1. Without an intercessor, he attained the forgiveness of the Almighty
The brother of nobility, not seeking excuses
١. بِغَيرِ شَفيعٍ نالَ عَفوَ المَقادِرِ
أَخو الجَدِّ لا مُستَنصِراً بِالمَعاذِرِ
2. And I find it more wondrous to sit in the highest (station)
My abode being the tracks of my glorious forefathers
٢. وَأَعجَبُ فِعلاً مِن قُعودي عَلى العُلى
سُرايَ بِأَعقابِ الجُدودِ العَوائِرِ
3. I hope for whatever time has left
Its conversations are tied with the past
٣. أُؤَمَّلُ ما أَبقى الزَمانُ وَإِنَّما
سَوالِفُهُ مَعقودَةٌ بِالغَوابِرِ
4. So let the necks of the horses that allure him be loose
With the hopes of a people whose hopes are reaped
٤. فَخَلِّ رِقابَ العيسِ يَجذِبُها السَرى
بِآمالِ قَومٍ مُحصَداتِ المَرائِرِ
5. For the taste of travel is not gained but through death
And verily aspirations are the best provision for a traveler
٥. فَما التَذَّ طَعمَ السَيرِ إِلّا بِمُنيَةٍ
وَإِنَّ الأَماني نِعمَ زادُ المُسافِرِ
6. And without appeasing the running horse on the road
There is the distress of the tree line without any conscience
٦. وَدونَ مُداراةِ المَطِيِّ عَلى الوَجى
مُشاغَبَةُ الأَشجانِ دونَ الضَمائِرِ
7. If only the hearts of lovers when the journey becomes difficult for them
Were in the chests of camels
٧. فَلَيتَ قُلوبَ العاشِقينَ إِذا وَنى
بِها السَيرُ كانَت في صُدورِ الأَباعِرِ
8. By God, my heart did not find rest from passion
And it did not cease longing to kiss the shining cheeks
٨. وَلِلَّهِ قَلبي ما أَرَقَّ عَلى الهَوى
وَأَصبَى إِلى لَثمِ الخُدودِ النَواضِرِ
9. It leans towards that which wine and sweetness contains
And recoils from what garanties and promises contain
٩. يَحِنُّ إِلى ما تَضمَنُ الخُمرُ وَالحِلى
وَيَصدُفُ عَمّا في ضَمانِ المَآزِرِ
10. And when we went to bid farewell, the turns of fate parted
The neighborly companions without consideration
١٠. وَلَمّا غَدَونا لِلوَداعِ وَنَقَّرَت
صُروفُ النَوى دونَ الخَليطِ المُجاوِرِ
11. I cautioned myself against the chaste heart with one who admonishes
And from the guiles of foolish desire with an excuser
١١. عَنيتُ مِنَ القَلبِ العَفيفِ بِعاذِلٍ
وَمِن خُدَعِ الشَوقِ السَفيهِ بِعاذِرِ
12. An evening where neither the wedding of loyalty hosted us
Nor the mother of purity made us drink
١٢. عَشِيَّةَ لا عِرسُ الوَفاءِ بِمُرمِلٍ
لَدَينا وَلا أُمُّ الصَفاءِ بِعاقِرِ
13. And whoever does not attain what he hopes from his beloved
Contents himself with an imaginary companion
١٣. وَمَن لَم يَنَل أَطماعَهُ مِن حَبيبِهِ
رَضي غَيرَ راضٍ بِالخَيالِ المُزاوِرِ
14. And I used to hold back my tears except a little which I shed
To water a sanctuary from after your separation
١٤. وَكُنتُ أَذودُ الدَمعَ إِلّا أَقَلَّهُ
لِسُقيا حِمىً مِن بَعدِ بَينِكَ دائِرِ
15. And I do not accept when the rain clouds carry
their heavy downpour to it
١٥. وَإِنِّيَ لا أَرضى إِذا ما تَحَمَّلَت
إِلَيهِ مَرابيعُ السَحابِ المَواطِرِ
16. The stars seem to flirt with my eyes distracting me
From the spying eyes of the neighbors
١٦. كِليني إِلى لَيلٍ كَأَنَّ نُجومَهُ
نُغازِلُ طَرفي عَن عُيونِ الجَآذِرِ
17. I pass by a house of yours, with its ground disturbed
By the course of the breeze of intimate companions
١٧. أَمُرُّ بِدارٍ مِنكِ مَشجوجَةِ الثَرى
بِمَجرى نَسيمِ الآنِساتِ الغَرائِرِ
18. The wind passes over it as if
It got entangled in the corners of those shelters
١٨. تَمُرُّ عَلَيها الريحُ وَهيَ كَأَنَّها
تَلَفَّتُ في أَعطافِ تِلكَ المَقاصِرِ
19. In it the lightning cracks in the early dawn and late morning
Every time the sky rains heavily
١٩. وَيَشهَقُ فيها بِالأَصايِلِ وَالضُحى
حَيا كُلِّ عَرّاصِ الشَآبيبِ ماطِرِ
20. And it seems as if the lightning overflows
With an abundance of rainfall on every ruins
٢٠. وَيَستَنُّ فيها البَرقُ حَتّى تَخالَهُ
يَفيضُ بِفَيضِ القَطرِ في كُلِّ حاجِرِ
21. And when I saw the night stealthily approach
And its edges shine and the faces appear delighted
٢١. وَلَمّا رَأَيتُ اللَيلَ مُستَرِقَ الخُطى
وَأَطرافُهُ تَجلو وُجوهَ التَباشِرِ
22. I was sleepless with anxiety for the eyelids of the riders
With glances of the resolute who are awake
٢٢. أَرِقتُ لِأَجفانِ الرَكائِبِ هَبَّةً
بِأَلحاظِ جَوّالِ العَزائِمِ ساهِرِ
23. A gentle breeze which plays with the buried eyes
And unveils from its hidden secrets every onlooker
٢٣. رَسيماً بِهِ يَعتَلُّ بِالأَعيُنِ الكَرى
وَيَنشَقُّ عَن مَكنونِهِ كُلُّ ناظِرِ
24. With mirages that tempt the lost, its illusion
Being over a thirst that rages between the bosoms
٢٤. بِيَهماءَ يَستَغوي الحُداةَ سَرابُها
عَلى ظَمَإٍ بَينَ الجَوانِحِ ثائِرِ
25. And by it the camels walk proudly as if
It takes careful steps on their soft feet
٢٥. وَيَحبو بِها الأَعياسُ حَتّى كَأَنَّها
تُنَصُّ عَلى أَخفافِها بِالكَراكِرِ
26. And I have a Master whom I treat with anger and pleasure
And He smiles at me while the spear is in the throat
٢٦. وَمَولىً أُدانيهِ عَلى السَخطِ وَالرِضى
وَيَبعَطُ عَنّي وَالقَنا في الحَناجِرِ
27. He waves the whip and the spear without fear
But the waving of the beautiful women is without jealousy
٢٧. يَهُزُّ عَلَيَّ السَوطَ وَالرُمحُ دونَهُ
وَهَزُّ العاوالي غَيرُ هَزِّ المَخاصِرِ
28. I turned my deaf ear to him while under it
Were the emotions of the swelled necked camels
٢٨. عَطَفتُ لَهُ صَدرَ الأَصَمِّ وَتَحتَهُ
عَواطِفُ أَسبابِ الحُقودِ النَوافِرِ
29. So it fell and in it were openings for the critic
That the birds examine with their beaks
٢٩. فَخَرَّ وَفيهِ لِلطَعانِ تَناظِرٌ
يُطالِعُها طَيرُ الفَلا بِالمَناسِرِ
30. So the mother of honor did not gain from his soul
What the mother of the cub gained from his body
٣٠. فَما ظَفِرَت مِن نَفسِهِ أُمُّ قَشعَمٍ
بِما ظَفِرَت مِن جِسمِهِ أُمُّ عامِرِ
31. And a riding beast that sleep avoids lest it takes it by surprise
When the wine cups are passed around the circle
٣١. وَرَكبٍ تَفادى النَومُ أَن يَستَخِفَّهُ
إِذا ما الكَرى أَلقى يَداً في المَحاجِرِ
32. And I returned it gaping for water so it bent down
Lessening the clean water between its jaws
٣٢. وَرَدتُ بِهِ بُحبوحَةَ الوِردِ فَاِنثَنى
يُقَلِّصُ صافي مائِهِ في المَشافِرِ
33. And it left the depths of the pond with small amounts
Of water to quench the thirst of the barren lands
٣٣. وَغادَرَ أَحشاءَ الغَديرِ ضَوامِراً
مِنَ الماءِ في ظِمءِ النَواحي الضَوامِرِ
34. The light camel being the first to arrive and the first to depart
When it disturbs the shore of the pond, the water springs
٣٤. وَرودَ خَفيفِ الوِردِ أَوَّلَ وارِدٍ
طُروقاً إِلى ماءٍ وَأَوَّلَ صادِرِ
35. Rush swiftly into the surfaces of the sources
And whenever the attainment of a goal evades it
٣٥. إِذا هَزَّ أَطرافَ الخَليجِ رَمَت بِهِ ال
مَوارِدُ خِفّاً في وُجوهِ المَصادِرِ
36. It shakes the vertebrae of the glorious
It hardened through the days until it befriended them
٣٦. وَكانَ إِذا ما عاقَهُ بُعدُ مَطلَبٍ
يُضَعضِعُ أَعضادَ الزَوافِرِ
37. And returned to its habits and fate
And the arrow of destiny missed its deserved place
٣٧. تَمَرَّسَ بِالأَيّامِ حَتّى أَلِفنَهُ
وَكَرَّ عَلى أَحداثِها وَالدَوائِرِ
38. So the sturdy arrow fled from the shooter
A young man, when his land straited him he rushed with it
٣٨. وَأَخطَأَ سَهمَ القِطرِ مَقتَلَ مَحلِهِ
فَزَمَّ قَسِيَّ العادِياتِ الهَوامِرِ
39. At the son of Adnan's descendants fully armed
At Majid who banality does not befall when in his presence
٣٩. فَتىً حينَ أَكدَت أَرضُهُ هَجَمَت بِهِ
عَلى لِاِبنٍ مِن آلِ عَدنانَ تامِرِ
40. And his deeds are not known to be wicked
If the shepherds circulate at night, the darkness surely
٤٠. عَلى ماجِدٍ لا يَسرَحُ اللُؤمُ عِندَهُ
وَلا تُدرى أَفعالُهُ بِالمَناكِرِ
41. Envelops them with its wing without a full moon
I have become accustomed to its spears until I have grown accustomed
٤١. إِذا راوَحَ الرُعيانُ لَيلاً سَوامَهُ
فَقَد لَفَّها جِنحُ الظَلامِ بِعاقِرِ
42. To expect the evil rumors while my thoughts are chaste
My days with him are alike, as if
٤٢. تَفَرَّعتُ حَتّى عَوَّدَتني رِماحُهُ
فَعَوَّدتُ مِن سوءِ الظُنونِ سَرائِري
43. Their beginnings are mixed with their ends
He is the grantor of the one thousand that if
٤٣. تَشابَهُ أَيّامي بِهِ فَكَأَنَّما
أَوائِلُها مَمزوجَةٌ بِالأَواخِرِ
44. A tribe takes it by the forelock, he ransoms it with the plentiful
His hand stretches if the long spear extends its width
٤٤. هُوَ الواهِبُ الأَلفِ الَّتي لَو تَسومُها
قَبيلاً فَداها بِالجَديلِ وَداعِرِ
45. And embraces the necks of brave man
So it creates a path for the drinking arrows as if
٤٥. يَطولُ إِذا مَدَّ الرُدَينَيَّ باعُهُ
وَعانَقَ أَعناقَ الرِجالِ المَساعِرِ
46. Permission in thrusting is given by the messengers
It clings in the fold of the lion's den resolutely
٤٦. فَيَفري طَريقاً لِلسِبارِ كَأَنَّما
لَها ذِمَّةٌ في الطَعنِ رِسلُ المَسابِرِ
47. Subduing the manes of the savage lions
So it pursued them until it violated the sanctity of their dwellings
٤٧. تَعَلَّقَ في ثِنيَ العَرينِ بِعَزمَةٍ
تُذَلِّلُ أَمطاءَ اللُيوثِ الخَوادِرِ
48. And none of its lionesses could ward it off with growling
The army walks to it humbly as if
٤٨. فَطَرَّدَها حَتّى اِستَباحَ شُبولَها
وَما ضَعضَعَتهُ أُسدُها بِالزَماجِرِ
49. It extends with the necks of the ostriches
May God reward the horses with what they deserve
٤٩. يَخِفُّ إِلَيهِ الجَيشَ حَتّى كَأَنَّهُ
يَمُدُّ بِأَعناقِ النَعامَ النَوافِرِ
50. When they dance with the shield bearers
They bow to the waterless plain which its water
٥٠. جَزى اللَهُ عَنهِ الخَيلَ ما تَستَحِقُّهُ
إِذا رَقَصَت بِالدارِعينَ المَغاوِرِ
51. Lies to the riders in the twisting of the eyes
Passing through Al-Ma'zah shaking the pebbles
٥١. وَخَبَّت عَلى بَيداءَ تَشرَقُ ماءَها
عَنِ الرَكبِ في طَيِّ العُيونِ الغَوائِرِ
52. And stirring the face of the sun and the grit of potsherds
And the horizons flinch at its purity
٥٢. تَمُرُّ عَلى المَعزاءِ خَفّاقَةَ الحَصى
وَتَحثو بِوَجهِ الشَمسِ تُربَ القَراقِرِ
53. With the dusty fog erasing the lines of separation
It protects the egg of Islam with truth so it feels secure
٥٣. وَتَستَرعِفُ الأَفاقُ لَمعَ صَفائِها
بِمُغبَرَّةٍ تَمحو سُطورَ الهَواجِرِ
54. And settles into nests of towering spears
Previously it did not shake in fright anticipating
٥٤. حِمى بَيضَةَ الإِسلامِ بِالحَقِّ فَاِحتَمَت
وَقَرَّت بِأَعشاشِ الرِماحِ الشَواجِرِ
55. Any day or the shrieking of a betrayer
When its ethics exuded purity, the height was perfumed
٥٥. وَمِن قَبلُ ما كانَت تَقَلقَلُ خيفَةً
وَتَرقُبُ في الأَيّامِ وَهصَةَ كاسِرِ
56. With the scent of Ka'b and 'Amir
And when an opportunity slipped from the grasp of polytheism
٥٦. إِذا عَبَّقَت أَخلاقُهُ أَرَجَ العُلى
تَضَوَّعَ في الحَيَّينِ كَعبٍ وَعامِرٍ
57. He took advantage of it while the religion had sharp claws
He would perfect it even if the descendants of the Prophet established it
٥٧. وَلَمّا اِنجَلَت مِن حَوزَةِ الشِركِ فُرصَةٌ
تَقَنَّصَها وَالدينُ دامي الأَظافِرِ
58. But they could not bear to pact with the treacherous
They did not exert any effort in its collection
٥٨. تَدارَكَها وَالرُمحُ يَركَبُ رَأسَهُ
فَيَرعَفُ مِن قَطرِ الدِماءِ القَواطِرِ
59. Nor have they tied a knot without the omen of a bird
Yet they filled the palms while the family (of the prophet)
٥٩. بِطَعنٍ كَوَلغِ الذِئبِ إِن زَعزَعَ القَنا
سَقاها شَآبيبَ الدِماءِ المَوائِرِ
60. Could not fill the sights of onlookers from it
They then evaluated it with the jewels of enmity after
٦٠. أَفاضَ عَلى عَدنانَ فَضلَ وَقارِهِ
وَقَد مَسَّها طَيشُ السِهامِ الغَوائِرِ
61. They deemed it invaluable when it was not flying (high)
I bear witness that his sword carried out the caliphate
٦١. فَبَوَّأَ أَوفاهُم يَداً قُلَّةَ العُلى
وَمَدَّ بِأَضباعِ الرِجالِ البَحاتِرِ
62. To the side of the firmly rooted religion flourishing
It separates what is between the wine cups and their drinking
٦٢. إِذا جَنَبوهُ لِلرِهانِ أَتوا بِهِ
جَواداً يُفَدّى شاؤُهُ بِاليَعافِرِ
63. And unites what is between the faces and the shining blades
So it raises the chest of the sword if the cup has descended
٦٣. يُغَطّي عَلى أَوضاحِها بِغُبارِهِ
وَيَخرُجُ سَهلاً مِن جُنوبِ الأَواعِرِ
64. And lets blood flow if it does not bless
And it gets up yearning towards the scream of the spear
٦٤. إِذا ذَكَروهُ لِلخِلافَةِ لَم تَزَل
تَطَلَّعُ مِن شَوقٍ رِقابُ المَنابِرِ
65. Deeming the slicing of the sword as pure
A grandeur if an insolent group attacked it
٦٥. لَعَلَّ زَماناً يَرتَقي دَرَجاتِها
بِأَروَعَ مِن آلِ النَبِيِّ عُراعِرِ
66. So it crackled at their prestige with shattering
And when the passions of 'Aylan went unrestrained in their love of corruption
٦٦. وَمَن لي بِيَومٍ أَبطَحِيٍّ سُرورُهُ
يُجَوِّلُ ما بَينَ الصَفا وَالمَشاعِرِ
67. He threw at them a revelation from God with sorcery
He threw at them with a long spear, with an edge
٦٧. فَها إِنَّ طَوقَ المُلكِ في عُنقِ ماجِدٍ
وَإِنَّ حُسامَ الحَقِّ في كَفِّ شاهِرِ
68. And with the sharp blade of the sword that butchers
And he sparked a fire so they deemed its light an illusion
٦٨. وَيارُبَّ قَومٍ ما اِستَعاضوا لِذِلَّةٍ
شَهيقَ العَوالي مِن حَنينِ المَزامِرِ
69. While it was only for guests staying the night
So when doubts about him subsided in their misguidance
٦٩. كُؤوسُهُمُ أَسيافُهُم وَخِضابُها
إِذا جَرَّدوها مِن دِماءِ المَعاصِرِ
70. His blazing fire subsided in the tribes
And had it not been for the promise of safety extended over their heads
٧٠. رَضوا بِخَيالِ المَجدِ والشَخصُ عِندَه
وَما قيمَةُ الأَعراضِ عِندَ الجَواهِرِ
71. Their foreheads would not have enjoyed peace
He sent it raging so that its burning embers
٧١. هُم تَبِعوهُ مُقصِرينَ وَرُبَّما
تَوَسَّدَتِ الأَظلافُ وَقعَ الحَوافِزِ
72. Spark over the flanking camels
Fiery meteors dragging the irons as if
٧٢. إِذا عَدَّدوا المَجدَ التَليدَ تَنَحَّلوا
عُلىً تَتَبَرّى مِن عُقودِ الخَناصِرِ
73. Walking on an overflowing wave of water
Which the heroes with white exhaustion on them ride
٧٣. حَرِيّونَ إِلّا أَن تُهَزَّ رِماحُهُم
ضَنينونَ إِلّا بِالعُلى وَالمَفاخِرِ
74. Whose spears are colored from the blood of the slaughtered
Daring and none who reproach mounts over them
٧٤. هُمُ اِنتَحَلوا إِرثَ النَبِيِّ مُحَمَّدٍ
وَدَبّوا إِلى أَولادِهِ بِالفَواقِرِ
75. Except the domes of those who forgive
So they came to you while the horses were still saddled
٧٥. وَما زالَتِ الشَحناءُ بَينَ ضُلوعِهِم
تُرَبّي الأَماني في حُجورِ الأَعاصِرِ
76. Overburdened from the weight of the heavy spears
They did not mobilize it for thrusting as if
٧٦. إِلى أَن ثَنَوها دَعوَةً أُمَوِيَّةً
زَوَتها عَنِ الإِظهارِ أَيدي المَقادِرِ
77. Its glass spearhead was suspended from the curtains
And the arrows of death passed through them and verily
٧٧. وَلَو أَنَّ مِن آلِ النَبِيِّ مُقيمَها
لَعاجوا عَليهِ بِالعُهودِ الغَوادِرِ
78. The guide to demise is in the straying arrows
You trampled them heavily with the overtaking surge
٧٨. فَما هَرَقوا في جَمعِها رِيَّ عامِلٍ
وَلا قَطَعوا في عَقدِها شِبعَ طائِرِ
79. That humbles the cheek of the humbled
So you disturbed a now tranquil house of theirs
٧٩. وَقَد مَلَأوا مِنها الأَكُفَّ وَأَهلَها
فَما مَلَأوا مِنها لَحاظَ النَواظِرِ
80. And emptied it of all its people and neighbors
You unleashed the raids on it until its soil
٨٠. فَراشوا لَهُم نَبلَ العَداوَةِ بَعدَما
بَرَوها وَكانَت قَبلُ غَيرَ طَوائِرِ
81. Stirs without the hooves of a cavalry horse
And you left every Nizarite girl herding sheep
٨١. شَهِدتُ لَقَد أَدّى الخِلافَةَ سَيفُهُ
إِلى جانِبٍ مِن عَقوَةِ الدينِ عامِرِ
82. Seeking refuge in the shade of the shelters
Crouching in misery in its extensions
٨٢. يُفَرِّقُ ما بَينَ الكُؤوسِ وَشَربِها
وَيَجمَعُ ما بَينَ الطُلى وَالبَواتِرِ
83. And gathering wood as fire in the resting places
And every boy of theirs who drew his sword
٨٣. فَيَرفَعُ صَدرَ السَيفِ إِن حَطَّ كَأسَهُ
وَيَمري دِماءَ الهامِ إِن لَم يُعاقِرِ
84. Saw in it the face of truth sparkling in its polish
And when he mounted a misguided one clothed in armor
٨٤. وَيَنهَضُ مُشتاقاً إِلى مَصرَخِ القَنا
فَيَحسَبُ بُردي فاسِقِ السَيفِ طاهِرِ
85. He regretted exposing the backs of the insights
His loftiness felt uncomfortable in the knots of glory
٨٥. مُعَظَّمُ حَيٍّ ما رَمَتهُ هَجيرَةٌ
فَقَعقَعَ في أَعراضِها بِالهَواجِرِ
86. And his sides did not adhere to grand achievements
And had the promise of safety not wiped their heads
٨٦. وَلَمّا طَغَت عَيلانُ في عِشقِ غَيِّها
رَماها مِنَ الكَيدِ الوَحيِّ بِساحِرِ
87. Their anxieties would not have been calmed with reassurance
Their hearts split until whatever it concealed
٨٧. رَماهُم مِنَ الرُمحِ الطَويلِ بِحالِبٍ
وَمِن شَفرَةِ العَضبِ الحُسامِ بِجازِرِ
88. Was exposed of the daughters of private thoughts
O Abul-Ahmad, rely on loftiness for it surely
٨٨. وَأَضرَمَ ناراً فَاِستَرابوا بِضَوئِها
وَما هِيَ إِلّا لِلضُيوفِ السَوائِرِ
89. If not maintained with stinginess, will not betray
For your hoarded wealth is not but for one who seeks it
٨٩. فَلَمّا تَراخَت في الضَلالِ ظُنونُهُم
تَراخى فَطارَت نارُهُ في العَشائِرِ
90. And your inhabited land is not but for a visitor
And do not request quenching from the spears, for surely
٩٠. وَلَمّا أَروهُ نَفرَةَ العارِ خافَها
وَلو نَفَرَت أَرماحُهُم لَم تُحاذِرِ
91. The blood of loftiness is in the necks of the arrogant
You removed the irritation from my eyelids so they commenced
٩١. فَأَرسَلَها شَعواءَ تَقدَحُ نارَها
عَلى جَنَباتِ الأَمعَزِ المُتَزاوِرِ
92. Rewarding your deed with the gazes of a grateful one
So if one day the branch of your kingdom shakes from a jealous one
٩٢. شَماطيطَ يُجرونَ الحَديدَ كَأَنَّما
مَشَينَ عَلى مَوجٍ مِنَ اليَمِّ زاخِرِ
93. Then loftiness has firm bonds
It is smooth wood for leniency while its branches
٩٣. عَليها مِنَ البيضِ العَوارِضِ فِتيَةٌ
خِضابٌ قَناّها مِن دِماءِ المَناحِرِ
94. Are firm on the enemies with hardened stems
It withheld from the days all events
٩٤. مَفارِقُ لا يَعلو عَلَيها مُطاوِلٌ
غَداةَ وَغىً إِلا قِباُبَ المَغافِرِ
95. And protected the side of religion from every dissuader
And restrained the mouths of the beast until I thought it
٩٥. فَجاؤُوكَ وَالخَيلُ العِتاقُ طَلائِحٌ
تَضاءَلُ مِن عِبءِ الرِماحِ العَواثِرِ
96. Will echo with a ringing in the mouths of warriors
And it continues to ascend in the heights as if they
٩٦. وَما حَرَّكوها لِلطِعانِ كَأَنَّما
زِجاجُ قَناها عُلِّقَت بِالأَشاعِرِ
97. Pull him to them with the shining stars
For him are the early arrivals in every first
٩٧. وَجارَت سِهامُ المَوتِ فيهِم وَإِنَّما
دَليلُ المَنايا في السِهامِ الجَوائِرِ
98. That passed and the remaining separation in every last
He ascended above the description of any praiser
٩٨. وَطَأتَهُمُ بِاللاّحِقِيّاتِ وَطأَةً
تُذَلِّلُ خَدَّ الجانِبِ المُتَصاغِرِ
99. And I raised above praising kings my deepest thoughts
So he is not, if not for what I say to a listening one
٩٩. فَأَزعَجتَ داراً مِنهُمُ مُطمَئِنَّةً
وَأَخلَيتَها مِن كُلِّ عافٍ وَسامِرِ
100. And nor am I, if not for what he wishes for a poet
١٠٠. شَنَنتَ بِها الغاراتِ حَتّى تُرابُها
يَثورُ عَلى العاداتِ مِن غَيرِ حافِرِ
١٠١. وَكُلُّ فَتاةٍ مِن نِزارٍ تَرَكتَها
تَريعُ إِلى ظِلِّ الرُبوعِ الدَواثِرِ
١٠٢. تُحَشَّشُ في أَذيالِها مُستَكينَةً
وَتَحطِبُ ذُلّاً في حِبالِ الغَدائِرِ
١٠٣. وَكُلُّ غُلامٍ مِنهُمُ شامَ سَيفَهُ
رَأى فيهِ وَجهَ الحَقِّ طَلقَ المَناظِرِ
١٠٤. وَلَمّا اِمتَطى ظَهراً مِنَ الغَيِّ كاسِياً
تَنَدَّمَ أَن أَعرى ظُهورَ البَصائِرِ
١٠٥. جَفَتهُ العُلى فَاِنسَلَّ مِن عُقُداتِها
وَما عَلِقَت أَعطافُهُ بِالمَآثِرِ
١٠٦. وَلَو لَم تُمَسَّحِ بِالأَمانِ رُؤوسُهُم
لَما أَنِسَت هاماتُهُم بِالغَفائِرِ
١٠٧. تَفَرَّت قُلوبُ القَومِ حَتّى تَهَتَّكَت
بِما اِستَتَرَت فيهِ بَناتُ السَرائِرِ
١٠٨. أَبا أَحمَدٍ ثِق بِالمَعالي فَإِنَّها
إِذا لَم تُرَع بِالبُخلِ غَيرُ غَوادِرِ
١٠٩. فَما مالُكَ المَدخورُ إِلا لِطالِبٍ
وَلا رَبعُكَ المَعمورُ إِلّا لِزائِرِ
١١٠. وَلا تَطلُبا ثارَ الرِماحِ وَإِنَّما
دِماءُ المَعالي في رِقابِ الجرائِرِ
١١١. جَلَوتَ القَذى عَن مُقلَتَيَّ فَباشَرَت
صَنيعَكَ أَجفاني بِأَلحاظِ شاكِرِ
١١٢. فَإِن هَزَّ يَوماً فَرعَ مُلكِكَ حاسِدٌ
فَإِنَّ المَعالي مُحكَماتُ الأَواصِرِ
١١٣. هُوَ العودُ سَهلٌ لِلسَماحِ جَناتُهُ
وَلَكِن عَلى الأَعداءِ وَعرُ المَكاسِرِ
١١٤. أَذَمَّ عَلى الأَيّامِ مِن كُلِّ حادِثٍ
وَحاطَ جَنابَ الدينِ مِن كُلِّ ذاعِرِ
١١٥. وَضَمَّ شِفاهَ الوَحشِ حَتّى ظَنَنتُهُ
سَيَصدى صِقالاً في نُيوبِ القَساوِرِ
١١٦. وَما زالَ يَسمو بِالمعالي كَأَنَّها
تَجُرُّ إِلَيهِ بِالنُجومِ الزَواهِرِ
١١٧. لَهُ سابِقاتُ القَبلِ في كُلِّ أَوَّلٍ
مَضى وَبَقاءُ البُعدِ في كُلِّ آخِرِ
١١٨. تَرَفَّعَ في العَلياءِ عَن وَصفِ مادِحٍ
وَرَفَّعتُ عَن مَدحِ المُلوكِ خَواطِري
١١٩. فَما هُوَ لَولا ما أَقولُ بِسامِعٍ
وَلا أَنا لَولا ما يَمُنُّ بِشاعِرِ