1. I see Salma turn away though we sought her not,
And we wished for naught but her embrace.
١. أرى سلمى تصد وما صددنا
وغيرَ صُدودها كنّا أردنا
2. She was miserly with her glances towards us,
Had she been generous we would have praised her.
٢. لقد بَخَلت بنائِلِها علينا
ولو جادت بنائِلها حَمِدنا
3. She was sparing of her promises, and changed
From the troth we knew, to what we knew not.
٣. وقد ضنّت بما وعدت وأمست
تَغَيّرَ عهدُها عما عهدنا
4. If Salma but knew what I have endured,
She would inform me, and learn what we found.
٤. ولو علمت بما لاقيتُ سلمى
فتُخبرني وتعلم ما وجدنا
5. The distances of the abode torment me,
When we sleep, yearning keeps us awake.
٥. تُلِمّ على تنائي الدارِ منّا
فيُسهِرُنا الخيالُ إذا رقدنا
6. Have you not seen, when we turned away,
Matters crumbling, our resolve broken?
٦. ألم تر أننا لما ولِينا
أموراً خُرّقت فَوَهت سَدَدنا
7. We saw the cleft when it gaped over them,
And many a breach like it we have patched.
٧. رأينا الفتق حين وهى عليهم
وكم مثله من صدعٍ رَفأنا
8. When fear departs those who harbor it,
And we build the greatest ramparts for them.
٨. إذا هاب الكريهة من يليها
وأعظمها الهيوبُ لها عمدنا
9. We left the tyrant frail, the rebel violent,
The maker of strife and corruption we removed.
٩. وجَبّارٍ تركناه كليلاً
وقائدَ فتنةٍ باغٍ أزلنا
10. So forget not our abodes, for when
The sinful return, we shall come back.
١٠. فلا تَنسوا مَواطننا فإنّا
إذا ما عاد أهل الجُرم عُدنا
11. Nor will the fortunes of those we forced, wane,
Nor will the misfortune of those we threatened, be mended.
١١. وما هِيضَت مَكاسرُ من جَبَرنا
ولا جُبِرَت مُصيبةُ مَن هَدَدنا
12. Oh you who will meet Hisham, say to him:
We did not seek calamity, nor did we flee from it.
١٢. ألا من مُبلغٌ عَنّي هِشاماً
فما منا البلاءُ وما بَعُدنا
13. We did not divulge our secrets to the Caliphs,
Nor did we delay if we were present and called.
١٣. وما كنا إلى الخلفاء نُفضي
ولا كنا نُؤخَّرُ إن شَهِدنا
14. Was not calamity our recompense,
So we are rewarded with favors or envied?
١٤. ألم يكُ بالبلاءِ لنا جزاءٌ
فنُجزى بالمحاسنِ أم حُسِدنا
15. Kings saw rights upon our arriving envoys,
We were honored if we came, we hosted if they came.
١٥. وقد كان الملوك يَرون حقاً
لوافِدِنا فنُكرمُ إن وَفَدنا
16. We led the people for ages long,
We protected them, guided them, and lit their paths.
١٦. وَلينا الناس أزماناً طِوالاً
وسُسْناهم ودُسناهم وقُدنا
17. Your father did right by us,
His great affair brought us fortune.
١٧. وكان أبوك قد أسدى إلينا
جَسيمةَ أمرهِ وبه سَعدنا
18. So too the first Caliphs,
Were earnest with us, as we were earnest with them.
١٨. كذلك أول الخلفاء كانوا
بنا جدّوا كما بهُم جدَدنا
19. They are our fathers, and their sons are ours,
Molded for us, as we were molded for them.
١٩. همُ آباؤنا وهُم بَنونا
لنا جُبلوا كما لهم جُبلنا
20. We shun with enmity those who wronged us,
And befriend with affection those who befriended us.
٢٠. ونَكوي بالعداوة مَن بغانا
ونُسعِدُ بالمودّة مَن وَدِدنا
21. We see rights upon us for our petitioners,
So we love them and give abundantly if we promise.
٢١. نرى حقاً لسائلِنِا علينا
فنَحبوه ونُجزلُ إن وعَدنا
22. We guarantee our neighbor, seeing him as ours,
So we give generously if he gives generously.
٢٢. ونَضمَنُ جارنا ونراه منّا
فنَرفُدُه ونجزِلُ إن رَفَدنا
23. We covet no wealth beyond glory,
If we are munificent we gain more to give.
٢٣. وما نَعتدّ دون المجد مالاً
إذا يُغلى بمكرُمة أفدنا
24. Our glory is engendered, for we are generous,
We were shielded from baseness by noble lineage.
٢٤. وأتلدُ مجدِنا أنّا كرامٌ
بِحدّ المشرفيّةِ عنه ذُدنا