
Take from your friend an opinion without a listener

خذ من صديقك مرأى دون مستمع

1. Take from your friend an opinion without a listener
Oh how far between seeing a man and hearing of him

١. خُذ مِن صَديقَكَ مَرأى دونَ مُستَمَعٍ
يا بُعدَ بَينَ عِيانِ المَرءِ وَالخَبَرِ

2. The wet wood may one day dry out
And fire can be lit from the most parsimonious flint

٢. قَد يورِقُ العودُ يَوماً وَهوَ ذو يَبَسٍ
وَتُقبَسُ النارُ مِن ذي نِعمَةٍ حَصِرِ

3. Lie to him if his outward self pleases you
Beyond the testimony of the truthful's hearing and sight

٣. كَذِّب عَلَيهِ إِذا أَرضاكَ ظاهِرُهُ
شَهادَةَ الصادِقين السَمعِ وَالبَصَرِ

4. And if you hear, say it was not from an ear
And if you saw, say it was not from sight

٤. وَإِن سَمِعتَ فَقُل ما كانَ عَن أُذُنٍ
وَإِن نَظَرتَ فَقُل ما كانَ عَن نَظَرِ

5. If you only choose brothers of trust
Then create for yourself brothers to your measure

٥. إِن كُنتَ لا تَصطَفي إِلّا أَخا ثِقَةٍ
فَاِخلُق لِنَفسِكَ إِخواناً عَلى قَدَرِ