
Her beauty renews itself every hour

حسنها كل ساعة يتجدد

1. Her beauty renews itself every hour
So my passion for her knows no limit

١. حسنُها كلَّ ساعةٍ يتجَدّدْ
فلهذا هَوايَ لا يَتَحدَّدْ

2. My love is like her beauty, it does not cease
And my longing is like her estrangement, it knows no end

٢. إِنَّ عِشْقي كَحُسنِها ليس ينـ
ـفكُّ وهَمِّي كَهَجرِها ليس يَنْفَدْ

3. But fancy comes to me, oh how
Shy am I from its endless hesitation

٣. غير أَنَّ الخيالَ يأْتي فيا طو
لَ حيائِي منْ طُول مَا قَدْ تَردَّد

4. That fancy lingered in my eyes but
Grasping its forelocks hung from my hands

٤. بات ذاكَ الخيالُ في العين لَكِنْ
مِسْكُ أَرْدَانِه تعلَّق في اليَدْ

5. A lethal addiction she has over us
And each of us is habituated in their times

٥. غادَةٌ عادةٌ لها الفتكُ فِينا
ولكلٍّ مِنْ دَهْرِه ما تَعوَّدْ

6. She is undoubtedly a tearer, though her
Ancientness says to me she is withered

٦. هِيَ لا شَكَّ مُعْصِرٌ غيرَ أَن الـ
ـقَدَّ مِنْها يَقُولُ لِي هِيَ أَمْرَدْ

7. She carried the adornment of both cheeks over her soft skin
A necklace on her neck and kohl lined eyes

٧. حملَتْ زينةَ الفَريقين فوقَ النـ
ـهدِ عِقدٌ وفي الجفونِ المُهَنَّد

8. Her glance saturated with magic, dictating
To us each day a different binding spell

٨. قدْ رَوى السحرَ لحظُهَا فهو يُمْلي
كلَّ يومٍ منه علينا مُجَلَّد

9. And we read the exotic from her perfect mouth
Beauty and chilled lips

٩. وقرأَنَا الغريبَ من فمِها الكا
مِلِ حُسْناً والثَّغْرُ فيه المبرّدْ

10. Eyeliner blended with kohl so we drank
From it the mixed wine

١٠. كَحَلُ الجَفْنِ مَازَجَ الكُحلَ فيه
فَشرِبْنا مِنه السُّلافَ مُوَلَّدْ

11. With her beauty she kills and gives life
With her softness she adorns and casts off

١١. هي من حُسنها تُميتُ وتُحيي
وَهْي من لِينِها تَحِلُّ وتَعْقِد

12. If she showed us her face in the hour of union
She showed us her branch in the night of estrangement

١٢. إِنْ أَرتْنا بوجْهِها ساعةَ الوصْـ
ـلِ أَرتْنا بفرعِها ليلَة الصَّد

13. She tempted me with narcissi and enticed me
With blooming jasmine

١٣. فَتَنَتْني بأُقحوانٍ مُندَّىً
وسبَتْنِي بِيَاسمينٍ مُورَّد

14. She wanted to magically murder me but did not know
I am supported by the Ultimate Supporter

١٤. وأَرَادَتْ بالسِّحر قَتْلي ولم تد
رِ بأَنِّي مؤيَّدٌ بالمؤيَّد

15. He who saw Him has gained support but
His benevolence in His call is not supported

١٥. مَنْ رآه فقدْ تأَيَّد لكن
جودُه في نَداه مَا يَتَأَيَّد

16. A King whose benevolence drew near us
Just as His grace affectionately cuddled us

١٦. ملكٌ جودُه تقرَّب مِنَّا
مثلمَا فَضْلُه إِليْنا تَوَّدد

17. The resolute are guided in the darkness of night
By the light from the star of the religion of Muhammed

١٧. يهتدي القاصِدونَ في ظُلم الليـ
ـلِ بنورٍ من نجمِ دين مُحَمَّد

18. God covered him in light but he
Stripped himself in supporting the religion

١٨. قد كَساهُ الإِلهُ نوراً ولكنْ
هو في نصرِ دينه قد تَجَرَّد

19. His resolve championed the faith so
His remembrance in time roared and triumphed

١٩. أَنجَدَ الدِّينَ عَزْمُه فِلهذَا
ذِكْرُه في الزَّمان غَار وَأَنْجد

20. He is more protective than an armored one in war
And more decisive than a sharpened blade

٢٠. هو أَحْمى مِمَّا تَدَرَّعَ في الحر
ب وهْوَ أَمْضَى مِنْ مَشْرِفيٍّ مُهند

21. A ready conscience, fierce might
Lofty stature and established glory

٢١. خاطِرٌ حاضِرٌ وبأْسٌ شديدٌ
وعُلاً شامِخٌ وعِزٌّ مُشَيَّد

22. So here is an occasion come and I congratulate him
For he fasted a thousand years and celebrated

٢٢. فهناهُ عيدٌ أَتى وأُهَنِّيـ
ـهِ وقَدْ صَام أَلْفَ عامٍ وَعَيَّدْ

23. For us is virtue through him and grants
And for him is eternal praise and poetry

٢٣. فلنا البِرُّ عِنْده والعَطَايا
ولَه المَدْحُ والثَّناءُ المُخَلَّد