
O my oppressor, though my heart defends you

يا ظالمي والقلب ناصره

1. O my oppressor, though my heart defends you
You aggrieve me, aggrieve me as you wish

١. يا ظالِمي وَالقَلبُ ناصِرُهُ
يَجني عَلَيَّ لَهُ كَما يَجني

2. You brought together estrangement and separation
Or have you not had your fill of tormenting me?

٢. أَجمَعتَ هَجري وَالفِراقَ مَعاً
أَوما اِشتَفَيتَ بِواحِدٍ مِنّي

3. I cannot forget our fateful meeting
That shone like the sun beneath the brows of nightfall

٣. لَم أَنسَ مَوقِفَنا وَقَد طَلَعَت
كَالشَمسِ تَحتَ حَواجِبِ الدَجنِ

4. You glance at me with prying eyes
That grazed the plants and falling fruits

٤. تَرنو إِلَيَّ بِعَينِ مُطفِلَةٍ
رَعَتِ النَوى وَمَساقِطَ المُزنِ

5. I found in my liver an arrow
That caused me such pain, such agony

٥. سَهمٌ وَجَدتُ لَهُ عَلى كَبِدي
أَلَماً وَآلَمُ صَرفَهُ عَنّي

6. My soul forgave you, reluctantly
And many a reluctant soul forgives out of hurt

٦. سَمَحَت بِكُم نَفسي عَلى مَضَضٍ
وَلَرُبَّ سامِحَةٍ عَلى ضِنِّ

7. Alas! The moon in its phases of beauty
Does not match his verdict in my case

٧. هَيهاتَ يَعدِلُ في قَضِيَّتِهِ
قَمَرٌ يُدِلَّ بِدَولَةِ الحُسنِ