
That night of union I watched the heedlessness of time

وليلة وصل راقبت غفلة الدهر

1. That night of union I watched the heedlessness of time
It yielded to me its full moon while it was the full moon rising

١. وليلةِ وصلٍ راقبتْ غفلةَ الدّهرِ
فجادت بِبَدْرِي وهي مُشْرِقَةُ البَدْر

2. My night companion, a branch of acacia, drunk, not with wine
But the intoxication of youth staggering its boughs

٢. سَمِيري بِها غُصْنٌ مِن البانِ مَائِسٌ
يرنَّحُهُ سُكْرُ الشَّبِيبةِ لاَ الخَمْرِ

3. I see in it the rising of the moon who
Smiled at its rising, if you will, from a pearl

٣. أشاهد فِيها طلعةَ القَمَرِ الَّذي
تبسَّم عَنْ طَلْعٍ وإِن شِئْتِ من در

4. And I string an arrow whose point shone for me, stringing
Poems of poetry, if you will, of magic

٤. وأنظم سهماً لاح لي نظم ثغره
قصائد من شعر وإن شئت من سِحْر

5. Her eyes had certainly declaimed the magic of Babylon
Though made of eyelids built on dotted letters

٥. لقد أَعْرَبَت عَيْنَاه عن سِحْرِ بابل
وإِن كان مَبْنِيَّ الجفُونِ عَلى الكَسْرِ

6. And I truly witness that above her forehead
Are verses of beauty that are a surah of dawn

٦. وأَشهد حقّاً أَنَّ فوقَ جَبِينيهِ
لآياتِ حسنٍ هنَّ من سُورَة الفَجْرْ

7. And we were in a palace whose balconies shone
Upon a garden that bared its blooming flowers

٧. ونحن بقصرٍ أَشرقَت شُرُفَاتُه
عَلَى رَوْضَةٍ تفترّ عن يانِع الزَّهر

8. In its seeds pearled the tears of nightfall and dew
And through it the flowers of basil slept smelling of lips

٨. هَمَتْ في ذُرَاها أَدمعُ الطَّلِّ والنَّدى
وبات بِها زَهْرُ الرُّبى باسمَ الثَّغر

9. The scent of musk escapes her when she sways
Embroidered with perfume from the rain's beads

٩. يَضُوعُ أَرِيجُ المِسْكِ مِنْها إِذا انْثَنتْ
مدبَّجَةَ الأَرجاءِ مِنْ بَلَل القَطْرِ

10. And the melodious hazar bird spent the night singing through her
Melodies and trills in fresh compositions

١٠. وبات بها شَادِي الهَزَار مردِّداً
أَفانَين تغريدٍ على فَنَنٍ نَضْرِ

11. And from that air an aroma wafted
Sweet-breathing, sweet-scattering perfumes

١١. وقد عَبقَت من ذلك الجَوِّ نَفْحةٌ
معطَّرةُ الأَنفاسِ طيّبةُ النَّثْر

12. O, our night, if you are not fleeting
By your right I ransomed you with a life

١٢. أَليلتَنَا إِن لم تكونِي عبَارة
وحقِّك عن عُمرٍ فَدَيْتُكِ بالعُمْر

13. I trusted you against the coming of slanderers and enviers
With no guard but your shining stars

١٣. أَمِنْتُ بها إِتيان وَاشٍ وحَاسِدٍ
فَمَا مِنْ رَقيبٍ غَيْرُ أَنجُمِها الزُّهْر

14. I drew the beloved to my breast in an embrace
And does your heart, my heart, have any place but my chest?

١٤. ضَمَمْتُ إِلى صَدْري الحبيبَ مُعانِقاً
وهل لَكَ يَا قَلْبي مَحَلٌ سِوَى صَدْرِي

15. O night you revived my heart by his nearness
Reviving it intoxicated till the dawn broke

١٥. فَيَا ليلةً أَحْيَت فؤادي بِقُرْبِهِ
فأَحيَتْها سُكراً إِلى مطْلَعِ الفَجْر

16. And when I saw the spirit conversing with me
I was certain that it was the Night of Power

١٦. ولما رأَيتُ الروحُ فِيها مُسَامِرِي
تيقَّنْتُ حقّاً أَنها ليلةُ القَدْر