
Bare of shoulder and arm from bowing

وعاري الشوى والمنكبين من الطوى

1. Bare of shoulder and arm from bowing,
He roams naked at night, bare of scabbard,

١. وَعاري الشَوى وَالمَنكِبَينِ مِنَ الطَوى
أُتيحَ لَهُ بِاللَيلِ عاري الأَشاجِعِ

2. A little-sleeping Ghaibir wandering alone
A friend on the outskirts of desolate lands,

٢. أُغَيبِرُ مَقطوعٌ مِنَ اللَيلِ شَوبُهُ
أَنيسٌ بِأَطرافِ البِلادِ البَلاقِعِ

3. Rare the drowsing of eyes but to vanish
Passing by eyes of a hungry, kneeling heart,

٣. قَليلُ نُعاسِ العَينِ إِلّا غِيابَةً
تَمُرُّ بِعَينَي جاثِمِ القَلبِ جائِعِ

4. When a night grows intense, its edge hunting sleep,
Guiding the beams of its glances to temptations.

٤. إِذا جَنَّ لَيلٌ طارَدَ النَومَ طَرفُهُ
وَنَصَّ هُدى أَلحاظِهِ بِالمَطامِعِ

5. It bargains between two watchers when there closes
Over sleep the lids of drowsy, tempting eyes.

٥. يُراوِحُ بَينَ الناظِرَينَ إِذا اِلتَقَت
عَلى النَومِ أَطباقُ العُيونِ الهَواجِعِ

6. It has a snatching, crafty from every three,
Like the bolt of a crossbow triggering prey.

٦. لَهُ خَطفَةٌ حَذّاءُ مِن كُلِّ ثَلَّةٍ
كَنَشطَةِ أَقنى يَنفُصُ الطَلَّ واقِعِ

7. It harmed me, and the darkness was almost spent,
Routing the stars' revealers of dawn.

٧. أَلَمَّ وَقَد كادَ الظَلامُ تَقَضَّياً
يُشَرِّدُ فُرّاطَ النُجومِ الطَوالِعِ

8. He folded himself and slipped into the mantle of night,
And every man is led by the rule of temptation.

٨. طَوى نَفسَهُ وَاِنسابَ في شَملَةِ الدُجى
وَكُلُّ اِمرِىءٍ يَنقادُ طَوعَ المَطامِعِ

9. If a thing eludes his hearing, his nose guides him;
And if sight fails him he sees with his hearings.

٩. إِذا فاتَ شَيءٌ سَمعَهُ دَلَّ أَنفُهُ
وَإِن فاتَ عَينَيهِ رَأى بِالمَسامِعِ

10. He stared and stared till he scratched the ground in falsehood
And fled though I did not scare him.

١٠. تَظالَعَ حَتّى حَكَّ بِالأَرضِ زَورَهُ
وَراغَ وَقَد رَوَّعتُهُ غَيرَ ظالِعِ

11. When one of the quarries challenges his muzzle,
He takes it back helped by his elbows.

١١. إِذا غالَبَت إِحدى الفَرائِسِ خَطمَه
تَدارَكَها مُستَنجِداً بِالأَكارِعِ

12. A habitual runner gambling his breath at every mighty task,
Who goes on when those who did not defend failed to go on.

١٢. جَرِيٌّ يَسومُ النَفسَ كُلَّ عَظيمَةٍ
وَيَمضي إِذا لَم يَمضِ مَن لَم يُدافِعِ

13. When the shepherd protects the sheep it emboldens him‐
A hidden rover not fearing the scouts.

١٣. إِذا حافَظَ الراعي عَلى الضَأنِ غَرَّهُ
خَفِيُّ السُرى لا يَتَّقي بِالطَلايِعِ

14. He fools him mocking with his stares
Like a deceitful son of many dark events.

١٤. يُخادِعُهُ مُستَهزِئاً بِلِحاظِهِ
خِداعَ اِبنِ ظَلماءٍ كَثيرِ الوَقائِعِ

15. And when he limped with the sands between us
My companions were sure he would not come back.

١٥. وَلَمّا عَوى وَالرَملُ بَيني وَبَينَهُ
تَيَقَّنَ صَحبي أَنَّهُ غَيرُ راجِعِ

16. He swaggered and the darkness battered his face
To us with the tails of tumultuous winds.

١٦. تَأَوَّبَ وَالظَلماءُ تَضرِبُ وَجهَهُ
إِلَينا بِأَذيالِ الرِياحِ الزَعازِعِ

17. Woe to him from one seeking a meal who returned a meal
To a hasty folk keen with request or denial.

١٧. لَهُ الوَيلُ مِن مُستَطعِمٍ عادَ طُعمَةً
لِقَومٍ عِجالٍ بِالقِسِيِّ النَوازِعِ
