1. I seek refuge for you from blame after praise
So seek refuge for me from fighting after peace
١. أُعيذُكَ مِن هِجاءٍ بَعدَ مَدحِ
فَعُذني مِن قِتالٍ بَعدَ صُلحِ
2. I gave you all my poems, but when
You won them, I gained no reward
٢. مَنَحتُكَ جُلَّ أَشعاري فَلَمّا
ظَفِرتَ بِهِنَّ لَم أَظفَر بِمَنحِ
3. Like tinder I hoped it would help kindle
The light, but my flint failed
٣. كَبا زَنَدي بِحَيثُ رَجَوتُ مِنهُ
مُساعَدَةَ الضِياءِ فَخابَ قِدحي
4. You were my ally but you broke my sword
You were my aide but you shattered my lance
٤. وَكُنتَ مُضافِري فَثَلَمتَ سَيفي
وَكُنتَ مُعاضِدي فَقَصَفتَ رُمحي
5. I was protected but my house was disgraced
By your entrance, a gaping breach after opening
٥. وَكُنتُ مُمَنَّعاً فَأَذَلَّ داري
دُخولُكَ ذُلَّ ثَغرٍ بَعدَ فَتحِ
6. O lion I called on to protect me
From harm but he ravaged my fold
٦. فَيا لَيثاً دَعَوتُ بِهِ لِيَحمي
حِمايَ مِنَ العِدى فَاِجتاحَ سَرحي
7. O doctor I hoped would heal my body
With his hands but increased my wounds
٧. وَيا طِبّاً رَجَوتُ صَلاحَ جِسمي
بِكَفَّيهِ فَزادَ بَلاءَ جُرحي
8. O moon I hoped to travel by its light
But darkness veiled it from me with its wings
٨. وَيا قَمَراً رَجَوتُ السَيرَ فيهِ
فَلَثَّمَهُ الدُجى عَني بِجِنحِ
9. I will fling my resolve into the mouth of the night
And spur on the stallion across the salty ground
٩. سَأَرمي العَزمَ في ثَغرِ الدَياجي
وَأَحدو العيسَ في سَلَمٍ وَطَلحِ
10. For a man of refined nature, gentle
Generosity with graceful giving, open-handed
١٠. لِبَشَرٍ مُصَفَّقِ الأَخلاقِ عَذبٍ
وَجودٍ مُهَذَّبِ النَشَواتِ سَمحِ
11. Dignified, not taken lightly by the nights
Or fooled from seriousness into joking
١١. وَقورٍ ما اِستَخَفَّتهُ اللَيالي
وَلا خَدَعَتهُ عَن جِدٍ بِمَزحِ
12. When the night of trials stretches out a hand
He straightens it with his resolve by morning
١٢. إِذا لَيلُ النَوائِبِ مَدَّ باعاً
ثَناهُ عَن عَزيمَتِهِ بِصُبحِ
13. And if questioning runs to his help
He follows its path with success
١٣. وَإِن رَكَضَ السُؤالُ إِلى نَداهُ
تَتَبَّعَ إِثرَ وَطأَتِهِ بِنُجحِ
14. And I turn my thoughts from all who forebode
Evil upon consciences after every comfort
١٤. وَأَصرِفُ هِمَّتي عَن كُلِّ نِكسٍ
أَمَلَّ عَلى الضَمائِرِ كُلَّ بَرحِ
15. He threatens me with ugliness after beauty
And I have seen none but ugliness after ugliness
١٥. يُهَدِّدُني بِقُبحٍ بَعدَ حُسنٍ
وَلَم أَرَ غَيرَ قُبحٍ بَعدَ قُبحِ