
O King of Kings, a call filled with sorrow

ملك الملوك نداء ذي شجن

1. O King of Kings, a call filled with sorrow
Had you willed, time would not blame me

١. مَلِكَ المُلوكِ نَداءُ ذي شَجَنِ
لَو شِئتَ لَم يَعتِب عَلى الزَمَنِ

2. Troubles are trivial with your purity towards me
And if you become troubled with me, I will not despair

٢. الخَطبُ هَينٌ مَع صَفائِكَ لي
وَإِذا كَدَرتَ عَلَيَّ لَم يَهُنِ

3. My time has tossed me with tribulations and woe
Time has lodged me in a rough side

٣. أَلقى زَماني بِاللِيانِ وَيَل
قاني الزَمانُ بِجانِبٍ خَشِنِ

4. I seek from the days a number
As time tricks me and makes me wait

٤. عِدَةٌ عَلى الأَيّامِ أَطلُبُها
وَالدَهرُ يَفتِلُني وَيَمطُلُني

5. I have not seen time plot against me
Nor for meaningless passion trouble me

٥. ما لي رَأَيتُ الدَهرَ يَنصُبُني
وَلِغَيرِ وَجدٍ ما يُؤَرِّقُني

6. I refused like an afflicted liver in my chest
From the intensity of worry, I have no excuse

٦. وَأَبَيتُ كَالمَلسوعِ في كَبِدي
مِن شِدَّةِ الإِقلاقِ لا بَدَني

7. There came to me from you for a while
A sting, its occurrence tightens my body

٧. إِنّي أَتاني عَنكَ آوِنَةً
لَذعٌ يَضيقُ بِوَقعِهِ عَطَني

8. And an estrangement whose first signs appeared
Without sin, it was always with me

٨. وَتَنَكُّرٌ بَدَرَت بَوادِرُهُ
مِن غَيرِ ذَنبٍ كانَ مِن لَدُني

9. It passed its afflictions to my heart
And removed from me the occurrence of temptation

٩. أَهدى إِلى قَلبي لَواذِعَهُ
وَأَطارَ عَنّي واقِعَ الوَسَنِ

10. I and what the pilgrims raised for it
Are the same in sanctifying physical bodies

١٠. إِنّي وَما رَفَعَ الحَجيجُ لَهُ
عِندَ الجَمارِ شَعائِرَ البُدُنِ

11. And the house with curtains, the
Disputes from Syria and Yemen wipe it

١١. وَالبَيتِ ذي الأَستارِ يَمسَحُهُ ال
نُزّاعُ مِن شامٍ وَمِن يَمَنِ

12. I have not deviated from the ways of guardians, and how much
My opponent has deviated from the ways

١٢. ما زِلتُ عَن سَنَنِ الحِفاظِ وَكَم
زالَ المُعادي لي عَنِ السَنَنِ

13. It has cloaked what generosity I displayed
And folded what beauty I exhibited

١٣. سَتَرَ الَّذي أَظهَرتُ مِن كَرَمٍ
وَطَوى الَّذي أَبدَيتُ مِن حَسَنِ

14. I was not given any advice or sympathy
So evil and enemies are together

١٤. لَم أُوتَ مِن نُصحٍ وَلا شَفَقٍ
فَالشَرُّ وَالأَعداءُ في قَرَنِ

15. Invalidation of my reward with the purity of my work
Are parts of loss and fraud

١٥. إِحباطُ أَجري مَع زَكا عَمَلي
طَرَفٌ مِنَ الخُسرانِ وَالغَبَنِ

16. If I have a sin, then my eyes have not
Looked, nor my ears heard

١٦. إِن كانَ لي ذَنبٌ فَلا نَظَرَت
عَيني وَلا سَمِعَت إِذاً أُذُني

17. I forget by what hand I retracted my hand
When I inclined to you from my homeland

١٧. أَنسى بِأَيِّ يَدٍ رَدَدتُ يَدي
لَمّا نَزَعتُ إِليكَ مِن وَطَني

18. You clothed me with blessings in my lock
And allowed me supremacy in my transgression

١٨. أَلبَستَني النَعماءَ في قَفَلي
وَأَنَلتَني العَلياءَ في ظَعَني

19. And of the wonders is that you with kindness
Build me and with indifference destroy me

١٩. وَمِنَ العَجائِبِ أَنتَ بِالإِحسانِ تَب
نيني وَبِالإِعراضِ تَهدُمُني

20. I am a servant of your blessings which
Revived my hopes and raised its honor my gifts

٢٠. أَنا عَبدُ أَنعُمِكَ الَّتي نَشَطَت
أَمَلي وَأَنهَضَ عِزُّها مُنَني

21. And the free, however you wish, you possess him
With a gift, he is possessed, not with a price

٢١. وَالحُرُّ إِمّا شِئتَ تَملِكُهُ
بِالمَنِّ يُملَكُ لَيسَ بِالثَمَنِ

22. And you planted me with the dew of your hands, so do not
Let time wreak havoc on my branch

٢٢. وَغَرَستَني بِنَدى يَدَيكَ فَلا
تَدَعِ الزَمانَ يَعيثُ في غُصُني

23. Will he prevent me from shepherding his graces
He who was prevented before grazed me

٢٣. أَيَجُرُّني عَن رَعيِ أَنعُمِهِ
مَن كانَ قَبلُ أُجِرُّهُ رَسَني

24. I do not fear the stabbing of afflictions if
I meet them and your approval is my insanity

٢٤. لا أَتَّقي طَعنَ الخُطوبِ إِذا
لا قَيتُها وَرِضاكَ مِن جُنَني

25. If I inclined away from you, indeed
Collars of graces would have inclined it

٢٥. لَو رُمتُ لَيَّ الجيدِ عَنكَ لَقَد
عَطَفَتهُ أَطواقٌ مِنَ المِنَنِ

26. Do not listen to the words of defectors and he who
Planted sorrows for me due to sadness

٢٦. لا تَسمَعَن قَولَ الوُشاةِ وَمِن
غَرَسَ الأَضالِعَ لي عَلى الإِحَنِ

27. They seek out my faults and pelt me
With individual suspicions

٢٧. يَتَطَلَّبونَ لِيَ العُيوبَ وَيَر
موني بِأَفرادٍ مِنَ الظِنَنِ

28. Inferiority delayed them to
A rib from my peak and grace put me first

٢٨. النَقصُ أَخَّرَهُم عَلى ظَلَعٍ
مِن غايَتي وَالفَضلُ قَدَّمَني

29. So the difference between me and them
Is the difference between blindness and languages

٢٩. فَالفَرقُ ما بَيني وَبَينَهُمُ
كَالفَرقِ بَينَ العَيِّ وَاللَسَنِ

30. I see the days flashing
Signals of a visitor's disdain to you

٣٠. إِنّي أَرى الأَيّامَ مومِضَةً
لَكَ عَن بَوارِقِ عارِضٍ هَتِنِ

31. So it is as if after you they failed
A failure for what they ignited from strife

٣١. فَكَأَنَّني بَعِداكَ قَد حَبَطوا
حَبَطاً لِما شَبّوا مِنَ الفِتَنِ

32. And it is as if I am protected
From their turbans against degrading sorrows

٣٢. وَكَأَنَّني بِالهامِ قَد جُعِلَت
مِنهُم عَمائِمَ لِلقَنا اللُدنِ

33. Their homes cry just as
The razed ruins and edifices cried

٣٣. تَبكي دِيارُهُمُ كَما بَكِيَت
مَطموسَةُ الأَطلالِ وَالدَمَنِ

34. So hand over the splendor of the kingdom while
The transgressive and malicious displeased

٣٤. فَاِسلَم بَهاءَ المُلكِ ما سَلِمَت
عادِيَّةُ الأَطوادِ وَالقُنَنِ

35. The demeanor is bright, the expression pleasant
And the promise cash and the gift easy

٣٥. الوَجهُ طَلقٌ وَالبَنانُ نَدٍ
وَالوَعدُ نَقدٌ وَالعَطاءُ هَني

36. You will see my loyalty and inform me
Of a nature without hypocrisy I was built

٣٦. سَتَرى مُخالَصَتي وَتَخبُرُني
طَبعاً عَلى غَيرِ النِفاقِ بُني

37. And if time casts adversity at us
And relatives distance, look to find me

٣٧. وَإِذا الزَمانُ رَمى بِنائِبَةٍ
وَنَأى الأَقارِبُ فَاِلتَفِت تَرَني