
The sands lie between us

تلفت والرمل ما بيننا

1. The sands lie between us,
and the signs of the cattle herders or their riders,

١. تَلَفَّتُّ وَالرَملُ ما بَينَنا
وَأَعلامُ ذي بَقَرٍ أَو رُباهُ

2. so I said hoping my gaze would reach them,
or that they would dislike and resent it.

٢. فَقُلتُ عَلى طَرَباتِ الهَوى
عَسى الطَرفُ يَبلُغُهُم أَوكَراهُ

3. Love found nothing but sorrow,
and my gaze reached nothing but their hostility.

٣. فَما لَقِيَ الحُبُّ إِلّا الجَوى
وَلا بَلَغَ الطَرفُ إِلّا قَذاهُ

4. With my memory I inhale the earth they tread
in their absence, yet I see them in my heart.

٤. بِذِكري أَشُمُّ ثَرى أَرضِهِ
عَلى نَأيِهِ وَبِقَلبي أَراهُ

5. May he who shot at the lover from afar
with a distant arrow, fulfill his intention.

٥. عَسى مَن رَمى بِالمُحِبِّ الغَري
بِ مَرمىً بَعيداً يُقَضّي نَواهُ

6. The homelands approach with their inhabitants,
the wish of a man you did not know his condition.

٦. وَتَدنو الدِيارُ بِسُكّانِها
تَمَنّي اِمرِىءٍ ما عَراكُم عَراهُ

7. O friend, do you see the lightning in its shine
twisting with grief to coil its rope?

٧. أَصاحِ تَرى البَرقَ في لَمعِهِ
تَخَلُّجَ أَيمٍ يُلَوّي مَطاهُ

8. And they said his tooth is at Ramah,
while how far our stance is from his tooth!

٨. وَقالوا سَناهُ عَلى رامَةٍ
وَيا بُعدَ مَوقِفِنا مِن سَناهُ

9. Let the heart stay awake with their memory
for it has tasted amongst them what suffices it.

٩. دَعِ القَلبَ يَأرَقُ مِن ذِكرِهِم
فَقَد ذاقَ مِن بَينِهِم ما كَفاهُ

10. So it lowered its luggage but with them
and spent its life but upon them.

١٠. فَلا حَطَّ إِلّا بِهِم رَحلَهُ
وَلا جادَ إِلّا عَليهِم حَياهُ