
The swaying of the branch is but its owner's sway

ما هزة الغصن إلا ملك هزته

1. The swaying of the branch is but its owner's sway
And the submission of youth is but the will of its glory

١. ما هِزَّةُ الغُصْنِ إِلا مِلكُ هِزَّتِه
وذِلَّةُ الصَّبِّ إِلا طَوعُ عِزَّته

2. It resembled the full moon but for its display
And the gazelle but for its glance and survey

٢. قد أَشْبهَ البدرَ إِلاَّ في تبرُّجه
وأَشبهَ الظَّبْيَ إِلا في تَلَفُّتِه

3. None has seen fire kindle as my heart's fire
Except its flame and blaze in fury and ire

٣. وما رأَى الناسُ ناراً في توقُّدِها
كَنارِ قلبيَ إِلا نَارَ وجْنَتِه

4. I love the most of Arabs, she who did implore
Her kin about him, or pitched her tent on his terrain

٤. أَهْوَى من العَربِ العَرْباءِ مِن سأَلَتْ
عنه الملاحَةُ أَو حلَّت بِحُلَّتِه

5. They submitted to him and obeyed his reign
Know they not she's of those who his love obtain?

٥. ذلَّت له وأَطاعَتْه فهل عَلِموا
أَنَّ الملاَحةَ أَضْحتْ من أَحِبَّتِه

6. Of beauty he's the wealthiest so that his lover said
Forsaken, Lord, ease his hardship instead

٦. أَثْرى من الحُسْن حتى قال عَاشِقُه ال
مهجورُ يا رَبِّ سِّل وقتَ عُسْرتِه

7. The lightning of Najd yearns for its bend
As the youngster yearns for lightning at day's end

٧. يَشْتَاقُ بارقُ نجدٍ معْ ثَنِيَّتها
والصَّبُّ يشتاقُ برقاً في ثَنِيَّتِه

8. Nature has composed of him an ode and verse
As drink composes his reason's scattered purse

٨. ويعقِدُ الطَّبْعُ منه قافَ منطقهِ
ويَحْلُل السُّكْرُ منه سِبنَ طُرَّته

9. To a bayt of poetry he repairs, should he feel
Bored of staying; by its lines he'd appeal

٩. يأْوي إِلى بيت شَعرٍ لو شكا مَلَلاً
من مُكْثِه فيه لاسْتَغْنَى بشَعْرتِه

10. Who hasn't seen Beauty hasn't seen it smile
Under its garb and veil in style

١٠. وما رأَى الحسنَ من لم يرعَ ناظرُه
تلكَ الشمائلَ تَزْهو تَحْتَ شَمْلَتِه

11. Let pale complexion posing lofty pretend
For my heart is smitten by its dark amend

١١. ومَنْ يكُنْ بِبياضِ اللَّون ذا كَلفٍ
فإِنَّ قلبيَ مشغوفٌ بِسمْرتِه

12. If Indian gazelle's musk is its scent
My gazelle's musk is the intoxicant draught I've spent

١٢. إِن كان مِسكُ غزالِ الهند سُرته
فإِنَّ مسكَ غزالي سُؤرُ شَرْبته

13. This is the king of all people's affection
Tell them to heed his rule and direction

١٣. هذا أَميرُ مِلاح الخلق قاطبةٌ
قولُوا لهم فليُطيعوا أَمْر إِمْرته

14. And pledge to him allegiance and obey
For his beauty has assumed all pledges today

١٤. ولْيأْخُذوا بيْعةٍ منه مُطاوعَةً
فحُسْنُه قد تَوَلَّى أَخْذَ بَيْعَتِه

15. Let hearts hasten to my heart that yearns
For it's the home of all his love that burns

١٥. ولْيقصِدوا قلبي المقصودَ قبلَهُم
مِنه فقلبي المُعَنَّى دارُ هِجْرَته

16. O heedless eyes awake, by God you never stirred
Except when asleep, towards his love just third

١٦. يَا ناعِسَ الطَّرفِ لاَ والله ما انْتَبهتْ
فيكَ المَحَبَّةُ إِلاَّ وَقْتَ نَعْسَتِه

17. And break, eyelids, for never you cracked
Except after breaking, to his love you lacked

١٧. وكاسِرَ الجَفْنِ إِي والله ما انكسرت
فيكَ الجوانحُ إِلاَّ بعد كسرتِه

18. Naught are your glances but a drunken haze
Nor cracking lids but spilling tears in craze

١٨. ما لَحْظُ عينيكِ إِلا شاربٌ ثملٌ
وكسرةُ الجفْنِ إِلا عَيْنُ سَكْرَتِه

19. You ruled my heart, lit and stoked its fire
To spread and grow, doubling its blaze and pyre

١٩. ملكتَ قلبي فصُل واقتدت عَاصِيه
فأَعْظِم وأَضْرمتَ فيه نارَه فَته

20. I mourn for my tears crowding without halt
As I mourned for my state when it shattered and failed

٢٠. إِنِّي لأَرْثي لدمعي من تَزاحُمه
كما رَثيتُ لِشَمْلي من تَشَتُّتِه

21. Are my eyes' fatigue but gazing astray?
My lids' strain but flowing tears at play?

٢١. هل جُهدُ طرفِيَ إِلاَّ سُهْد نَاظِره
وجُهْدُ جَفْنِيَ إِلاَّ سَكْبُ عَبْرَتِه

22. I'm the strong, wise leader, my father's esteem
He's the world's noble guide, glory's supreme

٢٢. أَنا القويُّ بهمِّي والرشيدُ أَبي
هو الرئيسُ عَلَى الدُّنْيا بِهِمَّتِه

23. When asked of his virtues that his fame spread
The full moon in the horizon by its repute is led

٢٣. يا سائلاً عن مَعَاليه ليشهرَها
البْدرُ في الأُفْقِ يستَغْنِي بشُهْرَتِه

24. He whose smile makes frowning time laugh and grin
And the world beam and blossom in joy and chagrin

٢٤. ذاكَ الَّذِي يبسِمُ الدَّهْرُ العبوسُ به
تيهاً وتبتَهجُ الدُّنْيا بِبَهْجَتِه

25. He's the greatest with utmost humility kept
That exalted his rank with glory adept

٢٥. هو العظيمُ وفيه مع تَعَاظُمِه
تواضُعٌ قد تَوَلَّى رَفْعَ رِفْعَتِه

26. The heavens are naught but places where he stepped
The stars naught but maids in his service prepped

٢٦. فما السَّماوَاتُ إِلاَّ مِنْ مَنازِله
ولا الكواكِبُ إِلاَّ من أَسِرَّته

27. Whoe'er sits midst that cosmos centermost
Sun and moon are but greenery by his host

٢٧. ومن يكن وَسْطَ ذاك الصُّقْعِ منزلُه
فالبدرُ والشَّمسُ خضَّارٌ بحضْرَتِه

28. His ancestry, when he moved on, did see
World leadership was granted by his decree

٢٨. آباؤه الغُرُّ لما كان مُنتَقِلاً
فيهم رأَوْا عزَّةَ الدُّنيا بِعَّزتِه

29. No fault lies in his pouring generosity
Except its excess rains excessively

٢٩. لا عيبَ في جُودِه المُزْرِي بكثْرَتِه
على الغمائِم إّلاَّ فرطُ كَثْرَتِه

30. Those asking of him are at ease and peace
As if their mouths were his joy and reprise

٣٠. يسُّره السَّائِلونَ القاصِدون له
كأَنَّ أَفْواهَهم مَسْرى مسرَّته

31. They saw success as they saw his light appear
For nothing foretells success like his cheer

٣١. قد طالَعُوا النُّجْحَ لما عَاينُوه فَما
طليعةُ النُّجحِ إِلاَّ بِشْرُ طَلْعَتِه

32. Had not his cheer slept, that dew would awake
To slumber from his breath that day does break

٣٢. لو لم يَنُمَّ عليه بِشْرُه لغَدا
ينِمُّ ذاكَ النَّدى مِنْه بنفحتِه

33. He revived dead glory, striving with all his might
To gather its pieces or raise its height

٣٣. أَحْيا وأَنْشرَ ميْتَ المجْدِ مُجْتَهداً
في لَمِّ لِمَّته أَو رَمِّ رُمَّتِه

34. Glory cannot be gained but by his dignity
Favor cannot be grasped but his civility

٣٤. لا يُكْسَبُ المجدُ إِلاَّ من مَكارِمه
ويُقْبَس الفضلُ إِلاَّ من سَجيَّته

35. All nobility is but his easement's yield
All merits but the lining of his field

٣٥. فما المكارمُ إِلاَّ فيضُ راحَتِه
ولا الفضائِلُ إلا حَشْوُ بُردَتِه

36. When the sublime pen his fingers did ride
His wing appears almost before its side

٣٦. إِن امْتطى القلمُ العالي أَنامِله
يكادُ يَبْدو جَناه قَبْلَ مَنْبِتِه

37. God never graced a mortal with such charm
Except a secret lay in his soul to safeguard

٣٧. ما أَظهرَ اللهُ هذا الفضلَ في بَشَرٍ
إِلاَّ وأُودع سِرّاً في سَريرَته

38. My glory astonishes not, for my hand
Has built nothing except by his grace I stand

٣٨. لا يَعجب الصَّدُّ من مَجْدي فإِنَّ يدي
لم تبتنِ المجدَ إِلاَّ مِنْ بُنُوَّته

39. Let the gray hair cease its hopes in my locks
For I rest assured midst his guard and flocks

٣٩. وليقطع الشَّيبُ من فودَيَّ مَطْمَعه
فإِنَّني مُستَقِرُّ وسْط جَنَّتِه

40. With him I rose and my state turned fresh and sound
And I frolicked in my life and hurled around

٤٠. أَصبحتُ أَخْتالُ في حَالي ونُضْرتها
به وأَرْتَعُ في عَيْشِي وخُضْرَته

41. Happiest of men I met with no toil at all
Bliss's source at the start of my youth's call

٤١. وأَسعدُ الناسِ من لاقى بلا تَعَبٍ
مَبْدا السعادةِ في مَبْدا شِبيبَتِه

42. Were I to slumber from his palms in bounty
I'd be sated, not denying his plenty

٤٢. إِنِّ تنَّمتُ من كَفَّيه في نِعَمٍ
حتى سَئِمتُ ولا كفْراً لِنِعْمَتِه