
My heart has changed from what you knew

تغير القلب عما كنت تعرفه

1. My heart has changed from what you knew
The days of my heart have passed from you

١. تَغَيَّرَ القَلبُ عَمّا كُنتُ تَعرِفُهُ
أَيّامَ قَلبِيَ دارَت مِنكَ مِحلالُ

2. And affection has turned its back between me and you
For friendships come and go

٢. وَأَدبَرَ الوُدُّ ما بَيني وَبَينَكُمُ
وَلِلمَوَدّاتِ إِدبارٌ وَإِقبالُ

3. I was no youth, so I have no substitute among people
And if I asked, then all people are substitutes

٣. ما كُنتُ صَبّاً فَما في الناسِ لي بَدَلٌ
وَإِن سَلَوتُ فَكُلُّ الناسِ أَبدالُ