
Return Muhammad's heritage, return

ردوا تراث محمد ردوا

1. Return Muhammad's heritage, return
The scepter is not yours, nor the axe

١. رُدّوا تُراثَ مُحَمَّدٍ رُدّوا
لَيسَ القَضيبُ لَكُم وَلا البُردُ

2. Did Fatima's hand blister for you
Or do you have a grandfather like Muhammad

٢. هَل عَرَّقَت فيكُم كَفاطِمَةٍ
أَم هَل لَكُم كَمُحَمَّدٍ جَدُّ

3. Their pride is entirely in that they
Are loud-mouthed brawlers

٣. جُلُّ اِفتِخارِهِمُ بِأَنَّهُمُ
عِندَ الخِصامِ مَصاقِعُ لُدُّ

4. The caliphs and allies bowed down
Before us, before or after

٤. إِنَّ الخَلائِفَ وَالأُلى فَخَروا
بِهِمُ عَلَينا قَبلُ أَو بَعدُ

5. They were ennobled by us and our grandfather they were created
And they are our artifacts if counted

٥. شَرُفوا بِنا وَلِجَدِّنا خُلِقوا
وَهُمُ صَنائِعُنا إِذا عُدّوا