1. O nights of separation, will love return
To you, after the dew has passed you by?
١. أَلا يا لَيالي الخَيفِ هَل يَرجِعُ الهَوى
إِلَيكُنَّ لي لا جازَكُنَّ نَدى القَطرِ
2. My heart is lost between three who went to Mina,
They left without a trace or memory.
٢. فَيا دينَ قَلبي مِن ثَلاثٍ عَلى مِنىً
مَضَينَ وَلَم يُبقينَ غَبرَ جَوى الذِكرِ
3. They threw with pebbles, though they threw
Among the hearts of lovers with embers.
٣. وَرامينَ وَهناً بِالجِمارِ وَإِنَّما
رَموا بَينَ أَحشاءِ المُحِبّينَ بِالجَمرِ
4. They threw, not caring where they hit,
And left freely, as the thrower strikes yet knows not.
٤. رَموا لا يُبالونَ الحَشى وَتَرَوَّحوا
خَليينَ وَالرامي يُصيبُ وَلا يَدري
5. They said tomorrow we’ll all leave Mina,
I wasn’t pleased that I’d leave with the group.
٥. وَقالو غَداً ميعادُنا النَفرُ عَن مِنىً
وَما سَرَّني أَنَّ اللِقاءَ مَعَ النَفرِ
6. Woe to the nearness that we never taste
Save an hour, before parting for ages.
٦. وَيا بُؤسَ لِلقُربِ الَّذي لا نَذوقُهُ
سِوى ساعَةٍ ثُمَّ البِعادُ مَدى الدَهرِ
7. My friend, if you can be patient then I
Have today withdrawn my hand from patience.
٧. فَيا صاحِبي إِن تُعطِ صَبراً فَإِنَّني
نَزَعتُ يَديَّ اليَومَ مِن طاعَةِ الصَبرِ
8. If you never knew crying before this,
The eye’s tear is refunded by travels.
٨. وَإِن كُنتَ لَم تَدرِ البُكا قَبلَ هَذِهِ
فَميعادُ دَمعِ العَينِ مُنقَلَبُ السَفرِ