
I sat in the garden of my companion and his home

جلست ببستان الجليس وداره

1. I sat in the garden of my companion and his home
So it stirred in me what I had forgotten to remember

١. جَلَسْتُ بِبُسْتان الجليسِ ودَارهِ
فَهَيَّج لي مِمَّا تناسَيْتُه ذِكْرَا

2. And I was served a cup of starlight in the hour of remembering him
But it could not find in the night of my worry any comfort

٢. وَسُقِّيتُ كَأْسَ النَّجْمِ سَاعَةَ ذِكْرِه
فَلَمْ يَسْتَطعْ في ليْلِ هَمِّيَ مِنْ مَسْرى

3. O server of the cup I drank from
Go gently, for my heart belongs to another nation

٣. فيا ساقِي الكأَسِ التي قَدْ شَرِبتها
رويدَك إِنَّ القلب في أُمَّةٍ أُخْرَى

4. O horizon, if my beloved were lying next to me
My soul would not have asked you to bring forth the full moon

٤. ويا أُفْقُ لو كانَ الحبيبُ مُضَاجِعِي
لما سأَلَتْكَ النفسُ أَنْ تُطْلِع البَدْرَا

5. If the blackness of the nights was connected to his hair
I would have feared no dawn but his dawn

٥. ولو وُصِلَتْ سُودُ الليالي بِشَعره
لما خَشِيتْ مِنْ غَير غرَّته فَجْرا

6. I remembered a rose belonging to the beloved, veiled
Its petals cast a shadow covering it

٦. تذكَّرتُ وَرْداً للحَبِيبِ محجَّباً
يَمُدُّ عليه ظلُّ أَهْدَابِه سِتْرا

7. So I started to race my heart because of remembering him
Remembrance kills me and I kill it with patience

٧. فصرت أُجَارِي القَلْب مِن أَجْلِ ذِكْرِه
فيقتلني ذِكْراً وأَقتله صَبْرا

8. I kiss that curve thinking it the beloved's cheek
And I kiss that flower thinking it the beloved's mouth

٨. أَقبِّل ذاك الطَّلَّ أَحْسَبُه اللَمى
وأَلثُم ذَاكَ الزَّهر أَحْسَبُه الثغرا

9. How many blame me for what I have done
And how many say leave him, perhaps he has an excuse

٩. وكم لاَئِمٍ لي في الَّذي قَدْ فَعَلْتُه
وكم قائلٍ دَعْه لعلَّ لَهُ عُذْرا

10. Because of you, whom your departure has saddened
I found comfort in tears that prevent the eyes from being wearied

١٠. لأَجلِكَ يا من أَوْحشَ العينَ شَخْصُه
أَنِسْتُ بدمعٍ يَمْنَعُ العينَ أَن تَكْرَى

11. And from you I suffered betrayal, abandonment, and paucity
And spent on you poetry, life, and time

١١. وقاسيت مِنْكَ الغدرَ والهَجْرَ والقِلى
وأَنفقْتُ منك الشعر والعمر والدهرا

12. My eyes went bankrupt when they spent their tears
So my mouth flowed with tears they call poetry

١٢. وأفلس طرفي حين أنفق دمعه
فأجرى فَمِي دَمْعاً يُسَمُّونَه شِعْرا

13. And I left glory in Damascus to meet
Egypt, which in its beauty they preferred over Egypt

١٣. وفارقْتُ عزّاً بالشآم لأَلتَقي
بِمِصْرَ الَّذي من حُسْنِهِ فَضَّلوا مِصْرَا

14. If I recovered in a garden where you were not
Still, I met with you only rejection and estrangement

١٤. لئن طِبْتُ في مُسْتَنْزَهٍ لم تَكُنْ بِهِ
فلا زلتُ أَلْقى عِنْدَكَ الصَّدَّ والهَجْرَا

15. If I were in Eden while you were elsewhere
In my loneliness, I would prefer to go out to the wild

١٥. فلو كنت في عَدْنٍ وأَنْتَ بِغَيرِها
وحُوشِيتُ آثرتُ الخروجَ إِلى بَرَّا

16. If I were in Basra while you were not, I would not say
O Basra, do not look upon Basra

١٦. ولو كنتُ في بُصْرى وَحَسْبُك لم أَقُلْ
أَيا بَصَري لا تنظرنَّ إِلى بُصْرَى