1. Take your words from my soul about the soul
The ardent lover finds meaning unambiguous
١. خُذي حَديثَكِ مِن نَفسي عَن النَفسِ
وَجدُ المَشوقِ المُعَنّى غَيرُ مُلتَبِسِ
2. Water in my eyes and fire in my liver
If you wish then draw, or if you wish then take a flame
٢. الماءُ في ناظِري وَالنارُ في كَبِدي
إِن شِئتِ فَاِغتَرِفي أَو شِئتِ فَاِقتَبِسي
3. How many glances from you heal the soul from harm
And return the heart from a severe depression
٣. كَم نَظرَةٍ مِنكَ تَشفي النَفسَ عَن عَرَضٍ
وَتُرجِعُ القَلبَ مِنِّ جِدَّ مُنتَكِسِ
4. My eyes and heart delight in you in pain
So the heart is in mourning and the eye at a wedding
٤. تَلَذُّ عَيني وَقَلبي مِنكَ في أَلَمٍ
فَالقَلبُ في مَأتَمٍ وَالعَينُ في عُرُسِ
5. How much is my heart a prisoner, unable to escape
While the tears of my eyes flow freely, unimpeded
٥. كِمُّ الفُؤادِ حَبيساً غَيرُ مُنطَلِقٍ
وَدَمعُ عَيني طَليقاً غَيرُ مُنحَبِسِ
6. May time allow me, for the sincere ones
One day, that forbidden tryst and misfortune
٦. عَلَّ الزَمانَ عَلى الخَلصاءِ يَسمَحُ لي
يَوماً بِذاكَ اللَمى المَمنوعِ وَاللَعَسِ
7. It says reproach me as if love was his first
So how did this estrangement make me forget
٧. يَقولُ مُنّي كَأَنَّ الحُبَّ أَوَّلُهُ
فَكيفَ أَذكَرَني هَذا الضَنا وَنَسي
8. Tell the nights to claw at my body
Or make me sweat with fangs and bite
٨. قُل لِلَّيالي فِري نَحضي عَلى بَدَني
أَو فَاِعرُقينِيَ بِالأَنيابِ وَاِنتَهِسي
9. Take your weapon for me if you were taking
The active prowler, the crafty one, has enabled and waits in ambush
٩. خُذي سِلاحَكِ لي إِن كُنتِ آخِذَةً
قَد أَمكَنَ الناشِطُ الذَيّالُ وَاِفتَرِسي
10. How much I plead for help and fortune wanders
And how much I curse in vain, the effort in misery
١٠. فَكَم أُريغُ العُلى وَالحَظُّ في صَبَبٍ
وَكَم أَقولُ لَعاً وَالجَدُّ في تَعَسِ
11. Wavering sustenance, neither poverty nor prosperity
By your life a fortune that was neither foolish nor failed
١١. مُذَبذَبُ الرِزقِ لا فَقرٌ وَلا جِدَةٌ
حَظٌّ لِعَمرُكَ لَم يَحمَق وَلَم يَكِسِ
12. Every day my flock from you passes by
The turning away of the howling wolf not in secret
١٢. في كُلِّ يَومٍ بِسِربي مِنكِ غادِيَةٌ
إِحالَةُ الذِئبِ بادٍ غَيرَ مُختَلِسِ
13. Excited panting turns toward me while it runs
The howl of a child when pressure intensifies in the soul
١٣. فَوهاءُ تَفغَرُ نَحوي وَهيَ ساغِبَةٌ
شَجوَ الوَليدِ إِذا ما عَبَّ في النَفَسِ
14. Oh misery for the days that left me among predators
And said to me, when the pack draws near, beware
١٤. يا بُؤسَ لِلدَّهرِ أَلقاني بِمَسبَعَةٍ
وَقالَ لي عِندَ غيلِ الضَيغَمِ اِحتَرِسِ
15. The foremost men are gone, their requitals
Were neither in returning nor in dresses offered
١٥. مَضى الرِجالُ الأُولى كانَت نَقائِبُهُم
لا بِالرِجاعِ وَلا المَبذولَةِ اللُبُسِ
16. And I became most insignificant among the living after them
Beyond what the scabies on the camels is of mange
١٦. وَصِرتُ أَهوَنَ عِندَ الحَيِّ بَعدَهُمُ
مِمّا عَلى الإِبِلِ الجَربا مِنَ العَبَسِ
17. I seek sustenance from people whose manners
Are the suns of bleating during rebuke and scolding
١٧. أَستَنزِلُ الرِزقَ مِن قَومٍ خَلائِقُهُم
شُمسُ الأَعِنَّةِ عِندَ الزَجرِ وَالمَرَسِ
18. They exchange me for substitutes, miraculously
Who accepts the camel for hire abandons the horse
١٨. يَستَبدِلونَ بِيَ الأَبدالَ مُعجَزَةً
مَن يَرضَ بِالعيرِ يَهجُر كاهِلَ الفَرَسِ
19. Honor is neglected by the archer wastefully
While money is preserved with helpers and guards
١٩. العِرضُ يُترَكُ لِلرامي بِمَضيَعَةٍ
وَالمالُ يُحفَظُ بِالأَعوانِ وَالحَرَسِ
20. They fortify against the hopeful one his prospects
Fearing the crafty beggar and the thief
٢٠. يُحَصِّنونَ عَلى اَلراجي مَطالِعَهُ
خَوفاً مِنَ السَلَّةِ الحَذّاءِ وَالخَلَسِ
21. I have become, when I plead benefit from them
Like the neglectful bard between the blind and the deaf
٢١. أَصبَحتُ حينَ أُريغُ النَفعَ عِندَهُمُ
كَناشِدِ الغُفلِ بَينَ العُميِ وَالخُرُسِ
22. I have slipped, and it was an oblivious days gone by
When I hoped the flowing rain from the dryness
٢٢. لَقَد زَلَلتُ وَكانَتَ هَفوَةٌ أَمَماً
أَيّامَ أَرجو النَدى الجاري مِنَ اليَبسِ
23. And the most helpless I have met is the hopeful one
Seeking warmth from flint that grudged the sparks
٢٣. وَإِنَّ أَعجَزَ مَن لاقَيتُ ذو أَمَلٍ
يَرجو الصَلا عِندَ زَندٍ ضَنَّ بِالقَبَسِ
24. Oh you who straightens the curves of my people judging them
I have weighed sincere loyalty against trampling
٢٤. أَبا الذَوائِبِ مِن قَومي أَوازِنُهُم
لَقَد وَزَنتُ الصَفا العاديَّ بِالدَهَسِ
25. My two friends, brace yourselves and set forth
If Allah saves our dawn from the darkest dark
٢٥. يا صاحِبَيَّ اِشدُدا النِضوَينِ وَاِنطَلِقا
إِن سَلَّمَ اللَهُ أَفجَرَنا مِنَ الغَلَسِ
26. Do not look for anything but the promise of the sword for protection
Whoever does not steady with the flies of swords will not steady
٢٦. لا تَنظُرا غَيرَ وَعدِ السَيفِ آوِنَةً
مَن لَم يَرِس بِذُبابِ السَيفِ لَم يَرِسِ
27. Travel from the condemned homeland and follow
The inspirations of the souls to the setting suns
٢٧. سيرا عَنِ الوَطَنِ المَذمومِ وَاِتَّبِعا
إِلى الإِباءِ قِيادَ الأَنفُسِ الشُمُسِ
28. And do not stand on rugged terrain, its expanse
Is no cleaner than its clothes of filth
٢٨. وَلا تُقيما عَلى صَعبٍ مَغالِقُهُ
بِعِرضِهِ ما بِثَوبَيهِ مِنَ الدَنَسِ