1. I saw ar-Raziyy and the bliss he attained,
And what the days took away of his joy.
١. رأَيت الرَّضيَّ وما ناله
وما سَلَبَ الدَّهرُ من بهجته
2. Tomorrow he rebelled against his people,
So the young man was not successful in his rebellion.
٢. غدا خارجياً على قَوْمِه
فما وُفِّق العِلْقُ في خَرْجَته
3. And he was unjust to his companions,
So injustice drowned him in his ignorance.
٣. وقَد جَارَ بغْياً على صَحْبِه
فغرَّقه البغيُ في لُجَّته
4. For he used to lead himself,
Then he became leading his wife.
٤. فكان يقود على نفسه
فصار يقودُ على زَوْجَتهِ
5. How can he be jealous over his wedding
When he's not jealous over his own honor?
٥. وكَيفَ يغار عَلى عُرسه
فتىً لا يَغَار على مُهجته
6. It’s not bad for the goat to borrow
Horns on his head from his sheep.
٦. ولا بأْسَ بالتَّيسِ أَن يستعير
قُروناً على الرأْس من نَعْجَتِه
7. So may Allah satisfy us from his satire
And may Allah pain us from his foolishness.
٧. فأَشبَعَنا الله مَنْ هَجْوِه
وجوَّعنا الله من عجَّته