1. My feverish night has become like a full moon embracing me,
While your full moon lies fallen on the roads.
١. ليلَ الحمى بات بَدْرِي فيكَ مُعْتَنِقي
وبات بدرُك مرمِيّاً على الطُّرُقِ
2. What a difference between a moon made of gold,
And my moon, and a moon made of clay!
٢. شتَّان ما بين بدرٍ صيغَ من ذهبٍ
وذاكَ بدري وبدرٍ صيغَ من بَهَقِ
3. The beloved visited while the new moon was bent over,
Waning over it and the myrtle branch was in its crescent.
٣. زار الحبيبُ وبدْرُ التِّم في كَمدٍ
بادٍ عليه وغصنُ البان في قَلَفِ
4. He walks on the cheek of the one he loves while his tears
Flow copiously - So glory to the One who saved him from drowning!
٤. يمشي على خدِّ من يَهْوى وأَدمُعه
تهمِي فسبحان منجِيه من الْغَرَقِ
5. Before this he was an apparition in his aloofness,
And if he journeyed, his travel was on the horizon.
٥. وقبْل ذا كان طيفاً من تكَبُّرِه
فإِنْ سرى كان مَسْراه على الحَدَق
6. His smile lay sealed beneath his veil,
While his breast lay locked and cleaved beneath the padlock and key.
٦. وبات باللَّثم تَحْت الختم مَبْسِمُه
والصَّدْرُ بالضَّم تحتَ القُفل والفَلَق
7. I chastised my specter for not bringing its master,
"Oh eye, spare the specter's path in my vigil!"
٧. وعِفْتُ طيفيَ لم جَاءَ سيِّدُه
يا عين عفِّي طريقَ الطَّيفِ بالأَرَق
8. "Oh you who blame him - as for his cheek it is delicate,
As you see it, and as for his mouth, it is dainty."
٨. يا عاذِلي فيه أَمَّا خدُّه فنَدٍ
كما تراهُ وأَمَّا ثغْره فَنَقي
9. Your eyelids do not twist shut in my vigil,
Nor do your ribs fold over my scorching pain.
٩. وما جفونك تلْويها على سَهري
ولا ضلوعُك تطْويها على حُرَقي
10. You want me to abandon my love for him -
How, when the pact with that beauty is around my neck?
١٠. تريدُني خارِجيّاً عن مَحبَّتِه
أَنَّى وبيعةُ ذاك الحُسنِ في عُنُقي
11. Oh companion of beauty, do not hasten our separation,
For I have only glimpsed you at my last gasp.
١١. يا صاحبَ الحسن لا تَعجل بفُرقَتِنا
فما رمَقْتُك إِلاَّ آخِر الرَّمَقِ
12. A screen for me are his two eyes with their tranquility -
Would that grief for me from his eyes had remained!
١٢. وساترٍ ليَ عينَيْه براحَتِه
ليتَ الضَّنَى ليَ من عينيْه كانَ بَقي
13. You stole my heart without denying you stole it -
Is not your cheek stolen from the thief stars?
١٣. سرقتَ قلبي ولمْ أَنكرتَ سِرقته
أَليس خدُّك مسروقاً من السَّرق
14. You have a subtlety that revives the soul of one who desires it
With something secretly stolen from Paradise.
١٤. ونكهةِ لك تُحيي نفسَ ناشِقها
بمسترقٍّ من الفِردَوْس مُستَرق
15. Passion came and this beauty in one era,
And the downpour rushes and the light of faith is unleashed.
١٥. جاءَ الغرامُ وهذا الحسنُ في قَرنٍ
والغيثُ يَهْمي ونورُ الدِّين في طَلَقِ
16. They raced and the darkness led them in the gloom
Of the poles, but the light won the race.
١٦. تسابَقا فادْلهمَّ الدَّجْن في ظُلمَ
من الْقُطوبِ وفازَ النُّورُ بالسَّبَق
17. The clouds assisted it but fatigue overcame them,
And that rainfall after the effort was like sweat.
١٧. إِنَّ السحائِبَ جارَتْه فأَتْعَبها
وذلكَ القطرُ بعد الجُهدِ كالْعَرَقِ
18. The best king is the one created from generosity,
While anyone less is created from a clot.
١٨. الأَفضلُ الملكُ المخلوقُ من كَرمٍ
ومَنْ سواه هو المخلوقُ من عَلَقِ
19. Far be it from Him to be deliberative in His generosity!
Rather He walks amidst it with good character.
١٩. حاشاه أَنْ يَتَعنَّى في تَكَرُّمه
وإِنَّما هو ماش فيه مَعْ خُلُقِ
20. In praising Him the leaves in the leaves rustle
In the ember of dawn or in the darkness of nightfall.
٢٠. بمدْحِه الوُرْقُ في الأَوْراق ساجعةٌ
في جمرةِ الفَجْر أَو في فحمَةِ الْغَسَقِ
21. The Master of Mankind, Ali, is how
The narrators have conveyed to us an uncounterfeited account,
٢١. مولى الأَنامِ عليٌّ هكذا نَقلَت
لنا الرُّواةُ حديثاً غيرَ مختلَقِ
22. Upon testifying to his manifest virtue over
The people of creeds, views, and sects.
٢٢. على الشهادة بالفضل المبين له
أَهلُ المذاهبِ والآراءِ والفِرق
23. He set up in the earth the market of all creatures
With justice, He who made possessions like a market.
٢٣. أَقامَ في الأَرضِ سوق الخلق قاطبةً
بالقسطِ من جَعَل الأَمْلاَك كالسُّوق
24. They shrank from him and submitted to his might,
Bending in humility, submitting to encounter.
٢٤. تضاءَلوا مِنه وانقادُوا لعزَّتِه
إِلى التَّذَلُّل وانقادوا إِلى الملَق
25. When religion advanced in the ascendance of his rule,
Yearning for him, disbelief fled in detachment.
٢٥. من أَقْبلَ الدِّينُ في إِقبالِ دوْلته
شوقاً إِليه وفرَّ الكفرُ من فَرق
26. His resolve flowed to the battlefield of the excited ones
As if it were for him a pleasant promenade.
٢٦. تَصْبو إِلى معرَكِ الهيجاءِ عزمتُه
كأَنَّها منه في مُسْتَنْزَهٍ أَنِق
27. And serenity from him does not cease being enamored,
Of the brown gallant one or the witty charming one.
٢٧. وراحةٌ منه لا تنفَكُّ عاشقةً
للأَسمرِ اللَّدنِ أَو للمُرهَفِ اللَّبِق
28. His time is an armor of piety in his battles,
And the armor of patience in it is for the reverent, a protection.
٢٨. وقتْه جُنَّةُ تقْوى في مَعارِكه
وجنَّةُ الصَّبر فيها لِلتَّقِيِّ تَقي
29. Ask disbelief - what befell it from him?
And what did it, the day of meeting Him, encounter?
٢٩. استخبر الكفرَ ماذا حلَّ مِنه بِه
وما الَّذي مِنه في يوم اللِّقاءِ لَقي
30. The enemies' determination and they did not attain what they hoped,
Can the sun be attained on the horizon?
٣٠. همَّ الأَعَادِي وما نالوا بِزعْمهمُ
ما أَمَّلوا هلْ تُنال الشَّمس في الأُفُقِ
31. Through him God doomed whoever opposed his height, and whoever
Opposed Ali the ignorant one is doomed.
٣١. أَشقى به اللهُ من عَادى عُلاهُ ومن
عادَى عَلياً من الجُهَّالُ فَهْو شَقي
32. Oh splitter of dawn by the sword of his hand!
You are the one who cleft the skulls by the cleaver.
٣٢. يا فالقَ الصُّبح من سيْف براحَتِه
أَنتَ الَّذي فَلَق الهاماتِ بالْفَلَقِ
33. In a narrow spot until there was no room in it,
But your swing when narrow did not narrow.
٣٣. في موقف ضاق حتى لا مجالَ به
لكنَّ ذَرْعك لمَّا ضَاق لم يَضِقِ
34. So how many hands you left without forearms,
Which had rested their heads without necks!
٣٤. فكم تركتَ بها كَفَّاً بلا عَضُدٍ
وقد توسَّدها رأْسٌ بلا عُنق
35. Your enemy drinks from it his fill,
From it by the throat, and some of the drink is like the dripping.
٣٥. يرْوِي عدوُّك منها ماءَ لَبته
بالنَّحر مِنها وبعضُ الرِّي كالشَّرق
36. You pardoned them the day they fled from you when they saw
A blow that returns armor like new creation.
٣٦. عذرْتَهم يوم فرُّوا منك حينَ رَأَوْا
ضرباً يُعيد جديدَ الدِّرع كالْخَلَق
37. So none were saved from you - not one who was lofty,
Above the sky, nor one who was in a burrow.
٣٧. فَما نَجا مِنْك لا مَن كانَ في شَرفٍ
فوقَ السَّماءِ ولا مَن كانَ في نَفَقِ
38. By death you cut from their souls some necks,
And death cuts whatever necks it meets from the clots.
٣٨. قطعتَ بالموتِ مِنْ أَرْواحِهم عَلَقاً
والموتُ قطَّاع مَا يَلْقى من الْعَلَقِ
39. For them one beyond the sea wept a sea of blood
Until what was in the eye of blue turned red.
٣٩. بكى لهم من وَراءِ البحرِ بحرُ دمٍ
حتىَّ تحمَّر ما في العينِ من زَرَق
40. Thought falls short of describing it fully,
And if it could bear it, speech still could not bear it.
٤٠. ما أَعجزَ الفِكرَ عن وصْفٍ يُحيط به
ولو أَطاق لكانَ القولُ لم يُطِق
41. My tongue and heart halt before it in frustration,
And I break before falling short of it in sorrow.
٤١. يُثني لِساني وقلبي منه في جَذَلٍ
وأَنْثَني لقصورٍ عنه في حَنَق
42. How many envious censured me for praising him,
When they saw me from his bounty in plenty!
٤٢. وكم لَحَانِيَ فيه كُلُّ ذي حَسدٍ
لما رآني من نُعماهُ في غَدَق
43. I am through him in life without cares,
I am through him in clarity without soot.
٤٣. وإِنَّني منه في عَيْش بلا نكدٍ
وإِنَّني منه في صَفْوٍ بِلاَ رَنَقِ
44. When he clothed me in the garments of wealth, my appearance
Improved, and the beauty of the branch with leaves.
٤٤. لما كسانيَ أَثوابَ الغِنى حَسُنَت
فيها حِلايَ وحُسْن الغُصْن بالوَرَق
45. I pardoned the critic of my praise for his virtues,
When he saw me amidst musk and fragrance.
٤٥. عذرتُ عاذِل مدحي في مَناقِبه
إِذ كانَ يدخلُ بين المِسْك والعَبَق