
My heart he struck with the arrows of his glancing eyes,

فؤادي بسهم المقلتين رماه

1. My heart he struck with the arrows of his glancing eyes,
And my heart with the fire of his rose-cheeked beauty he inflamed.

١. فُؤَادِي بسهم المقلتينِ رماهُ
وقَلْبي بِنار الوَجْنتيْنِ كَوَاهُ

2. So my passion welcomed him when he came visiting,
And my love answered "Here I am!" when he called out.

٢. فقال الحشا أَهلاً به حين زارَه
وقال الْهَوى لَبَّيْك حِين دَعَاهُ

3. I made my soul attain the object of its desire,
And I guided my heart in its love to find its way.

٣. فَبَلَّغْتُ نفسِي من غَرامِي مَرامَها
وآتيتُ قَلبي في هُوَاهُ هُدَاهُ

4. Yet to the censuring heart my constancy was burdensome,
And to my own heart the censor's blindness was grievous.

٤. وعزَّ على قلبِ العذولِ لَجَاجَتي
وعزَّ على قلبي اللَّجوجِ عَمَاهُ

5. My censurer says of my love "It is caused by some defect,"
But I say "In all the world is there aught but Him?"

٥. يقولُ عَذَولِي في هَوَاهُ لِعلَّةٍ
فقُلْتُ وهَلْ في العَالمِين سِوَاهُ

6. By my life, a beloved who shames the sweetest musk in fragrance,
And if they ask of him, he is the full moon's perfection.

٦. بنفسِي حبيبٌ أَخجَل المِسْك مِسْكُهُ
وإِن سأَلونِي عنه فَهْو لَمَاهُ

7. The beauty of my beloved subdues my chiding,
And the chiding of a lover - how painful for the chided!

٧. حبيبٌ تولَّى حسنُه كبْت عُذَّلي
عليهِ وعُذَّالُ المحبِّ عِدَاهُ

8. When he is absent, my ear-rings make me wistful,
For in my ear-rings I see the tokens of his beauty.

٨. إِذا غاب أَلهانِي الحُلِيُّ لأَنَّني
أَرى في حُلِيّ الغانياتِ حُلاَهُ

9. The full moon is distraught with love for him,
And why should it be strange if a brother loves his brother?

٩. يهيمُ بِه بدرُ التَّمَام محبَّةً
وغيرُ عجيبٍ أَن يُحبَّ أَخاهُ

10. My kisses only increase the burning anguish of my passion,
Yet I have no joy in not kissing that mouth.

١٠. تزيدُ بتقبِيلي لَهُ نارُ لَوْعَتي
فما سرَّني أَن لا أُقبِّل فاهُ

11. I strive to please him, yet disdain keeps him aloof,
And how many who strive to please are intolerable!

١١. وأُرضيه جُهْدِي والتجني يصدُّه
وكم مُستجنٍّ لا يُطاقُ رضَاهُ

12. Why, denier of my passion, do you impugn my sickness?
Can you say this, when you see him there?

١٢. أَما تستحي يا جاحِدَ الصبّ سُقْمَهُ
تقول له هَذا وأَنْت تَرَاهُ

13. So the sickness of my body in his presence is evident,
While the love-madness of my heart in his absence is concealed.

١٣. فحاضِرُ سقمِ الجسم منه كما ترى
وغائبُ وَجْدِ القلْبِ مِنْه كمَا هُو

14. With a glance from his eye he gave verdure to the cheek,
And with his kiss he revived the rose and watered it.

١٤. رَعى خُضرةً في عارضيه بطرفهِ
وباللَّثم حَيَّا وردَه وَسَقاهُ

15. I renounce my passion if for an hour I was unfaithful,
For the passion of lovers has a god for them.

١٥. كفرْتُ الهوى إِن كنتُ خنتُك ساعةً
فإِن لهَوي للعاشِقين إِلهُ