1. You have a roaming pen when there is no educated person roaming, and no angry person fears its consequences. It is all the same whether you have covered it in flaws out of fear, or someone with self-destructive tendencies whose restraint has been covered in blood. Its tongue twists noise from the pulpits but its hearings do not convey what it says. And it speaks of secrets until you would think it harbored them, yet its insides that divulge are vacant. When a dark matter arises below it and it is white, it blackens while its prospects whitened upon it.
١. لَكَ القَلَمُ الجَوّالُ إِذ لا مُثَقَّفٌ
يَجولُ وَلا عَضبٌ تُهابُ مَواقِعُه
٢. سَواءٌ إِذا غَشَّيتَهُ النَقسَ رَهبَةً
وَذو لَهذَمٍ غُشّي مِنَ الدَمِّ رادِعُه
٣. لَجلِجُ مِن فَوقِ الطُروسِ لِسانُهُ
وَلَيسَ يُؤَدّي ما تَقولُ مَسامِعُه
٤. وَيَنطِقُ بِالأَسرارِ حَتّى تَظُنُّهُ
حَواها وَصِفرٌ مِن ضَميرٍ أَضالِعُه
٥. إِذا اِسوَدَّ خَطبٌ دونَهُ وَهوَ أَبيَضٌ
يُسَوِّدُ وَاِبيَضَّت عَلَيهِ مَطالِعُه