
I bid farewell to your chest, the full moon, and the sea,

أودع منك الصدر والبدر والبحرا

1. I bid farewell to your chest, the full moon, and the sea,
And I bid farewell to my heart after our separation, a burning coal.

١. أُودِّعُ منك الصَّدرَ والبدْرَ والبَحْرَا
وأَوُدع قَلْبي بَعْد فُرْقَتِكَ الجَمْرا

2. I blame my journey away from you, though I had praised it
To reach you, without you I would not have praised the journey.

٢. أَذمُّ مسيري عَنْك حِين حمِدتُه
إِليك ولولا أَنت لَمْ أَحْمَد المَسْرى

3. I will lose my patience when I come to bid farewell,
And I will be like Moses when he could not bear to be patient.

٣. سأَعْدِم صَبْرِي حين آتي مودِّعاً
وأَغْدُو كمُوسى حين لم يَسْتَطِع صَبْرا

4. You made me forget my family though I was still forgetting them,
Either forgetting them or remembering them with remembrance.

٤. لأَنْسَيْتَني أَهْلِي وَمَا زِلْتُ نَاسِياً
لِنِسْيَانِهِمْ أَو ذاكراً لهمُ ذِكْرا

5. And you substituted for me a home with homes,
And replaced for me a father with a dutiful father.

٥. وعوّضتَني عَنْ منزلٍ بمنازلٍ
وأَبْدَلْتني مِنْ والدٍ والداً برَّا

6. Life turned sweet in your company, or you made it a tender young branch,
It flowed until I almost thought it was a wrist.

٦. حَلاَ في ذُارَكَ الْعَيْشُ أَو خلته لمىً
ورقَّ إِلى أَن كِدْتُ أَحْسَبُه خَصْرا

7. Fate cast me to you until if I grasped the palm of fate,
I would have kissed it ten times.

٧. رماني إِليك الدَّهرُ حتَّى لو أَنَّني
ظفِرْتُ بكفِّ الدَّهر قبَّلتها عَشْرَا

8. I thirsted to give thanks befitting it,
And I was amazed by a thirst that crossed the sea.

٨. ظَمِئت إِلى شُكرٍ يَقُومُ بِحَقِّهِ
وأَعْجِبْ بظمآنٍ وقد جاوز البَحْرَا

9. So if I am absent remember me, for I am a believer,
No believer except remembrance benefits him.

٩. فإِن غبتُ فاذكرني فإِنِّيَ مؤمنٌ
ولا مؤمنٌ إِلاَّ وتَنْفعُه الذِّكْرَى