heart whispers to me of your gentle touch

قلبي يقول لطيف منك يطرقني

1. My heart whispers to me of your gentle touch
Perhaps your favor will steal me away tonight

١. قلبي يَقُولُ لِطَيفٍ منكَ يطرقُني
عَسَى بفضلِكَ تَحْتَ اللَّيلِ تَسْرِقُني

2. Take me so I can join my beloved
While my friend who spurned him cannot catch up to me

٢. خذني لأَلْحَقَ مَوْلىً كنتَ منزِلَهُ
وَصَاحِبي مَنْ ضَنَاهُ ليس يَلْحقُني

3. And even if he wanted to catch up to me, I'd outrun him
But my tears will outpace me

٣. ولو أَراد لَحَاقي كنتُ أَسبقُه
لكنْ مَدامِعُ عيني سَوف تسْبِقُني

4. O you who takes my heart freely and openly
On the condition that after my heart you take my body

٤. يا آخِذَ القَلْبِ في حِلٍّ وفي سَعَة
بِشَرْط أَخْذِكَ بَعْد القلْبِ للبَدَنِ

5. You have sinned in taking just one thing, so if
You wish to be rewarded, take two things together

٥. أَثِمتَ في أَخْذِ شَيْءٍ واحدٍ وإِذا
أَرَدْتَ تُؤجَرُ خُذْ شَيْئَينِ في قَرَنِ

6. O paradise of immortality, you have immortalized yourself in my eternity
And the tradition of the full moon, my love for you is my tradition

٦. يا جنَّةَ الخلدِ قد خلَّدتِ في خَلَدِي
وسنَّةَ البَدْرِ حُبِّي فِيكِ مِن سَنَي

7. And an enchanting sword whose watcher is tempted by it
For this is how it was ordained, the tempting of swords with enchantment

٧. وفِتْنةً سُلَّ فيها سيفُ نَاظِرِهَا
بذا جَرَى الرَّسْمُ سَلُّ السيفِ في الفِتَنِ

8. Nothing is more wondrous to all people
Than my secret passion or your public beauty

٨. لا شيءَ أَعجبُ عند الخلقِ قاطبةً
مِنْ عِشْقيَ السرِّ أَو من حُسْنِك العَلَنِ

9. And a branch is known by where it sprouts from
For we have seen the garden through its branch

٩. والغصنُ يُعْرَف في البستان مَنْبِتُه
وقَدْ رأَينا بِكَ البُستَانَ في غُصُنِ

10. I adorned my hearing with the words you uttered
Your words still ring in my ears like earrings

١٠. حليتُ سمعي بأَلفاظٍ نطقْتَ بِها
لا زالَ لفظُك مثلَ القُرْطِ في أُذُني

11. The heavens yearn and make its stars shine
Longingly for its people or longingly for homeland

١١. تهوى السَّماءَ وتستَجْلي كواكِبها
شوقاً إِلى الأَهْلِ أَو شَوْقاً إِلى الوَطَنِ

12. It says my beauty is jealous as it competes with it
Do you not know that beauty loves me?

١٢. يقولُ قد غَارَ حُسْنى إِذ تُزَاحِمُه
أَمَا عَلِمْتَ بأَن الحُسْن يعشقُني

13. By Allah, get up and let us sneak out laughing lightly
And leave the weeping gazelle in the shelters

١٣. بالله قم نَخْتَلي الصهباءَ ضَاحكةً
وخلِّ غَيْلاَنَ يَبْكِي ميَّ في الدَّمَن

14. And let our communion be at night, and never
Quenched by the tears of languid eyelids

١٤. واجعل تواصُلنَا لَيْلاً ولا سُقِيت
فيه حوائمُ أَجْفَانٍ مِنَ الوَسَن

15. I asked one whose aloofness scorned me
So look at the humiliation of the poor and pride of the rich

١٥. سأَلتُ من لم يَجِبْني من تَعزُّزِه
فانظر إِلى ذُلِّ مِسْكينٍ وعزِّ غَني

16. How often he scorns while my devil debases me
And how often he does wrong while my Sultan is Abu Al-Hassan

١٦. فَكَمْ يَعِزُّ وشيطاني يَذِلُّ به
وكم يجور وسُلْطَاني أَبُو الْحَسَنِ

17. One whom injustice is not seen in the days of his rule
Or good is not seen flowing in it like ships

١٧. من لا يُرى الجورُ في أَيامِ دولتِه
أَو يُبصَرُ البَرُّ يُجْرَى فيه بالسُّفُنِ

18. The bestower of thousands after thousands safely
Free of blame, free of favors

١٨. الواهِبُ الأَلْفِ بعد الأَلْفِ سَالمةً
من المِطَالِ مُبَرَّاةً من المِنَن

19. Look at him when his fingers give generously
And look at the shyness on the face of the flirtatious beauty

١٩. انظر إِليه إِذا جَادَتْ أَنامِلُه
وانظر لخجْلَةِ وجُهِ العارض الهَتنِ

20. The elder of youthfulness, observant with his wisdom
Of consequences, knowing and prudent

٢٠. كَهْلُ الحداثَةِ نَظَّارٌ بِفطْنَتِه
إِلى العَواقِبِ ريَّانٌ مِنَ الفِطَن

21. Sacred of mind, free from fault and delusion
Pure of conscience, free from fault and vileness

٢١. مقدَّس العقلِ عن عيبٍ وعن خَطَلٍ
منزَّهُ السِّرِّ عن عيبٍ وعن دَرَنِ

22. In beauty and in goodness there are accounts of his conduct
Attributed to Eden, not to Aden

٢٢. في الحسْنَ والطِّيب أَخبارٌ لسيرته
تُعْزَى بعدْنٍ ولا تُعزَى إِلى عَدَن

23. No praise except about him and his love
Lauded, and no eulogy except extolling his supremacy

٢٣. لا نُطْقَ إِلا عَليهِ من مَحَبَّتِه
يُثنى ولا مَدْحَ إِلاَّ في عُلاه ثَني

24. A palace was built for him in the tumultuous sea
Its foundation laid, and built on the waves of swords

٢٤. يُبنَى لهُ القصْر في بَحْرِ الوغى حُفِرت
أَساسُه وعلى مَوْجِ السُّيوفِ بُني

25. His noble character refuses to abandon
Gentleness when clasping or harshness when taking a stand

٢٥. تأْبى سجاياه أَن تَنْفَكَّ عن كَرمٍ
في المقبض اللين أَو في الموقِفِ الخَشِن

26. One who seldom finds courage has pride in armor
While for some it is like a shroud

٢٦. عَلاَ عَليٌّ على الأَملاك كلِّهمِ
بملكه لِنواصيهِمْ ولِلزَّمَن

27. How many instances you satisfied God with
Alongside the Prophet by destroying idols

٢٧. زانَ السِّلاحَ الذي يحوي وشرَّفَه
فالمشْرَفيُّ بذا سمَّوه واليَزَني

28. You sheathed your sword but in their hearts
Your sheathed sword remained causing sorrow

٢٨. وقد بكَتْ إِذْ قَلاَها كلُّ سابِغَةٍ
فَشِدَّةُ البأْس تُغْنِيه عَن الجُنَن

29. They differed about you, so bodies weep
From staying while souls are in agony

٢٩. يَعزُّ للدِّرْعِ من قرَّتْ شَجَاعَتُه
وقد يكونُ لبعضِ النَّاسِ كَالكَفَن

30. O best of creations, a saying that does not
Suggest a conjecture of speech or speech of conjectures

٣٠. كم موقفٍ لك أَرضَيْتَ الإِلهَ بِه
معَ النَّبيّ بِمَا أَهْلكْتَ مِنْ وَثَنِ

31. I left your land, O my agony and oh my sorrow
And your palace, O my fervor and O my grief

٣١. أَغْمَدْتَ سيْفَكَ لكِنْ في قلوبِهِم
وَظلَّ سَيْفُكَ في غِمْدٍ من الإِحَنِ

32. If I stayed in the state that my life was in
My state would be as my life was delighted in it

٣٢. تناقضوا بك فالأَجسامُ باكيَةٌ
من الإِقامةِ والأَرواحُ في ظَعَن

33. You adorned my neck with jewelry crafted from favors
How excellent is the neck in jewelry of favors

٣٣. يا أَفضلَ الخلقِ قولٌ لا يُلِمُّ به
ظَنٌّ مِنَ القَولِ أَو قَوْلٌ من الظُنَنِ

34. When I called out from afar for his gifts
The bestowal came happy and the giving blithe

٣٤. فارقتُ قُطْرَكَ يَا لَهْفي ويا أَسَفي
وجُزتُ قَصْرَكَ يا شَوْقي ويا حَزَني

35. Benevolence drew near until it became intimate
With my palm, now settling from my palm into my intimacy

٣٥. وإِنَّ حَالي لو أَنِّي أَقَمْتُ بِه
حالٍ كما أَنَّ عَيشي كان فِيه هَني

36. There is no pride but in an army in which his kinship
Has exalted pride over Qais and Yemen

٣٦. حلَّيتَ جيدي بِحَلْيٍ صيغ من مِنَنٍ
ما أَحْسَنَ الجِيدَ في حَلْيٍ مِنَ المِنَن

37. You sheathed your sword but in their hearts
Your sheathed sword remained in a sheath of sorrow

٣٧. لمَّا دعوتُ على بُعدٍ مواهبَه
جاءَ النَّوالُ هنيّاً والعطاءُ سَني

38. In how many instances did you satisfy God with
Alongside the Prophet by destroying idols

٣٨. بِرٌّ تودَّد حتى صَارَ يأْلفُه
كفِّي فيسكن من كَفِّي إِلى سَكَني

39. You put away your sword yet in their hearts
Your sheathed sword remained causing sorrow

٣٩. لا فَخْرَ إِلا بجيش فيه نِسْبَتُه
قد جلَّ بالفخر عن قيسٍ وعن يَمَنِ