1. O beauty that seduces people with charm
After being listless for a period from his tender branch
١. يا طرفَ من فَتن الأَنامَ بِفِتْنةٍ
من فَتْرَةٍ من طرْفِهِ الوسنانِ
2. You have gained from this languor, and perhaps
Alms-giving would become obligatory upon you for the gazelles
٢. أَثْرَيْتَ مِنْ هَذَا الفتُورِ وربما
تَجب الزَّكاةُ عليك لِلْغِزْلاَن
3. It would not harm you if you were to show some coquetry
Thus combining beauty and benevolence
٣. مَا كَان ضَرّكَ لو مَنَنْتَ بِزَورةٍ
فَجَمعْت بين الحُسْنِ والإِحْسَان
4. Rather, you used to convey pride to many
In love or water to Ghaulan
٤. بل كنتَ تنقُل عَزَّةً لكُثَيِّرٍ
في الحُبِّ أَو مَيّاً إِلى غَيْلاَنِ
5. How much does this fickleness in nature change you
It does not make you exceed bounds, for the peacock has many colors
٥. كم ذا التَّلَوُّنُ في الطِّباع وليس ذا
يَعْدُوكَ فالطَّاووس ذُو أَلْوانِ
6. But you, in my view - or rather your imagination -
It has indeed, no it has descended in my soul
٦. ولأَنْت عندي بل خَيَالُك إِنَّه
قد حَلَّ بل قد جلَّ عِنْدَ جَناني
7. Like a star to the lost, or like sugar to the
Intoxicated, or like water to the thirsty
٧. كالنَّجم للحيرانِ بل كالسُّكر لل
سَّكرانِ بل كالماءِ للظمآنِ
8. O reproacher, making prophecies in his censure
You have been granted a miracle from this madness
٨. يا عاذلاً متنبئاً في عَذْلِه
أُوتيتَ مُعْجِزَةً من الهَذَيَانِ
9. Does the evident, proven truth
Refute falsehood that you spout without proof?
٩. أَيرُدُّ حقّاً ظاهراً برهَانُه
زورٌ تُلفِّقُه بِلاَ بُرهان
10. So take back your words, o censurer, for you
Have provoked in me a passion from passions
١٠. فأَعِدْ حديثك يَا عَذُول فإِنَّما
هَيّجْتَ لي شَجَناً من الأَشْجَانِ
11. Alas for a heart that does not cease to roam
From love of one human to another
١١. واهاً لقلبٍ لم يزل متَنقِّلاً
مِنْ حُبِّ إِنسانٍ إِلى إِنْسَانِ
12. So it is possessed after being masked in a turban
And infatuated after so-and-so with so-and-so
١٢. فيُجَنُّ بعد مقنَّع بمعمَّمٍ
وَيَهِيمُ بَعْدَ فُلانَةٍ بِفُلاَنٍ
13. By my father and mother, one who has established residence
Lofty in the heart above all people
١٣. بأَبي وأُمِّي من تبوّأَ مَسْكَناً
في القَلْبِ مُرتفِعَاً عن السُّكَّان
14. Refusing the company of mankind in its wandering
So it was suited to a homeland without neighbors
١٤. يأْبى مجاورةَ الأَنَامِ لتيهِهِ
فَأَصَابَهُ وطَناً بِلاَ جِيرَانِ
15. And of wonders is that it settles in an abode
Where none who flutter settle
١٥. ومِنَ العجائِب أَن يَقَرَّ بمنزلٍ
لا يُسْتَقَرُّ به من الخَفَقَانِ
16. So my limbs magnified my heart when it became
Its dwelling while homelands belong to the fleeting
١٦. فَجَوارحي عظَّمْن قَلْبي إِذ غَدا
مَثْواه والأَوْطانُ بالقُطَّانِ
17. I kissed it and attached my kiss to it
Until the complexion of the Merciful was transformed
١٧. قبَّلتُه ولحَحْتْ في تَقْبِيلِهِ
حتَّى اسْتَحَالَتْ صِبْغَةُ الرَّحْمَنِ
18. Excuse it, by you, for I withered within you
The anemones of blessings
١٨. ياخَدَّه عُذْراً إِليك فإِنَّني
أَذْبَلْتُ فِيكَ شَقائقَ النُّعْمَانِ
19. And indeed I forgot passion so I forgot it
And love came so it was lost in April
١٩. ولقد تناسيْتُ الهوى فَنَسِيتُه
وأَتى الغرامُ فَضَاع في نِيْسَانِ
20. And I was ignorant of its place by the pleasure
And I knew my place from the Gracious Servant
٢٠. وجَهِلْتُ في جَنْبِ السُّلُوِّ مَكَانَه
وعَرَفْتُ من عبدِ الرَّحِيم مَكَانِي
21. And I took its attainment with every sweet basil
And I thanked its blessings with every tongue
٢١. وأَخَذْتُ نائلَه بكل بَنَانٍ
وشكرت أَنعُمَهُ بِكُلِّ لِساَنِ
22. And I diverted my praises away from its loftiness
And turned my verses away from its prominence
٢٢. وصَرَفْتُ إِلاَّ عنْ عُلاَه مَدَائِحي
وثَنَيْتُ إِلاَّ عن ذُرَاه عِنَاني
23. And its wealth became estranged and avoided
Its homelands and came to my homelands
٢٣. وتَغَرّبَتْ وتَجَنَّبت أَموالهُ
أَوطانَها وأَتت إِلى أَوْطَانِي
24. And its actions corresponded and were congruent
With the loftiness of my stature and the lowness of its stature
٢٤. وتَطَابَقَت وتجانَسَتْ أَفعالُه
بعلوِّ شاني وانخفاض الشَّاني
25. It enriched me so I boasted with its wealth, and how often
The wealthy boast, if only it did not enrich me
٢٥. أَغْنَى فأَبطرني غِنَاه وطَالَمَا
بَطِر الغَنيُّ فليت لا أَغْنَانِي
26. O You whom I asked, whose clouds rain heavily
When I turned away, and it brought the flood
٢٦. يا مَنْ سأَلتُ سَحَابَه رَيَّ الصَّدى
لما صَدِيتُ فَجاءَ بالطُّوفَانِ
27. Restrain the dew of your palm, Lord of increase
That diminished, so the merit was in the diminishing
٢٧. أُكفُفْ ندى كفَّيْكَ رُبَّ زيادةٍ
نَقَصَتْ فَكَانَ الفضلُ للنُّقْصَانِ
28. The cheek's splendor is with a single mole
And it decreases with the multitude of moles
٢٨. والخدُّ بَهْجَتُه بِخَالٍ واحدٍ
وتَقِلُّ فيه بكَثْرة الخِيلاَنِ
29. I excuse one who sees that in his religion
Gift-giving is the creed of faith
٢٩. إِنِّي لأُعْذِر من يَرَى في دِينهِ
أَن النَّوالَ عقيدةُ الإِيمَان
30. Arrogant in his generosity, which in his arrogance,
Scorned the small change and gave generously the 'uqayyan
٣٠. متكبِّرُ الكَرَمِ الذي من كِبْرِه
حَقَر اللُّجَيْنَ وجَاد بالعِقْيان
31. Inheriting generosity from a generous one whose abode
Is home to the destitute and residence of guests
٣١. ورث المكارمَ عن كريمٍ دارُه
مأْوى العُفَاةِ ومنزلُ الضِّيفان
32. High minaret of glory, lofty lineage
Calling caravans with tongues of fire
٣٢. عالي منارِ المجْدِ مرتفعُ الذُّرى
يَدْعُو الوفودَ بأَلسُنِ النِّيرَانِ
33. Since he built the structure of generosity, that
Structure did not weaken, so the merit of the builder appeared
٣٣. مذ شاد بنيانَ المكارِم ما وَهَى
ذاك البناءُ فبان فَضْلُ البَاني
34. And if I saw Abu Ali first
In his glory, then his father was second
٣٤. ولئن رأَيتُ أَبَا عليٍّ أَوَّلاً
في مَجْدِه فأَبُوه كَانَ الثَّاني
35. He brought out for us the moon which with its brightness
Flows and swims in the darkness, the two moons
٣٥. أَبدى لنا القَمرَ الذي بضيائِه
يَسْرِي ويسبح في الدُّجى القَمَرَانِ
36. Its splendor fills the eyes and his mention
Fills time and every place
٣٦. فبهاؤُه مِلءْ العِيَانِ وَذِكرُه
ملءُ الزمانِ وَمِلءُ كُلِّ مَكَانِ
37. If he were not king, then his time
For his sake is a king over times
٣٧. إِن لم يكن مَلِكاً فإِنَّ زَمَانَه
مِنْ أَجْلهِ مَلِكٌ عَلى الأَزْمانِ
38. Crowns missed him, verily with his opinion
Kingdoms are watered from crown-wearers
٣٨. أَوْفَاتَه التِّيجَانُ إِنَّ برأْيِه
تَرْوِي الممالكُ عن ذوي التيجان
39. Reverence took its rightful place in his council
So you see the innocent before him like the guilty
٣٩. أَخذت بِمَجْلِسِه المهابةُ حَقَّها
فترى البريءَ لَديه مِثْلَ الجَانِي
40. He pardons the transgressor against him, so his forbearance
Suffices the resentful and destroys malice
٤٠. يعفو عن الباغي عليه فِحلْمُه
مُغْنى الحقودِ ومُهْلِكُ الأَضغان
41. And he sees with the eye of discernment everything hidden
So the secret before him is like the open
٤١. ويَرَى بعين الرَّأْي كُلَّ مُغَيَّبٍ
فالسِّرُّ بَيْنَ يديه كالإِعلانِ
42. And he unsheathes the sword of victory from his judgments
So you see the swords before him like the eyelids
٤٢. وَيَسُلُّ سَيفَ النصر من آرائه
فتَرى السُّيوفَ لديه كالأَجْفانِ
43. And by his palm is the pen which is a knight
In composition, where composition is like the battlefield
٤٣. وبكفِّه القلمُ الذي هو فارِسٌ
في الطِّرسِ حيث الطرسُ كالميدَانِ
44. It protects the people, and it is no secret that
It used to protect the lion in the thicket
٤٤. يحمي الأَنامَ ولا خفاءَ بِأَنَّه
قد كان يَحْمِي الأُسْد في خفَّانِ
45. He judges, and he has defeated armies, so his title is
The judge of judges and knight of knights
٤٥. يَقْضِي وقد هَزَمَ الجيوشَ فنعتُه
قاضِي القضاةِ وفارسُ الفُرْسَانِ
46. And if you see one narrating about him, say
"Narrate and there is no issue with narrating the narratives."
٤٦. وإِذا رأَيْتَ مُحَدِّثاً عنه فقلْ
حدِّث ولا حَرَجاً عن الحِدْثان
47. I verily spill for you an ocean of my talent
After the shedding of tears in streams
٤٧. إِني لأَنزِفُ فيك بَحْر قَرِيحَتي
من بَعْدِ نزح الدَّمعِ بالهمَلانِ
48. I yearn for your nearness while it moves away from me
And I hope for your remoteness while it approaches me
٤٨. أَشْتَاقُ قربك وهو عنِّي نازحٌ
وأَملُّ نأْيَكَ وهو منِّي دَانِ
49. And I say, while yearnings plunder my innermost being,
"I do not kill yearnings for a human."
٤٩. وأَقولُ والأَشواقُ تَنْهبُ مُهجَتي
ما أَقْتل الأَشْواقَ للإِنسان
50. You have distanced me, O Time, from him, and perhaps
You separated between the water and the thirsty
٥٠. أَبعدتني يَا دَهْرُ عنه ورُبَّما
فرَّقْتَ بين الماءِ والعطْشان
51. Alas, alas, the meeting, and between us
Is a hand that holds back the steps of eagles
٥١. هيهات هيهات اللقاءُ ودونَنا
بيدٌ تكدُّ قَوادِم العِقْبَانِ
52. Leave what I say, for if his matter called me
I would answer his call when he called me
٥٢. دع ما أَقولُ فلوْ دَعَاني أَمْرُه
لبَّيْتهُ بالسَّعي حِينَ دَعَانِي
53. And I would step over the blades of swords, hastening
And I would hasten over the tips of lances
٥٣. وخَطَوْتُ فوق ظُبَا المناصلِ مُسْرِعاً
وسعيت فوق أَسنَّة المُرَّانِ
54. And the Eid has indeed come to me, O servant of the grounds
In truth, so I did not waver when it came to me
٥٤. ولقد أَتاني العِيدُ يا عبدَ الوَرَى
حقّاً فما أَلْوَيْتُ حِينَ أَتانِي
55. And I remained in it as I was before it
As if the day of Eid were from Ramadan
٥٥. وبَقِيتُ فيه كما تقدم قبله
فكأَن يَوْمَ العيد مَنْ رَمَضانِ
56. My breakfast is on the water of tears and my clothing
In it is the new of worries and sorrows
٥٦. فِطري على ماءِ الدُّموعِ ومَلْبسي
فِيه جَدِيدُ الهَمِّ والأَحْزَانِ
57. So congratulate it as an Eid that came giving you glad tidings
From its Lord of pardon and forgiveness
٥٧. فَتَهنَّهُ عيداً أَتاك مبشِّراً
من رَبِّه بالعَفْوِ والغُفْران
58. And congratulating you on the remaining while you are
The everlasting and the rest of other than you is fleeting
٥٨. ومهنِّئاً لك بالبقاءِ وإِنك ال
بَاقِي وَسَائِرُ مَنْ عَدَاك الفَانِي