
They bowed their slender necks, and faces

عطون بأعناق الظباء وأشرقت

1. They bowed their slender necks, and faces
Radiant and joyful shone upon them.

١. عَطَونَ بِأَعناقِ الظِباءِ وَأَشرَقَت
وُجوهٌ عَلَيها نَضرَةٌ وَنَعيمُ

2. They unveiled charms from faultless cheeks,
Whence grace itself had modelled beauty.

٢. أَمَطنَ سُجوفاً عَن خُدودٍ نَقِيَّةٍ
صَفا بَشَرٌ مِنها وَرَقَّ أَديمُ

3. Light scarfs on them, and rich necklaces
Adorned with purest pearls from ocean's bed:

٣. شُفوفٌ عَلى أَجسادِهِنَّ رَقيقَةٌ
وَدُرٌّ عَلى لَبّاتِهِنَّ نَظيمُ

4. With tinkling anklets sound, and rings of gold
Fixed in the holes pierced through their ears.

٤. يُجِلنَ خَلاخيلَ النُضارِ وَمِلؤُها
بَوادِيُّ غَيلٍ بَينَهُنَّ عَميمُ

5. Branches of lofty trees waved o'er them, cool,
As the soft fingers of the night spread wide

٥. تَأَطُّرَ أَغصانِ الأَراكِ أَمالَها
وَقَد رَقَّ جِلبابُ الظَلامِ نَسيمُ

6. The black robes on the bosom of the gloom.
New passion thrilled me for my native land,

٦. غَرامي جَديدٌ بِالدِيارِ وَأَهِلها
وَعَهدي بِهاتيكَ الطُلولِ قَديمُ

7. The maids I loved in childhood's early time:
They say, "No tears are left within thine eyes;"

٧. يَقولونَ ما أَبقَيتَ لِلعَينِ عَبرَةً
فَقُلتُ جَوىً لَو تَعلَمونَ أَليمُ

8. I answer, "Had ye known my grief, how deep!"
Shall I make free with tears, and utter plaint

٨. أَيَسمَحُ جَفني بِالدُموعِ وَأَغتَدي
ضَنيناً بِها إِنّي إِذاً لَلَئيمُ

9. With heart festering, and expose my shame?
If now mine eyes grudge tears, then I were base.

٩. وَلَو بَخُلَت عَيني إِذاً لَعَسَفتُها
فَكَيفَ وَدَمعُ الناظِرينَ كَريمُ